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Everything posted by shrader

  1. So if their channel numbers are changing, will they change their names? Yeah, the numbers are really more symbolic at this point (except for those non-cable/dish people), but now they seem to be even more meaningless.
  2. Speaking of the whole grandmother thing. I love how each story mentions that she is a great-grandmother. Is that really necessary? Should people have a different reaction if she had no relatives?
  3. "I'm going to go crying to the media. Oh wait, they had a camera? Time to disappear." What a joke. I hope they follow through on the charges on this woman if for nothing else than the smear campaign she tried to launch. The cop was completely justified. Sure, he probably could've subdued her without the tazer, but that was by far the safest option. Any type of physical confrontation could easily lead to either of them stumbling backwards into traffic. Even if that doesn't happen, any type of struggle could easily lead to some broken bones for a woman that age. Yeah, a fall from the tazing could do the same thing, but coupled with the risk of traffic, that was the right way to go. Oh, and then there's that minor detail that he warned her multiple times.
  4. Maybe she really likes hockey, payroll processing services, and attempted take overs of state governments.
  5. Obviously it's not Golisano money, but she had to have built up a nice little sum of cash during her playing days.
  6. I would've thought that Seles was older than 35, but then again, I completely forgot that those tennis girls go pro at age 6.
  7. Great news. I hope they pair it full time with South Park.
  8. I would think that a health scare like you mentioned would be the big one that inspires the so-called lazy ones to finally start going to a gym. I never fell into that category, but I knew I wasn't active enough, so I started going. Discounted rates through work helped too. One thing that definitely worked for me was finding a place either close to work or on the way home from work. Since it's on the way, it has become a part of my every day routine. If I was trying to go to a place close to home, I'm sure there would be plenty of days where I would say "screw it" and just head home instead.
  9. Who really needs their liver? There's nothing wrong with a good yellow glow.
  10. It seems like the rosters in pro sports turn over almost as fast today. The days of getting to know players are a thing of the past.
  11. UB athletics were basically non-existant up until now. Rabid support from a fan base doesn't just appear over night. They're going to have to continue to build on this success for that kind of local support to show up. Your Syracuse doesn't really translate here since there are no major professional programs in that area. Some people may be Buffalo fans and others will be NYC fans, but SU is the one thing that is actually theirs. Then there is also the history of their program.
  12. Actually, the only time I ever respond to them is if they actually walk upstairs and ask. Any time they call, we never answer our phones. Show a little spine and deal with these things face to face and maybe you'll get somewhere. But then again, if they walk upstairs, they'll realize that there is no noise actually coming out of the apartment. We can't have that. It's more of an attempt to push around as opposed to actually being pushed around. The fact that they now have my phone number is what really annoys me. Maybe I'll start complaining to them about the noise my phone makes when they call it.
  13. It's a 4 floor, 8 unit building. I'm on the 3rd floor. They're a 50-something oouple living in the middle of a college town. They don't rent to students in this building, but it's still a very young building. There's another older couple (nicest people in the world) on the first floor, but after them, I'd guess that at 27 I'm the next oldest. It really does make you wonder why you'd want to live in an area where you're over twice the average age. If you're looking for peace and quiet, living directly between two very large colleges is not the way to go.
  14. I'm more curious than anything. I'll be asking the landlord to never do that again though. She seems very reasonable, so I'm surprised she would give the number away like that. It was probably the same constant borderline harassment from the neighbors that we get. Oh well, time to start carving the ultimate shiv out of this old wooden hockey stick that I never use.
  15. For the past three years I've had these ridiculously annoying neighbors downstairs who complain about everything. All they do is complain about noise. The day I moved in, evidentally I was too loud when I put my bed together. I can't walk around after 8PM without them complaining. They've complained about "loud music" an hour after I went to sleep (roommated called it a night at around the same time). They have even phoned in noise complaints two separate times where both of us were out of town. Well anyway, they always call my roommate since they have his phone number. One day they asked for mine, but I told them I didn't have a cell phone. They're so unreasonable and I didn't want to have to deal with these constant phone calls. Well today at around 6 I get a random call while watching tv. It's the neighbors saying my tv is too loud. So how exactly did they get my number? The roommate wouldn't give it away, so that leaves only one other possiblity, they got it from the landlord. Is that legal? Can a landlord just give my phone number away to anyone who asks? It seems like a serious invasion of privacy. And just to be clear, I'm about the last person who would ever be getting noise complaints. We never have parties here. I don't even own a stereo. These people seem like the types who need to have total control over everything.
  16. For tv, how could I forget Megatron?
  17. I mentioned tv villains but I really can't think of all that many memorable ones. It may be a bit crazy, but the most memorable tv villain I can think of is Dan Marino.
  18. I watched a couple movies I grew up on today and it got me thinking. Who are your favorite villains? Some of the classic (and obvious) one's that pop up for me would be people like Vader, the Joker, and Lex Luthor. My favorite though? Two words keep coming to mind: Stay Puft
  19. It sucks and all, but is this really the kind of thing you need to to crying to the media about? Poor service at Burger King. STOP THE PRESSES!
  20. False reports? That stuff seems to happen all the time with today's media.
  21. It seems so wrong that Alice in Chains is putting out a new CD this year. I don't know a thing about William DuVall, but it just isn't right. Still though, we've got new Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains in september. What year is it again?
  22. Wouldn't someone have claimed it by now? There's little sense in an attack if no one knows where it came from. And why would they be all that interested in a Brazil-France flight?
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