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Everything posted by shrader

  1. The article gave the specs for the glass.
  2. How did they do last year with him? 8 points away from worst in the league. If you want to go looking for an answer to the problems on the island, look no further than Wang. Nolan was there for two years and he got an 8 seed and then was near rock bottom the next. That's not exactly the great turnaround you're trying to paint it as.
  3. I've got no problem with it though.
  4. "I better not run Miller or else I'll have to tire myself out pummeling Montador."
  5. And an even bigger one, parents didn't yet sue over every little scrape or cut.
  6. So that older generation in the 60s would probably be products of WWI, the depression, or WWII, right? I wonder what the current generation's future major world event will be.
  7. Anyone that fits that mold will be a first year pro this year (and maybe Gragnani). The mobile, puck moving defensemen usually take longer to develop, so those guys aren't ready. At least Sekera's got some years under his belt. Just look how long it too Campbell to develop. Nothing would be gained by rushing a Brennan or Scheistel. It's really not a major issue though. No one is going to try to poach Sekera.
  8. Last July was so much better. Anyway, this month doesn't look very appealing. Public Enemies is the only one I might go to a theater for. How have they put out 6 Harry Potter movies already. Those kids must be 40 by now. I can't remember any other series mass producing sequels except the ridiculous Saw series.
  9. I also like how all that racist stuff came out last weekend, right as there were reviews out there stating that all the robots look the same.
  10. I can't remember seeing a movie that managed to both entertain and suck at the same time. It was pretty much what I expected. While they did tone down the human stuff a lot, it was still incredibly annoying. I really wish they didn't have to go for the comic relief, but I can understand why they'd put it in there. So if they need it, just leave it with the humans and don't use the Twins, Jetfire, and Wheelie for the same purpose. Why exactly did they add Arcee and Sideswipe to this movie? They went completely unnoticed and had maybe one line each. Really, did any Autobot other than Prime and the twins get more than one line? I think Ironhide had two. I like that they actually used the Megatron-Starscream relationship in this one. John Turturro was great. If they could have somehow had him be the only human in the movie (well, Megan Fox too), I would've been very happy. I love how they're so unoriginal that they can't even give Glen Morshower a different name. If they're going to be that lame with the naming, couldn't they at least call him General Pierce? How did he survive the first one anyway? Oh yeah, he's Aaron F'n Pierce. SPOILERS COMING UP: I thought the movie really dragged on in the time between Prime's death and the final battle. If they had trimmed that down I would've been happy with the movie.
  11. Is it fair to call out Ruben for being one of the most overrated players of the past decade due to his 9 pro bowls? 4 of those weren't even in the past decade. Mention some of the later ones, fine, but how can you factor the 90s into this list?
  12. When was the last 3-way trade in the NFL, Dickerson?
  13. I would've gone with this: Link
  14. I'll be checking this out this weekend. Until then, I just picked up season 1 on DVD. It's funny how many little mistakes in the animation I've noticed so far, but it's still awesome.
  15. I love how one of the people they interviewed didn't even see the movie. Convincing. They also seemed to quickly gloss over the fact that one of the voice actors was white.
  16. I'm surprised the credits didn't get them an NC17 rating.
  17. Wear a condom?
  18. At least we can all learn something from this. Load your wife up with fertility drugs and have a multiple birth so you can be paid a ton of money for a tv show. Just be sure you don't have some crappy number like 5. People want to see at least 6 babies.
  19. I find myself asking that same exact question just about any time any kind of "celebrity" news comes up.
  20. And you never washed it again.
  21. I'm sure they have some very detailed charts of those greens that would be easy enough to keep track of where any markers might be.
  22. I can't see any possible problems that would arrise from handing out passwords.
  23. I see it all the time. People get in the elevator in my building at the 6th floor and then get really angry when it goes up to the 9th floor and not the lobby. They're too dumb to realize that they actually have to hit a button. I wish the building wasn't so busy so that I could see how long these people would stand in a non-moving elevator before they noticed a problem. I would gladly get into one of these elevators just to see how it would play out.
  24. Anything on the jerseys would be way too small and not seen enough. We're far more likely to see all kinds of new ads added into tv broadcasts. The absolutely ridiculous yellow first down line being sponsored by certain companies is just the tip of the iceberg.
  25. I'd love to see what would happen if someone were to "accidentally" cause some sort of bug infestation in a couple PITA members' homes.
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