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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Yeah, but they consider a BMI of 23 to be overweight over there. Just try to imagine that here. They've got a long way to go and when they get there, we'll probably have 500lb americans everywhere. Ahhhh, the things that keep me employed.
  2. The extra weight in those other countries doesn't even bring those people to the overweight category though. Here it probably brings someone up to NFL lineman weights. I'm guessing that wouldn't get be viewed as much of a sign of success and wealth over there. I'm sure it was good for the girl from Thailand to gain that weight while here, but it says a lot about the US that she put on that much so quickly.
  3. They have to put the cutoff somewhere. There's always going to be the chance, but with everything you listed, yeah, you don't have too much to be concerned about. It's that obese group where the numbers really start to take off. But hey, I have seen some research that suggest being in that overweight group is actually protective for certain conditions, as opposed to being in the normal weight group. I just wish I could remember what the conditions were. Oh, and if you're actually curious about some of those risk figures based on actual numbers and not just the BMI categories, I can point you in the right direction.
  4. I just went with the first example I could think of where someone is a completely different person during their "day job" than they are in real life. To say that Tiger has no class in life based on what he does on the course is absurd. Now I don't know how Tiger is off the course, but I doubt that he's the puppy kicker that guy wants to think he is.
  5. Here's an interesting one: http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/07/2...fire/index.html
  6. Saying someone has no class in life based on his actions on the golf course? Taking it a bit far, don't you think? Rob Ray made a living beating the crap out of people, but look at all the great things he did around this area. I hope that guy never watched him play hockey or else he'd say the same thing about Ray.
  7. Those silly BMI definitions are backed up by quite a bit of research.
  8. I hope he wins at least one more. Yeah, in the big picture, a major's a major, but I'm sure he'd like to be remembered for more than just being the guy who beat Watson.
  9. That playoff was really painful to watch. What a horrible end to what was one hell of a weekend.
  10. They'll work something out. They did it with the Simpsons voice actors and they'll do it here.
  11. It's a shame he missed that eagle on 17. He's going to need as much of a lead as possible with Goosen right behind him. I really hope he can hold on. The open has had some good stories going over the last two years.
  12. That would be great. I wonder who is sitting there filming that though.
  13. Suspend him. That way he doesn't get paid AND he doesn't get his wish to play for another team.
  14. Cincy fans will be wondering why suddenly their cell phones don't work inside the stadium anymore.
  15. Almost every school has it in some form or another. It's hilarious out here in Boston since there are about 85 schools all jammed within one city block.
  16. Ahhh, the good old college inferiority complex.
  17. Maybe she used to insult all the other juggies non-stop. Maybe Jimmy shares in TO's pain.
  18. I'm sure the flood of people brought in a good amount of money to the city, but it's still an absolute joke.
  19. Whether or not there is gun shot residue on her hand.
  20. Drury was a supporting guy in his entire time before Buffalo. He rode on the coattails of hall of famers in Colorado and then Iginla in his one year in Calgary. Quite honestly, I look at his production during those years and it reminds me a lot of a guy like Kotalik post-lockout.
  21. Just out of curiousity, which marquee player do you think would've bit a good move? Also, I'd say that Drury and Briere were never marquee players. They were good players made better by the system and the players around them. Look at everything they've done, or better yet, haven't done since leaving. If we're going to look at what they've done in the past, that's what they need to do. They need to bring in some of these mid-level guys through trade again and make them better than they are.
  22. Their logic would also make Lynch guilty of attempted murder.
  23. Montreal had essentially no one under contract. They had no choice.
  24. I'll never understand why people continue to say stuff like this. They're now 1 day into the offseason and it's already time to write off the next 3 months? Go take a look around the league and you'll see plenty of teams who did nothing at all yesterday. I guess we have to write all of them off too.
  25. The 2nd tier talent they brought in back in 2005, Teppo and Lydman worked out just fine. Those kind of trades really don't take all that much to pull off, usually just mid-round draft picks.
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