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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I've been thinking about this one recently too. I like to stay away from players everyone is buying and QBs (they always flop if I have their jersey). I have no clue where to go with this one.
  2. Unfortunately, that's the only way things ever get done. There's always going to be the idiot skeptic who questions it. That idiot will still be speaking even after this.
  3. I still can't tell if it's a butchering of seen or the inability to add the " 've" and the end of I.
  4. Was TO wearing a Maple Leafs hat at Niagara Falls?
  5. Is that use of axe really that widespread? I'm exposed to horrible english daily on my subway ride to and from work, but I don't really hear that one very often. The one that drives me crazy more than anything else (well, other than people who use "like" or drop f-bombs every other word) is the butchering of "seen".
  6. So if they just fly off and disappear, how can they say that affected bees have certain pathogens in them? Do they just test any bees from the colony that stick around? Anyway, it's almost looks like a case where the bees get fed up and say "screw it, I'm out of here". It would be kind of funny (obviously not for the bee keepers) if that was the case, or even possible.
  7. I don't know why, but even though I really can't relate to the problem, threads like this one are always very interesting.
  8. I just wonder how much these guys really miss if they miss a couple days of camp. It may have meant more in the past, but now with all the minicamps, these guys have learned a good amount already. Are they given access to all off-field stuff too? Sure, the extra couple can't hurt, but as long as we're not talking about something like Jamarcus Russell a few years back, they really can't be missing out on all that much.
  9. I'll believe it when I see a link. Just kidding.
  10. There are always going to be some people in better condition than others, but the numbers show a higher risk in those 25-30 and >30 groups. The key word is risk. Falling in one group or another doesn't guarantee anything. More people will develop problems, but not every single person.
  11. Yeah, but they consider a BMI of 23 to be overweight over there. Just try to imagine that here. They've got a long way to go and when they get there, we'll probably have 500lb americans everywhere. Ahhhh, the things that keep me employed.
  12. The extra weight in those other countries doesn't even bring those people to the overweight category though. Here it probably brings someone up to NFL lineman weights. I'm guessing that wouldn't get be viewed as much of a sign of success and wealth over there. I'm sure it was good for the girl from Thailand to gain that weight while here, but it says a lot about the US that she put on that much so quickly.
  13. They have to put the cutoff somewhere. There's always going to be the chance, but with everything you listed, yeah, you don't have too much to be concerned about. It's that obese group where the numbers really start to take off. But hey, I have seen some research that suggest being in that overweight group is actually protective for certain conditions, as opposed to being in the normal weight group. I just wish I could remember what the conditions were. Oh, and if you're actually curious about some of those risk figures based on actual numbers and not just the BMI categories, I can point you in the right direction.
  14. I just went with the first example I could think of where someone is a completely different person during their "day job" than they are in real life. To say that Tiger has no class in life based on what he does on the course is absurd. Now I don't know how Tiger is off the course, but I doubt that he's the puppy kicker that guy wants to think he is.
  15. Here's an interesting one: http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/07/2...fire/index.html
  16. Saying someone has no class in life based on his actions on the golf course? Taking it a bit far, don't you think? Rob Ray made a living beating the crap out of people, but look at all the great things he did around this area. I hope that guy never watched him play hockey or else he'd say the same thing about Ray.
  17. Those silly BMI definitions are backed up by quite a bit of research.
  18. I hope he wins at least one more. Yeah, in the big picture, a major's a major, but I'm sure he'd like to be remembered for more than just being the guy who beat Watson.
  19. That playoff was really painful to watch. What a horrible end to what was one hell of a weekend.
  20. They'll work something out. They did it with the Simpsons voice actors and they'll do it here.
  21. It's a shame he missed that eagle on 17. He's going to need as much of a lead as possible with Goosen right behind him. I really hope he can hold on. The open has had some good stories going over the last two years.
  22. That would be great. I wonder who is sitting there filming that though.
  23. Suspend him. That way he doesn't get paid AND he doesn't get his wish to play for another team.
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