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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'm so used to saying "you too" to the "have a nice day" I get when I leave a store. I usually end up saying it even when the cashier's last words are something like "thank you". Then as I'm walking out I realize that my response made absolutely no sense. Anyway, things I don't see anymore: subway tokens people using payphones people holding doors for others (very rare)
  2. Well, just look how many people in here have been claiming that most people are lazy.
  3. I'm completely sold on that idea too. This whole thing was pre-arranged from day 1.
  4. It goes well beyond a mindset. It's a social and societal issue. Sure, it can be fixed eventually (hopefully), but it's not something that will go away over night.
  5. I'd point people towards a long list of journal articles, but they'll just brush them off as random research.
  6. Yeah, there is affordable food out there of almost every type, but as a whole, the cheaper stuff tends towards the unhealthy side. At that point, it's a simple numbers game, in the long term, the cheapest stuff will be purchased more often. Another thing that has been ignored in this thread is that a lot of the healthy foods mentioned are stuff that doesn't have too long of a shelf life. These fruits and vegetables are going to spoil a lot quicker than that bag of chips. Yes, there are ways around this, but it definitely factors in, especially when we're talking about the money issues.
  7. If you look around, you'll find a nearly endless list of studies that will say the same exact thing that Fez's link does. The failed assumption that you're working under here is that the typical american is smart and knows all of this. They're not. Most of them are idiots.
  8. And what about the major problem of youth obesity in this country? They don't have any say in the matter.
  9. You have to think that this deal was in place before camp ever started. It really makes me wonder how aware of it Rosenfels and Jackson were.
  10. It has nothing to do with the topic really, but he has made every player's paycheck a little bit larger. They should love him.
  11. I realize that this is a big IF and that we have a lot of hope in these guys, but man, this quote terrifies me.
  12. His score got a little higher each round. I really wasn't surprised when I found out that he lost.
  13. The Drury-Grier thing is a bit over-exaggerated. They were never as close as most would like to think.
  14. That rumor makes absolutely zero sense for the Sabres. Sure, it would bring in Heatley, but this team is short on centers already. They make that one and Connolly is the only top end center left on the team. The risk there is through the roof. Kassian is at best two years away. He will never play with Grier. Myers more than likely won't either.
  15. The rumor where Buffalo would throw in some extra pieces so that Heatley could go to San Jose? That one never seemed all that realistic to me. I can't see the Sabres having any interest in the salaries San Jose would have to drop to make that happen.
  16. Looking at the article posted below, those comments definitely weren't slams at management as he left. They've been exaggerated over the years. Nothing new there. This team desperately needs a shut down line and hopefully this will help out in that department. Any combination of Grier-Gaustad-Hecht-Paille seems a hell of a lot better than anything they were throwing out there last year.
  17. So this is a bit of a stretch, but I'll throw this possibility out there. Tipping is not required, so if they gave him the money and he refused to give their $1.20 in change after they asked for it, he was technically stealing from them, right?
  18. If he threw punches, sure. I'd rather hear a bit more of the story as opposed to the initial lynch mob mentality that came out in day one.
  19. The idea that he left on bad terms always seem overblown to me. The story that the Sabres offered the same money to Grier always seemed like a face-saving move by Buffalo to me.
  20. I mention the salary because I can't see how a jury would ever buy it, especially since he wasn't the one with the money (unless there's other money I haven't seen mentioned anywhere). As for the assault, I don't have a clue.
  21. I'm not sure where the mugging thing comes from. Even the driver's story makes it clear that this isn't what happened. The only actual mentioning of money was the torn $5 bill they found on the cousin, so how exactly does that implicate Pat Kane, an accomplice? I can't see that charge ever standing, especially when we're talking about $5 and a professional athlete with an $850K plus incentives salary. Assualt? Fine, but mugging is more than a stretch.
  22. He's "famous" and he may have punched a guy. I say crucify him.
  23. Nice assumption there. Personally, I don't trust them. I've seen cabbies demand a larger tip when the fare came out to 6 and change and I gave them a 10. Most of them, from my experience, are money gougers. Obviously that doesn't excuse the actions of the Kanes, but I think it's pretty clear that the story was exaggerated a bit. They always are.
  24. Not that it changes anything, but I guarantee that the cabbie made that part up. They paid him and then he didn't offer them any change at all (yeah, that whole extra dollar, big deal), then it got ugly. Those cabbies just assume they're keepign the money the second you hand it to them. He created that little detail about the 20 cents so they'd look even worse than they already do.
  25. Yeah, I'm not even sure how many changes they've made over the years, but the removable plates was the best improvement they could've made. It's such a simple idea, but the guy who thought it up better have received a ton of money for it.
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