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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Does he and the family have to pick up any remaining medical charges as opposed to the government/jail picking them up? That could be considered a form of punishment. Yeah, it's still not equal to the crime (what is?), but it's something.
  2. Maybe he tried to rip the bill into the exact proportions that would give the driver his $3.80 and the Kanes would get back their $1.20. You do realize that you've benn "just plain making crap up" throughout this thread as well, right? The whole thing about accidentally setting the locks the wrong way? (may have been sabrespace, I'm too lazy to read back)
  3. Now I don't know the posters around here as well as some others do, but this is really coming across to me as a "well since you're going to accept one extreme as what really happened, I'm going to assume the opposite extreme just to prove a point" type attitude.
  4. See, that's the problem here. I haven't seen one person here who is saying the Kane's did nothing wrong. People like you in the crucify Kane camp have treated the whole thing as black and white, with the cabbie's word being gospel. Anyone who has posted against that have been treated the issue like it was shades of gray. Both sides screwed up and made mistakes and I know that I personally have never said a word that would indicate that Kane is guilt free on the whole thing. I just mention college kids since that's the exact age that Kane is. And many of these stories are far worse than this incident. But since this was the only one made public, it's Kane that everyone wants to throw under the bus, rather than realizing these things go way beyond just Pat Kane.
  5. They can also work out a trade with the team who claimed the player, right?
  6. Ahhh the stories I've heard about so many college players.
  7. Kind of like muting Britney Spears videos back in the day (videos, there's another one for your "things you never see" thread). There has to be a limit though on how bad someone sounds.
  8. Maybe it's where I work, but I always get these people who open the door just far enough so they can sneak in sideways. And since there are doctors offices throughout the building, that door usually ends up slamming into an elderly person. Me, even when I know there's no one behind me, I still look back to make sure no one else is about to walk in. I was going to say that I walk by two every day to work, but now that I think of it, they may have finally removed them. I'll have to actually pay attention tomorrow.
  9. What he's doing is creating a nice little loophole so that Kane is made out to look horrible either way. Either he's an evil underaged drinker or he's an evil sober person with a couple loose screws.
  10. I could die a happy man if every free credit report dot com commercial were taken off the air completely.
  11. I'm so used to saying "you too" to the "have a nice day" I get when I leave a store. I usually end up saying it even when the cashier's last words are something like "thank you". Then as I'm walking out I realize that my response made absolutely no sense. Anyway, things I don't see anymore: subway tokens people using payphones people holding doors for others (very rare)
  12. Well, just look how many people in here have been claiming that most people are lazy.
  13. I'm completely sold on that idea too. This whole thing was pre-arranged from day 1.
  14. It goes well beyond a mindset. It's a social and societal issue. Sure, it can be fixed eventually (hopefully), but it's not something that will go away over night.
  15. I'd point people towards a long list of journal articles, but they'll just brush them off as random research.
  16. Yeah, there is affordable food out there of almost every type, but as a whole, the cheaper stuff tends towards the unhealthy side. At that point, it's a simple numbers game, in the long term, the cheapest stuff will be purchased more often. Another thing that has been ignored in this thread is that a lot of the healthy foods mentioned are stuff that doesn't have too long of a shelf life. These fruits and vegetables are going to spoil a lot quicker than that bag of chips. Yes, there are ways around this, but it definitely factors in, especially when we're talking about the money issues.
  17. If you look around, you'll find a nearly endless list of studies that will say the same exact thing that Fez's link does. The failed assumption that you're working under here is that the typical american is smart and knows all of this. They're not. Most of them are idiots.
  18. And what about the major problem of youth obesity in this country? They don't have any say in the matter.
  19. You have to think that this deal was in place before camp ever started. It really makes me wonder how aware of it Rosenfels and Jackson were.
  20. It has nothing to do with the topic really, but he has made every player's paycheck a little bit larger. They should love him.
  21. I realize that this is a big IF and that we have a lot of hope in these guys, but man, this quote terrifies me.
  22. His score got a little higher each round. I really wasn't surprised when I found out that he lost.
  23. The Drury-Grier thing is a bit over-exaggerated. They were never as close as most would like to think.
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