I had a 9:30 class that morning. Then at around 11:30 I was waiting in line at the dining hall for lunch. I heard the kid in front of me talking on his phone, saying things like "yeah, I'm in one of the tallest buildings in Boston, it's not very comfortable". It sounds kind of crazy to me as I had no clue what happened. I'm not even sure when I eventually found out, but after lunch I was glued to the tv for a couple hours.
I eventually had to head to a class, assuming it had been canceled, but I had to play it safe. For some reason, it was the one professor who didn't completely shut down that day. Right at the start of class, he made a comment that will forever stick out in my head. It was something to the effect of "We all saw what happened, but it is no big deal. We need to move on and continue our day." This had to have been one of the most insensitive things the idiot could've said. We had a ton of New York students at BU and I'd say that about 45% of that class was from that area. The room was pretty full, so there was a very good chance that a few people in there were somehow connected to it. Add in the fact that by that point, people knew that two of the planes came from Logan Airport, it was just a ridiculously stupid comment to make.