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Everything posted by shrader

  1. It's obviously an eye opening number, but we have to remember that Brady did throw 53 passes compared to Trent's 25.
  2. Scored to go up 11 and then the next time they touched the ball, they were down 1. These are the moments that remind me never to celebrate any TD anymore. Really though, when it happened, my immediate reaction was to praise Hangartner for rolling out so perfectly to set that up.
  3. This plus the stuffed buffalo head hat that I got back in 86.
  4. Maybe they view Levitre as a better long term option? It's not just about the first game after the draft.
  5. I saw a stack of these cds at 7-11 today. They're even selling them there?
  6. It's funny. I can't count the number of times I've seen posters mention PPP, but today was the first time I actually found where it is. I won't get roped in though.
  7. I'm not even going to bother with the subject of this thread, but I have to comment on this post. Yeah, Bell and Johnson look like solid pick so far, but shouldn't they actually do something at the NFL level before they make that list of yours?
  8. I added one little detail to that post. Their secondary has had its share of struggles, just never against the Bills.
  9. I had a 9:30 class that morning. Then at around 11:30 I was waiting in line at the dining hall for lunch. I heard the kid in front of me talking on his phone, saying things like "yeah, I'm in one of the tallest buildings in Boston, it's not very comfortable". It sounds kind of crazy to me as I had no clue what happened. I'm not even sure when I eventually found out, but after lunch I was glued to the tv for a couple hours. I eventually had to head to a class, assuming it had been canceled, but I had to play it safe. For some reason, it was the one professor who didn't completely shut down that day. Right at the start of class, he made a comment that will forever stick out in my head. It was something to the effect of "We all saw what happened, but it is no big deal. We need to move on and continue our day." This had to have been one of the most insensitive things the idiot could've said. We had a ton of New York students at BU and I'd say that about 45% of that class was from that area. The room was pretty full, so there was a very good chance that a few people in there were somehow connected to it. Add in the fact that by that point, people knew that two of the planes came from Logan Airport, it was just a ridiculously stupid comment to make.
  10. And who doesn't love Andre the Giant? I wouldn't be surprised if he was somehow running around in this New Guinea crater.
  11. I'm no so sure how well they draw for a monday night game, but opening week is always a zoo.
  12. If it's this weekend you're talking about, feel free to stop by the shrader day festivities. It's the worst possible way you can spend your time.
  13. I couldn't even identify something as a Nickelback song if I heard one, but I still know that they suck.
  14. Was Gause the WR that a lot of people here were crazy about?
  15. And the complete broadcast when they have their Hockey Day In Canada event. That's always a fun one.
  16. I'm assuming he doesn't have the slightest clue where Winnipeg is, but since it's a Canadian city and Buffalo's on the border...
  17. Has anyone other than Sanborn been getting any time in on long snaps?
  18. The Robert Lewis Stevenson one is great. Anyone who throws a good joke into their will is good in my book.
  19. I'd much rather see depictions of some sort of hell for robots. That would at least get a catchy theme song. Edit: Oh crap, that's my avatar on Sabrespace. Oh well. I WILL DESTROY YOU! I remember reading a story on these advancements something like 3 or 4 years ago. I wish I could remember where I saw it (I thought it was here). The small corners of houses with charging stations should work out really well, but good luck with testing the long term health implications if they try to go more widescale and make things work just about everywhere.
  20. I've only seen the tv spots and I'm left with a great big WTF. I have to wonder how many people that really brings into the theaters. Sure, I could just look it up on the internet, but most of the time the ads don't leave me curious enough for that.
  21. Did it remind you of Office Space since they constantly mentioned it in the trailer? The ads I've seen are so busy mentioning "from the makers of Office Space" that I've never gotten a feel for what the movie is about at all. I get the same reaction from all the ads I've seen for "9". It's nothing but flashy graphics and nothing about the movie itself. I'm glad Mark starts these threads because it's usually the only place where I actually find out what these movies are actually about.
  22. $$$ Vs (OLN at the time) offered more money and a bigger schedule than ESPN.
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