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Everything posted by shrader

  1. It's not about the local media though. No matter who is asking the questions, it's going to get to the national media and he knows that. I'm sure he doesn't care that it is Jerry Sullivan asking the question. He's anticipating what some ESPN or another national personality will do when they get their hands on that quote. I'm always joking about it when watching games, but I think it is 100% accurate. No matter what Owens does, someone will twist it and use it against him. It seems clear that he wants to change his image, unfortunately he came to this realization about 5 years too late.
  2. Yeah, that was what I was expecting when I was typing that. My idea of a massive press conference archive would never float.
  3. Is there anything stopping a media outlet from running the entire audio/video from a press conference like this? With all the people out there putting their own spin on ever comment, I've reached the point that I don't trust anything I read. I want to hear things myself so I can have my own opinion on the matter instead of having someone's ideas forced upon me. Yeah, I know there are plenty of writers out there who aren't like this, but it's tough to weed out the garbage. If possible, I think it would be a great idea for a site to archive all press conferences and present only that. Hell, it might exist already, but I'm not aware of it.
  4. I wish there was some decent way to get an idea of what the general public thinks on this matter. So far, I've only seen media members say that the fans deserve to hear what a player thinks. I'm with you in that all I care about is if the team is winning or not. I would guess that the average fan feels the same way, but the things I read (local coverage and this board) more than likely don't represent the mindset of that average fan.
  5. And the play ends when the whistle blows. Assuming for the sake of argument that he was never down, wouldn't a review just give them the ball at whatever point he was at when the whistle blew? I think it was the Dallas game last week where a play was ruled dead as an incomplete pass, but it had actually hit Whitten in the foot and bounced into the Giant DB's hands. He started to run it back, then the whistle blew. It was challenged and the Giants were awarded the ball at the spot where the whistle was blown (screwed out of a TD, but still got the ball). Is it different there since it was either an interception as opposed to a tackle?
  6. I don't like throwing this label around, but that just might be the worst call I have ever seen in professional sports. How does every single ref on the field miss that?
  7. Falling back on a guy who just put up 40 goals in an injury shortened season does make it a bit easier though. I can't help but come back to Suter and Coburn though. I don't remember what the draft board looked like back in 2003, but if the team had decided to go D instead, it doesn't seem all that likely that they would've taken Phaneuf. Suter and Coburn seem to fit the mold of defensemen this team was drafting at that time.
  8. Just because Williams was interested in Brees doesn't mean Donahoe and the rest of the team was interested in Brees.
  9. The follow up to breaking out of prison is so ridiculously obvious though. That show was guaranteed to have material for a second season if it caught on.
  10. I have no problem with the Vanek pick. Really, every pick in front of Phaneuf has had a good career so far. It's not like we're talking about taking a guy like Kryukov with that pick. The big question I always come up with from that draft is how Suter and Coburn went immediately before Phaneuf, especially knowing that Atlanta has since traded Coburn for Alexi Zhitnik. By the way, I absolutely love the first round of that draft.
  11. Ravens? Were the starter jackets even around anymore when they moved to Baltimore?
  12. Actually it was the NCAA and I believe the name has officially been removed. As for college jerseys, Maine probably has the best.
  13. I don't think those numbers mean all that much since they include special teams guys like Corto, Wendling and Jenkins who never actually see the field on O or D.
  14. I worked at track meets when I was in college. One of the things I had to do was set the bar for the pole vault. My god the legs and asses on those pole vault girls were amazing.
  15. Refresh my memory here. Is the song in all 4 movies?
  16. Remember, Whitner's was the first ever house in the world to be robbed.
  17. You never can tell with people around here.
  18. It looked to me like he planned to run out of bounds on that big hit, then realized the DB was a lot closer than he thought. He pretty much had no choice at that point.
  19. Wrong song. The one I was talking about was Chris Cornell for Casino Royale. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWaB4ISFnbg...feature=related Edit: I don't know if it's the speakers in my laptop or not, but the sound quality on that link just doesn't do the song justice.
  20. Yeah, that's a possibility that so many people seem to be ignoring. Jackson has been great, but what if Lynch goes out there and is even better? I sure would love to have that "problem".
  21. Absolutely. Does any other Bond theme even come close to this one? "You Know My Name" from Casino Royale was really good but probably gets no attention. Nothing comes close though.
  22. There was a point in that game where the refs called a 5 yard penalty against the Buffalo defense. I don't remember the exact moment, but it was 1st and 10 and the ref announced the call and stated that it was an automatic 1st down. On the next play, the ESPN graphics said 1st and 5 and the yellow line was 5 yards down the field. So yeah, that yellow line is always completely accurate.
  23. I'm not sure if it qualifies as a "song" but is there anything more iconic than 2001?
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