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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Please tell me the balloon eventually knocks out the power in the stadium.
  2. And that suspension should be multi-game. I can't picture anything more blatant than that hit. His sole intention was to injure and that is incredibly obvious.
  3. All of this reminds me of the "pussification of this country" comments that were going around on here last week. I'm sure we could list 20+ countries that have it far worse than we do.
  4. I have no idea what I just read. I think all of 3 people in the world have any clue what that article is talking about.
  5. That right there makes me think there's more to this situation than we're hearing. But anyway, take charge of this situation. They only get a ride somewhere if you offer. Don't cave to any requests. Speak up when you feel you're being wronged. Show these guys that you are not going to let them walk all over you. If they don't like it, too bad.
  6. It's more of a rhetorical question than anything, but could the Sabres have any better timing in doing this?
  7. And I can't believe I've never actually heard a story about a compass stabbing. I think you broke skin just by touching a compass. Well now I feel like I got screwed over. The cheap ones I got stuck using were completely useless. They provided no protection at all. I did get a good laugh at the giant wooden one used on the chalkboard though. The join on the thing was so loose, so I was always watching the teacher screw up and have to erase their attempted circle over and over.
  8. They got rid of those a while ago. I remember being stuck with some crappy alternative and that was 20 years ago. The only place I ever used a good stabbing compass was at home. Man those things were sharp.
  9. How does the free agent list and the potential trade block look?
  10. Sit the kid down and tell him why it is wrong to bring something like that to school. Problem solved. I guess that little sit down takes 2 months at this school.
  11. And even if he was, why would he go anywhere near this disaster?
  12. It probably doesn't qualify as a clock management question, and I'm sure it has been brought up on this board already, but on the first down after Cleveland took the lead (what was it, 24 seconds left?), why was Lee Evan running a route 3 yards beyond the line of scrimmage?
  13. I'm surprised no one has said it yet, but that sounds like a really stupid question. I really don't expect anything different after that game though.
  14. I always hated the argument that one guy was winning more than the other. It always came across as such a cherry picking stat. Games like the Cards game last year where Trent got hurt on the first drive would be counted against Losman, but for some reason, if the same thing happened and the team won the game, they'd count it towards Edwards' record. I know that happened two seasons ago when JP replaced Edwards and put up big numbers, beating (I believe) the Bengals. Then there was the Losman injury at the start of the season against New England 2 years ago. He got in one or two drives and yet was still blamed for the loss. It seemed like anytime a QB change happened in game, the negative was always thrown towards Losman while Edwards always got the free pass. edit: And I'm in no way trying to defend Losman. He failed and there's no arguing that. I just never understood why Edwards was always given so much praise.
  15. So wait, you ask a question and then answer it with your 3rd point. What exactly is the point here?
  16. If they're trying to locate and free french hostages, having a couple of the pirates in custody should be helpful with that.
  17. It has sodium in it, so that breaks the first suggestion he listed. I have no idea if has a lot of sodium though.
  18. The middle section of the cd of "Just Breathe", "Amongst the Waves", and "Unthought Known" made the album for me.
  19. It's a great story, but am I wrong for wondering who named his wife?
  20. And when you got your statement, I'm sure you found out that they had in fact cashed that check before they "lost" it.
  21. I'm pretty sure I never read it either, but for some reason, I see those creatures and I know exactly what they're from. I don't get it. I love how when the start of each month rolls around, I don't even realize it until this thread is posted. You're doing more than you realize with this thread, Mark. I've been down on the selection that last two months, but Zombieland has me curious. They've really been pushing this movie lately. And after the review I read yesterday, a certain cameo might just be enough to get me to the theater (they didn't spoil it, but it's pretty obvious).
  22. He's a clown if he throws his QB under the bus and he's a clown if he doesn't throw his QB under the bus.
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