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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I have no idea what to think on that one. I'm all for punishment for any shot to the head, but I really can't tell from the video if that was his intent or not. Obviously his history is going to factor in, but I hope the league made their decision based off of a better video than that one.
  2. And having multiple player definitely helps when you're driving around in the cars. That person sitting in the gunner seat gets to have a hell of a lot of fun.
  3. I played pretty much all weekend, a much better way to spend that sunday 1pm time slot, I think. Anyway, I'm absolutely hooked. I went with the hunter. Is anyone playing this on PS3 at all? I've gone 2 player so far and I really want to see a whole group of 4 out there at some point.
  4. I've never really played much of that stuff before, but some good reviews have caught my eye for this one. It seems like the perfect fit for some online play too. I'm not crazy about head to head stuff online since I usually suck at most games (my competitive video game skills have not moved much beyond my old Ice Hockey days), but a co-op game is what I want.
  5. Nice. Thanks for pointing out the deal. I'll be picking up the game on the way home from work tonight. Now I just hope they let me buy games for two different systems under this deal. If not, I'll live.
  6. I can't tell from their website. Do you know if that deal is just online or if it works at stores too? My brother just recently picked up a PS3 and this could be a good chance to finally get a game we can play online. I might try to get 2 copies of the same game out of this deal.
  7. I'm going to nitpick again. His contract was already activated the second he was in the opening night roster. He was being paid the terms of his contract for each day he's been with the Sabres. If he had been stopped short of 10 games, his contract would've been extended one extra year at it's current terms.
  8. Didn't the octomom get some crappy tv deal from a network in europe? That pretty much proves that there's someone out there who will give a show to just about anyone. Oh, and I'm absolutely disgusted that I actually typed the phrase "octomom".
  9. You'll probably complain about me taking things literally again, but they both make $8.7 million a year. No one in the league has hit $10 million and that won't be happening any time soon. Ovechkin's got the biggest deal at $9.358 million. Eric Staal's the only other player in the league at over $8 million annually. That does make the Vanek annual figure a bit more impressive (granted, it is a bit inflated thanks to money he already earned in the first 2 years of the deal) when thinking that this team is cheap.
  10. The hockey ones are actually far more straightfoward than the NFL. A guy has to be in the last year of his contract before he can be extended. The only limit to that is if it's a guy on a one year deal. That player has to wait until January before they can work on anything.
  11. I'm not calling you out on it. I've seen a heard a few comments already saying he should be extended and the pure stupidity of it bothers me. Anyway, like I hinted at earlier, this is a complete non-issue for the Sabres. They already know they're keeping him around for the season. They're just having a bit of fun with this right now, give the people something to talk about.
  12. The CBA might have something to say about that issue. Anyway, even if it was possible, the idea of giving a longterm contract extension to a guy 7 games into his career is laughable. I wish people would think before they say things like that.
  13. Do people actually think they don't know exactly what they're doing with him already? Ruff and Regier are having some fun with the media right now with this little game.
  14. Maybe you should more often because I had no clue that their sack numbers were up. You learn something new every day.
  15. Compare the guys throwing the ball to all the receivers mentioned already.
  16. I'm all for Elroy snapping and going on an cross-galaxy killing spree.
  17. If this team is a laughing stock, what does that make the 11 other teams with worse records? Yeah, we're all sick of this lame excuse for football, but last time I checked, a good portion of this league sucks. It's not just the Bills.
  18. And the best part? They'll somehow get a tv deal out of all of this. I expect no less.
  19. It's just the way I am. It's not really about upsetting them though. I just want to make sure things are left in a way that things can be continued if I do leave. My name will still be attached to this work after I leave.
  20. Yeah, I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
  21. Are they out of ideas or are they just giving the public what they want to see? There's a reason why shows like American Idol are ratings machines, the american public is stupid.
  22. Part of the problem there is that there really isn't much of a team setting here. It's 3 or 4 doctors and me doing the work for them. They'll all know immediately if I mention something to any of them. I don't know, maybe it's a slight flaw in me that I don't want to suddenly take off, leaving them in a tight spot with no one to finish what I do, since I'm the only one here who actually does that work. I know I need to look out for myself first, but this is a move that would be so out of character for me. I'm also in an interesting situation where the profs I would go to from school actually colaborate with my boss on several projects. If I'm asking anyone for a reference, word will spread. I'd much rather have the news come from me instead of having it heard second hand. I guess I'll deal with that issue if/when people start contacting me.
  23. I hope you don't mind if I borrow this thread for a second. I'm looking for some pointers too. I'm at a point where I want to start looking for a new job. I've been at mine for 5 years and I really feel like I've done just about all I can there and it's time to take that next step. This is the first job I had out of college. Is there any good way to make it known to the current boss that I'm going to start looking? I'm sure I'm going to need the reference at some point, so suddenly asking for that would be an obvious tip off and doesn't seem like the best way to let it be known.
  24. Technically, you didn't even ask a question.
  25. They named the planet Pandora and didn't expect trouble somewhere down the line?
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