Part of the problem there is that there really isn't much of a team setting here. It's 3 or 4 doctors and me doing the work for them. They'll all know immediately if I mention something to any of them. I don't know, maybe it's a slight flaw in me that I don't want to suddenly take off, leaving them in a tight spot with no one to finish what I do, since I'm the only one here who actually does that work. I know I need to look out for myself first, but this is a move that would be so out of character for me.
I'm also in an interesting situation where the profs I would go to from school actually colaborate with my boss on several projects. If I'm asking anyone for a reference, word will spread. I'd much rather have the news come from me instead of having it heard second hand. I guess I'll deal with that issue if/when people start contacting me.