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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'll admit to this one being a bit of a stretch, but since the team needs a GM and a big time coach, couldn't hiring a GM/coach be a money saving move? I don't think that's what they're going for here, but I'm kind of curious as to how the money would differ between hiring a coach AND GM vs. hiring one man to fill both roles.
  2. I hate the way ESPN puts that "Tim Graham AFC Blog" link and picture right on the side to make it look like Graham wrote that story. That might not be their intention, but it sure as hell looks like it is.
  3. Do they really have to tell him that he'd have a shot? I'd think that any semi-intelligent QB could figure that out just by looking.
  4. If someone were to die to blood loss after a crocodile bit off it's arm, I'd have no problem saying the croc killed him. But then again, I guess we're talking about another living thing inside that mosquito that does the killing. I'm overthinking this now thanks to boredom.
  5. Now I'm confused. This goes completely against the whole "guns don't kill people, people kill people" idea. Oh well, just thinking about Jaws' shirt, which you can't actually see in this picture, takes care of that confusion.
  6. Forget about twice in a row. Have they even had the same set of linemen available for two different games at any point in the season?
  7. I hope that league stays around for a while because in a few years, each team could have a failed Bills QB as their starter.
  8. I like hockey more than football. Others here like football more. Why does one person's opinion on the matter mean a thing to someone else? Poster X's love of football has absolutely no impact on my thoughts of either sport.
  9. It's really funny watching the pure hatred of him out here in Boston. I'll never understand why the fanbase out here can be so jealous over a guy who has won less than their team has.
  10. The only reaction it gets out of me is complete confusion.
  11. But this is the same rest of the country that makes shows like American Idol kill in the ratings battles. Clearly they know what they're talking about.
  12. There was a woman on the Today Show this morning whining over how this scam cost her $20. Way to pick them, NBC.
  13. I don't care what kind of damage they can do, I don't consider anything I can kill by simply stepping on it to be badass.
  14. I'd say just lock him up somewhere completely by himself and just leave him. No food/water. If he can find anything in the room, fine, but if not, big loss.
  15. Start hitting the weights a bit and then you should be able to open it after a few months.
  16. I don't know, they didn't seem to have any luck catching that deer. That "too many weenies" comment seems to fit these lions too.
  17. They'd have to sign about 8 LBs.
  18. You don't see that every day. I can't imagine that deer around here are too used to running into something that size. What does a deer there (DC area?) usually have to deal with other than a gun or car?
  19. $2 million? I can't imagine that would be enough to cover the time and materials needed to create that prototype. I'm willing to give anyone $12 if they can build be a fully functional car.
  20. I'll plead complete ignorance when it comes to players around the league, but a 3rd string QB on the list of top free agents available? Can a free agent class get much weaker?
  21. Just playing anything is a plus for this kid. He probably likes football more, so that's what he wanted to play.
  22. I had a shooting in my office building last tuesday, granted it was a much different situation. For some reason or another, a patient stabbed his psychologist and an armed off duty security guard just happened to be in the building and intervened. It's amazing how nowhere seems to be safe anymore.
  23. We know our machine is going to fail, so let's come up with some crazy theory to expalin why it isn't working so we can continue to get funding. No one has a clue what we're talking about anyway, so if we use big fancy words, they'll believe us.
  24. I've always enjoyed and its follow-up. There's one f-bomb in the first video, so I'd be careful at work. "Our main export is crippling depression". Love that line.
  25. I like the logos I've seen on google this week. Today's is great.
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