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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Reading those suggested prices makes me want to break things. God I hate Boston.
  2. I'd guess that the vast majority assumes that just about everyone was juicing. They're not going to learn anything new from Canseco at this point.
  3. I always liked when they would run one of your stories and then put a picture of Tim Graham in the side bar with a link to his blog section of the website. They never flat out stated that he wrote the story, but it sure did make it look like he was the one writing it. That always seemed like a dirty little tactic to me.
  4. I think the lack of creativity in the title just about spells it all out. If they can't put in the time to think up a decent title, how can they actually string together an entire script?
  5. Why is it that this time of the year became the garbage season? Is it tied completely into the award shows? I would think that this would be the perfect time of year for the movie industry because the winter limits outdoor activities. No one wants to travel outside thanks to colder weather? Anyway, I've got a free pass burning a hole in my pocket, but nothing really stands out to me this time around. That star power you mentioned might be the only thing that could sway me this month. edit: As for Michael Cera, does he now hold the record for most projects worked on with someone named Portia?
  6. If I had to pick one band worse than Nickelback, it would have to be Nickelback.
  7. At times I miss the days where they used to actually air reruns, but that is definitely gone. The only thing about watching on the internet is that I don't get to use my HD tv that way. I might have to try using the PS3 to watch it online. Hopefully those internet feeds have high quality.
  8. But then you have to claw your way through every week after that. The fast start is great, but damn the rest of the weeks move by so slowly. And as for your earlier post, if only I had a tivo. I do have a vcr, but I think I'll go to fox's website for the one's I miss. They should have those up quickly.
  9. My hockey team switched to all monday night games this winter. It was fine in September, but now I'm not too crazy about the change.
  10. Waltman was the only one on the list I wasn't sure about. He must be a little younger but still has to be on the wrong side of 40. I also would've never guessed that Hall and Nash were that close to Hogan's age. Wow they took forever to become stars.
  11. Other than Hardy, is anyone on that list under 45? I haven't watched the stuff in a while, but it bugs me that their big headliner moment leads to a list like this. A bunch of guys who became popular years ago with a different company. That's probably a big reason why I stopped watching, the constant recycling.
  12. I'd say this is a pretty clear sign that the Timbaland stuff bombed.
  13. I saw this on Pearl Jam's facebook page today. This should be interesting considering how long Matt Cameron has been with Pearl Jam now and the fact that they're quickly approaching their 20th anniversary. It looks like we'll be seeing some combined shows in the next year.
  14. I can't stand Grant, so I'm all for they getting rid of him. He's probably too useful to the show though with all that robotics stuff he does.
  15. I've only had one bad run in with them and it was a few years back, but it still confuses me to this day. I had a delivery that required a signature. They let some guy with a name that looked nothing like mine sign for it. Even better, he didn't even live in the building. I got my money back obviously, but that was the last time I ever had anything shipped to my apartment. I've since moved, but I still have everything sent to the office now.
  16. Since you've got a few trilogies in there, I have to throw the Indiana Jones and Die Hard movies out there. Sure, they have their weak spots, but I could sit and watch all three back to back at any point. And yes, I have a hard time putting the new movies in with those thanks to the time in between releases.
  17. I still think it's funny that Hart himself can get over the whole incident but fans still can't.
  18. Sin City and her list of roles is definitely a case of "one of these things is not like the other".
  19. So was he a part of the actual gameday roster and not the emergency QB?
  20. I miss the days where the two of them first came on the scene and they wore those crazy beads in their hair. My friend and I always called them Predator 1 and Predator 2.
  21. Because I completely forgot that he died: Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
  22. And now that Hart has signed a short term deal to return to the company early in 2010? If he can get over it (if it wasn't completely staged), the whole thing should just go away.
  23. My favorite Tom Petty song.
  24. For me, Diet Dr Pepper always seems to have a strange after taste. The Coke Zero is pretty good though. I barely ever drink pop at all, but I had one of those draining work days a little while back where I needed some caffeine to stay awake. I grabbed a cherry coke zero thinking it was a regular. I'm pretty much hooked on those now. The rare times now I grab some pop, it's always that.
  25. The Brain was great as a manager, but I miss his interactions with Gorilla Monsoon in the announce booth more than anything.
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