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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I just wonder if these shows have a certain key demographic that they always draw well with. Do they get more young viewers than anything else? I'm only 28, but I don't have the desire to watch these shows as much as I did during my college days, but it has nothing to do with the writing. I just don't feel like staying up to watch most of it anymore. I wonder if this happens with a lot of people.
  2. So if you gave up a long time ago, how can you know the current writers aren't up to par? I really think comments like that are more a product of a change in the person watching. Their preferences changed and they moved onto something else.
  3. There's nothing stopping you from doing it, but like I said, it almost never leads to good things. When you go looking for trouble, most of the time, you find trouble.
  4. In my mind, it does more to make the Jets fan look bad than anyone else. He's taunting Chargers fans and then it cuts to him resisting arrest. A couple questions come to mind: Why is this being filmed and who is filming it? Do the people saying "he didn't do anything" know the Jets fan? And of course the obvious, what happened during the edit? Now I'm not going to support anyone's actions here (especially since we have no clue what happened), but it looks like one of those "you should know better" situations. Nothing good is ever going to happen when you taunt and entire stadium full of fans like that.
  5. I don't doubt there reactions, but it's tough to make any conclusion thanks to that edit. But anyway, it's a slow day so I'll give it a shot. You hear comments about someone throwing something at the Jets fan. At that point, security has to start to worry about the safety of everyone in that section. Most don't like it, but it's a hell of a lot easier to remove the one Jet fan instead of the thousands of Charger fans. I'd guess that they came down to escort him somewhere else, but he put up a fight. Pure speculation, but what the hell. It's what we do on this board.
  6. There's an awfully convenient edit job there.
  7. The comments about Pittsburgh are conveniently leaving out that other "good" player on the team. In my mind, they're the top contender in the east until the day they're eliminated. Granted, it's easy to build around those two guys, but they've done a solid job putting that team together.
  8. The story with Freddie Prinze Jr's future wife seems absurd already. They better have something decent planned there, but at this point, I'd rather just see it go away.
  10. How about some of the other staff members who probably aren't seeing any of that cash?
  11. So what do you do about the fact that Winnipeg's arena only seats 15K max?
  12. Something just crossed my mind about the earlier comments about the Tonight Show dying when Carson retired. For those who said it, would you think differently if Letterman was given the show instead, since he was the one Carson wanted to host the show?
  13. What good does this do for those of us who only get to watch on tv and never actually see the endzone?
  14. Why stop there? Shouldn't all professional sports give up on Atlanta?
  15. The guy's carrying guns around and making threats. He's beyond your casual drug dealer at this point. If Harrison is responsible, he deserves to pay the price for it, but there's more to this story than the one sided view presented in that article.
  16. Is it really that difficult an idea to grasp? If you believe that Harrison is a dangerous man and already had one guy killed, is it really worth the attention you're going to bring upon yourself by taking him to court?
  17. You have to respect the guy for wanting to take care of his staff. Conan and Letterman both seem like class acts in that regard. Leno might be too, but those stories haven't been told like they were for the other two. If by some chance NBC does try to ice Conan out like that, I would love to see him offer his writing services up to a competitor. NBC couldn't possibly stop him from offering ideas to other shows.
  18. And the fact that no charges have been filed against Harrison goes a long way too. Giving Harrison the benefit of doubt seems completely reasonable to me especially when the bulk of the quotes come from two guys with questionable histories. The whole thing about them not wanting to talk right away is a major red flag too.
  19. Here's what doesn't make sense to me at all. Nixon fears for his life, yet he's suing Harrison for damages. Sounds to me like a nice smear campaign in the hopes of cashing out.
  20. I'm sure it will be great, but man do I hate that TSN has their hands on that music now.
  21. That and he gave us possibly the greatest Simpsons episode of all time, "Marge vs. the Monorail".
  22. And how many Law and Order repeats will we be seeing at 10PM for a couple months?
  23. I have never heard one person say that they are a fan of Jay Leno, so I've never understood why his show got the ratings it did. To me, Letterman and Conan have always been miles ahead of him. Anyway, I'd love to see Comedy Central somehow become a player in this. Conan would have a ton of freedom on a cable channel and a Daily Show/Colbert/Conan block could really clean up. Sure, it would never be the same as network ratings, but there's so much potential there. Speaking of ratings, does anyone know how those shape up right now? Is Letterman absolutely cleaning up now? Personally, that's something I think he deserves, but it's too bad an idiotic situation like this was necessary to bring it about.
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