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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Provide gastric relief? They may have left out one stage in that process.
  2. They hated him out here even when New England was beating them every season. I never really understood being jealous of a QB who has won LESS than Brady, but I always assumed that character-wise, Manning is everything that they wish Tom Brady was.
  3. They couldn't get Neil Young to sing it instead? Anyway, I wonder if the contract prevents him from appearing on Letterman as a guest. You know Dave would be all over that.
  4. The show was good and I loved Conan's little commentary before he brought out Ferrell. But my god, listening to Will Ferrell sing was painful.
  5. He was essentially a human missle in that hit. The timing of when he left his feet should not matter. Whether it was before or after contact was made, there is clearly an upward motion in that hit. There is only one intention when you take that direction in a hit, to go after the opposing player's head. At least one league has finally started to go after head hunting. I always thought it was going to take a death for the NHL to do the same, but there actually seems a bit of chatter about this there too. Oh, and since it always bugs me, I have to throw two corrections out there for this thread. It's KASSIAN, not Kassain. And Dante, it's Tyler Ennis.
  6. And yours were different from your parents' childhood, theirs different from their parents' childhood... This isn't going to change any time in the near future.
  7. How often have you seen Miller run this season? Kassian won't be able to protect anyone anyway if he winds up suspended over and over. The major backlash against hits to the head like this is right around the corner, so if he throws a couple hits like that, the league will come down on him hard. All I know is that I can't applaud someone for possibly ending the hockey career of a 19 year old kid with a dirty hit.
  8. When they first started it, I assumed witness relocation, but they've pretty much blown that possibility out of the water already.
  9. And American Idol is the highest rated show out there. The ratings are a strange beast.
  10. We're a society that needs warnings on coffee cups about the drink being hot. If they don't take action before something happens, they're going to get sued. It really is a no win situation sometimes. People are stupid.
  11. What's next, you'll boo injured players? Move to Philly. There's no place in the game for garbage like that.
  12. Like it or not, at the end of the day, it's always going to be the visiting fan that is removed. They're the catalyst here. Move them and it is guaranteed to stop. Remove the harassing home fan and there's no guarantee that someone else doesn't take over for him. Most of the time, if handled well by security and the visiting fan, you can just move them somewhere else in the stadium/arena, but obviously there are limitations to that approach.
  13. I just wonder if these shows have a certain key demographic that they always draw well with. Do they get more young viewers than anything else? I'm only 28, but I don't have the desire to watch these shows as much as I did during my college days, but it has nothing to do with the writing. I just don't feel like staying up to watch most of it anymore. I wonder if this happens with a lot of people.
  14. So if you gave up a long time ago, how can you know the current writers aren't up to par? I really think comments like that are more a product of a change in the person watching. Their preferences changed and they moved onto something else.
  15. There's nothing stopping you from doing it, but like I said, it almost never leads to good things. When you go looking for trouble, most of the time, you find trouble.
  16. In my mind, it does more to make the Jets fan look bad than anyone else. He's taunting Chargers fans and then it cuts to him resisting arrest. A couple questions come to mind: Why is this being filmed and who is filming it? Do the people saying "he didn't do anything" know the Jets fan? And of course the obvious, what happened during the edit? Now I'm not going to support anyone's actions here (especially since we have no clue what happened), but it looks like one of those "you should know better" situations. Nothing good is ever going to happen when you taunt and entire stadium full of fans like that.
  17. I don't doubt there reactions, but it's tough to make any conclusion thanks to that edit. But anyway, it's a slow day so I'll give it a shot. You hear comments about someone throwing something at the Jets fan. At that point, security has to start to worry about the safety of everyone in that section. Most don't like it, but it's a hell of a lot easier to remove the one Jet fan instead of the thousands of Charger fans. I'd guess that they came down to escort him somewhere else, but he put up a fight. Pure speculation, but what the hell. It's what we do on this board.
  18. There's an awfully convenient edit job there.
  19. The comments about Pittsburgh are conveniently leaving out that other "good" player on the team. In my mind, they're the top contender in the east until the day they're eliminated. Granted, it's easy to build around those two guys, but they've done a solid job putting that team together.
  20. The story with Freddie Prinze Jr's future wife seems absurd already. They better have something decent planned there, but at this point, I'd rather just see it go away.
  21. How about some of the other staff members who probably aren't seeing any of that cash?
  22. So what do you do about the fact that Winnipeg's arena only seats 15K max?
  23. Something just crossed my mind about the earlier comments about the Tonight Show dying when Carson retired. For those who said it, would you think differently if Letterman was given the show instead, since he was the one Carson wanted to host the show?
  24. What good does this do for those of us who only get to watch on tv and never actually see the endzone?
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