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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Sorry, jumped to conclusions when I saw the last name. The other seems to be a grade A DB though.
  2. You missed the biggest factor of all. Tiger may in fact be the most well known person in the entire world.
  3. Keep in mind, we're talking about the same sportscaster who thinks it's perfectly normal to joke about Hobey Baker's death while calling a hockey game. Controversy tends to follow this guy around.
  4. I don't think it's that bad this season. They ramped up the pace so much in the last few years and that's hurting the fact that this one is a bit slower. The blonde data analyst story is definitely pure crap though. I really hope she's beaten to death with the uranium rods soon. Even that wouldn't save that awful storyline.
  5. Bring back the mooterus! I haven't had the time to watch a lot of every announce team in the league, but I think Reaugh may be the best color commentator on any team broadcast. Even though they're a horrible team, I could watch the random Dallas game on center ice because of what he brings to the broadcast.
  6. Do they have anything that tracks whether holding penalties are the result of poor technique vs. the situation where they haul down a guy who beat them and has a free shot at the QB?
  7. I had one of these situations a couple months back. I was walking back to my office building from lunch when a bunch of cop cars came flying up the road, then surrounded my building. I figured that it wasn't the best time to head back inside. No SWAT team though, just 15-20 cop cars, then some media a couple minutes later (police station and news stations are both within blocks). As it turned out, a patient in a bipolar clinic stabbed his doctor and then was shot by an off duty security guard. Yeah, that was a fun day. I suggest you kick back and enjoy the show.
  8. I've always enjoyed any role I saw Brian Doyle-Murray in. I'm sure the average person has no idea who he is. He really hasn't done much in years though.
  9. Paetsch was just a throw in. The pick is what we actually gave up there. I'm totally convinced that it was a case of Darcy saying "hey, why don't you take Paetsch too". Monster season for them this year.
  10. I take it that Washington hopes to win a lot of 6-5 games. It should be entertaining if nothing else.
  11. The problem is that once the story of the surprise ending gets out there, you sit through the movie trying to figure out what it will be. I never even saw the 6th Sense, but guessed it immediately the second all that press started to come out. It was incredibly obvious. To me, any movie is a million times better when you don't know the twist is coming. That doesn't seem all that possible anymore though. I'm not going to try to rank anything, but a good twist ending I always enjoyed was the Prestige. I guess Christopher Nolan likes to go that route a bit too.
  12. 4-5 years ago when my dad first got a cell phone, he just had to get a belt clip for it. That was the one thing he had to get for christmas. A day or two later, he returned from work only to realize that his phone had fallen off of his belt. 3 months later when spring time rolled around, he found the phone in the parking lot. It had fallen into a snow bank that night. He brought it home and amazingly, it still worked.
  13. Does the IOC have any rules or code of conduct that the athletes agree to that this celebration might have gone against? That seems like the only potential issue. Overreaction? Yes, but if there is something they agreed to ahead of time, they should pay in some form.
  14. I really hope that 10 or so years down the road, they run the same test on them again. I'm sure some damage has already been done through their college careers, but it'll still be interesting to see what effect the NFL game can have on some people.
  15. The northern thing seems to come up a lot with QBs, but I can't say I've ever heard it mentioned before when talking about a tackle. Is this a legitimate concern when it comes to the position?
  16. I'm pretty sure Disney would execute problem employees if they could. Hell, who knows. Maybe they have offed a few already. This suspension is a lightweight move for them.
  17. Saying something negative about the company that employs you. How often does that work out well? If this was one of those cases where someone is suspended for a comment that 10 days later someone found offensive, you might be onto something. You're absolutely right in those situations, but this isn't one of them. This is big business trying to control its own. I'm sure that has existed from day 1. Oh the horror stories that are out there about working for Disney.
  18. I wouldn't say he slammed Vick. He was asked a question and he answered it. It's not like he was out there looking for a camera so he could go after Vick. Anyway, the two scenarios are completely different. While it may make him a scumbag, Tiger didn't do anything illegal. I'm not so sure someone has to step up and answer to the media for something that is basically just an embarassment. Yeah, it's bigger than that thanks to the family issues, but those are his to deal with, not ours.
  19. This reminded me of one I always remember from when I was a kid. The mountie (the wrestler) murdered my brother with that cattle prod he used to carry around all the time. Then I chased him around all over the place until the Big Bossman showed up to arrest him. I think I watched way too much wrestling back in those days.
  20. So was he around long enough to get the full NFL pension? I'd imagine that's a nice little thing to fall back on, combined with the higher quality of life he's going to live after avoiding future injuries and the constant barage of hits to the head.
  21. I miss the days where people would just suck it up and hang themselves or put a bullet in their own head. Now it seems like half of these people feel the need to take a few extra people with them. Cowards.
  22. It can be a political message, but I don't think it is at all. But yeah, this one makes sense. Exactly, they're hypocrites.
  23. "Miller Time" yes, but not for the tribute to his cousin or Quick's "Support our troops". A small memorial on a mask should not be a problem in any way, as long as it's not a memorial to someone like Hitler. I can see why they might have an issue with "support our troops", but that is in no way propaganda. The thing I find strange about the whole thing is that every hockey jersey out there is going to have the Nike swoosh on it and the equipment of every single olympic athlete is covered with logos of the manufacturers. Why do they not have a problem with that?
  24. I like at the start where they say "from the makers of" and never actually mention the first 2 movies.
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