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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Chapelle was in 4 or 5. I don't want to ruin it for Andrew, but the one I'm thinking of involves George Mason and then the interaction between Jack and Kim.
  2. And of course, if he does take that shot, it winds up being spun as an abuse of power by a cop with no respect for the law.
  3. There was really only one season that I would skip over if given the option, season 6. The main complaint that tends to come up is that after 3 or 4 seasons, the writing seems stale because they had pretty much done everything already. One of the most interesting characters of the show doesn't show up until around season 5, so I'd at least go that far. To me, the finest hour of the entire series happened in season 2, so I'd at least give that day a shot if I was in your shoes.
  4. It's only been 20 minutes. Give her a chance and she'll screw up just like the rest.
  5. Brickley can call a game in a balanced fashion but Edwards is completely incapable of that. I'm at the point now where I think the producer is in Brickley's ear, forcing him to go 100% pro-Bruin. There was a point last night after Vanek hit Wheeler from behind where Brickley questioned that and another hit that followed immediately where Boychuk clearly went below the knees to take out an attacking Sabre forward (Edwards labeled it as a "beautiful hip check". After they finally got a break in play, that Boychuk hit was never mentioned again. That over the top homerism comes directly from the NESN higher ups. I'll give Brickley a pass, but Edwards is the perfect example of all that is wrong with sports announcers. My personal favorite last night was during Kaleta's first shift of the game where Edwards said "and Kaleta is shaping up to be the villain of this series". He literally just stepped onto the ice Jack. Why don't you make your feelings even more obvious. The fans can develop their own thoughts by watching the games. You don't have to tell them what to think.
  6. He knocked the first "u" right out of his name.
  7. I'm too lazy to do any research to see when people are supposed to be available so I'll just say this: Doug Worthington
  8. I absolutely hate these threads. I've only had to deal with losing a dog once. 12 years later and the whole thing still bugs me whenever it comes to mind.
  9. I get to listen to Jack Edwards for each of these games.
  10. Back to back AHL rookies of the year and hopefully next year back to back NHL rookies of the year.
  11. Unlike Travis Henry, avoiding jail time.
  12. That's exactly what I'm wondering. Could some idiot try to save money by putting their kid up there?
  13. Do you have to get a separate ticket if you're carrying on a baby?
  14. And the terrorists were actually successful with their original plan of the day, killing Hassan. How often has that ever happened on this show? Maybe the nuke in season 6? I can't remember if that was the initial plot or not. He was a very good character, so it shocked me. He and Hastings are the only new characters this year that were a good addition to the show, so now we're down to 1. And damnit, where is Aaron Pierce? Since this is the last season, he absolutely has to appear at some point.
  15. I think Nike actually setup the whole puppy thing. They actually threw the puppy in the water themselves. The swoosh tattoo on the inside of the puppy's ear was a dead giveaway.
  16. That was probably the most shocking moment they've had in a long time... and we should have seen it coming a mile away.
  17. It was awesomely crappy. Best description I can come up with. I like how they didn't even bother trying to be very consistent with a lot of the story and references to 1986.
  18. According to a Sens fan I was talking to yesterday, Ottawa traditionally has trouble with New Jersey. I have no idea how accurate that is, but if it is, I'm sure that will make you happy too. Personally, I'm at a point where I could care less about any potential 2nd round opponent. I have no idea what to expect from this team in the 1st round. So many different things can happen in that round that completely change any future opponent and the chances against them.
  19. The only possible way Buffalo can face Ottawa in the 1st round is if Buffalo is the 3 seed and Ottawa is the 6. In order for that to happen, one of Philly, Boston, or Montreal would have to win out their 5 remaining games and Ottawa would have to lose all 4 of their remaining games in regulation. That doesn't even include the possibility of Buffalo finishing 2nd. In other words, it's not happening. edit: I take that back. It is also possible for Buffalo-Ottawa to face each other in the 2-7 matchup, but that would involve Ottawa losing out AND two of that Philly/Boston/Montreal logjam winning out their last 5 games. I have no idea if this is actually possible or not because I'm too lazy to look up whether or not these teams face each other.
  20. My only issue is that I'm not so sure Gare is old enough for Rob Ray to throw constant "haha, you're old" jabs at him.
  21. They're playing for next to nothing at this point. They'll win the division easily. The only question is the 2 or the 3 seed. Ok, there's a home ice in the 2nd round issue there, but in the big picture, it really isn't that big of a deal.
  22. Yeah, this is the only worthwhile one. I wish all the rest could somehow be confined to one single thread because they are stupidly annoying (do those two words go together? well, they do now).
  23. It doesn't necessarily have to be about the Bills. A team could be talking to Oakland because they want to get into that portion of the draft and Oakland just happens to be the team willing to talk. The Bills haven't moved out of their first round pick on draft day in recent history, so there might not be much purpose in a team making an offer to Buffalo.
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