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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I love when those casting "rumors" about the third batman movie are mentioned. They are so beyond absurd. I don't know why anyone would actually believe them. Each name goes completely against what Nolan has done has done with the series. And then there's a line about not unveiling the Scarecrow yet. I take it that you never actually saw Batman Begins.
  2. But screw that culture if the celebration falls on a friday/saturday. They're not doing a thing for me that year.
  3. I wish I was going, but I'll be at the Boston show the following Monday. Can't wait. I have one major complaint about that article. Several times they refer to Mike McCready as "Mike McReady". Annoying.
  4. The defense of New England seems pretty comical too. 5 of the first 90 picks in the draft? Thanks. It really seems like he's grasping for straws on that one. They may be good players, but it really doesn't sound like one of those "look out, they're getting better" type moves to me.
  5. I'm surprised more ethnic based holidays haven't taken off after watching the way so many people go crazy on days like cinco de mayo and St. Patrick's day. With all the people looking for excuses to get drunk, I'm surprised there isn't one of these holiday's each month. Maybe someday they'll be digging up some celebration from a tiny remote village in the middle of central Africa. We can only hope.
  6. You make it sound like this one incident is suddenly equal to an epidemic of murders in the college lacrosse world. I won't claim that one group is any better or worse than the other, but most of us can name at least one guy from both of those leagues who has been accused/convicted of murder.
  7. Something's missing there. Maybe I'm going into this expecting most kids to be arrogant punks, but I couldn't help but pick up on some attitude from a couple of those kids, specifically the "this is America" kid. I wish they would have bothered to talk to some of the kids on the other side, or maybe even that principal. Just like everything else, the true story is somewhere in between the their two versions.
  8. That about sums it up. The media wants controversial stories where people will pick sides. That's not going to happen here. Another great example of how most people are dumb. This kind of thing happens every day. I don't see any people becoming anti-teacher or anti-accountant when they're the people involved.
  9. If it was the shirt pictured in the article, I could see plenty of kids wearing something like that. Asking them to take of the bandanas though is completely fair. Those aren't exactly necessary school attire. Whether or not being sent home is harsh depends on how those kids reacted when they were told to take the stuff off. I'm guessing the decision had a lot more to do with how they responded as opposed to the shirts themselves.
  10. The article mentions that they were wearing bandanas. If that was just a one day thing for those kids, I'd say their intent is pretty obvious. Really though, I'm convinced that MSNBC accidentally picked up a story from the Onion.
  11. Does anyone beyond ESPN usually cover this stuff anyway? The typical NFL stuff (which obviously has a much larger audience than lacrosse) doesn't seem to make it anywhere beyond ESPN either.
  12. The "get me a hacksaw" scene from season 2 is all the proof you need.
  13. There was one or two somewhat boring transition hours in there at some point. That's going to happen occasionally, but yes, I've enjoyed the last few hours quite a bit.
  14. They can be tricky with those teasers though. I won't believe it until it actually airs on monday. But hey, at least Jack was very considerate when he killed Dana. Whoever finds her won't have too much of a mess to clean up thanks to all that plastic in the room. He won't be so considerate if he ever gets his hands on Logan. I'm torn on whether or not I want to see that happen though. There are so few good characters left. They'll need him when they go the movie route. And where is Aaron Pierce. It just plain sucks if this last season ends without him making an appearance.
  15. And you do it right as the person is in mid-bite so they can't actually respond, right? It's ok, you can admit it. I think it's actually a brilliant idea. It's one less second of dealing with the stupidity of people.
  16. I hate how servers have that uncanny ability to ask how everything is the second you take a bite out of your food. You're then left doing the awkward head nod because you obviously can't talk. Yeah, I know it's an intentional move, but man, their timing never fails.
  17. I hope that torch clip wasn't just a tease and Jack actually uses that torch.
  18. And you have to love the "some guy told me what they did, so now I'm angry" line of thought. Don't you actually have to see something to be offended by it?
  19. You posted that entire story just to sneak this one line in there, didn't you?
  20. Byfuglien is a name meant for the Sabres. I'm not too crazy about the money he'll get though. Still, he would be a big step up from Stafford.
  21. I would think that they're going to mention Brohm a bit more because he's the only one of the three who really has any upside at this point. Edwards and Fitzpatrick are what they are.
  22. Is that cap on total amount of money spent on the entire rookie class still in place?
  23. I just wonder if his message to them was something along the lines of "I have your phone, how about you give me a couple thousand dollars for it".
  24. Those same players didn't look lazy back in 2006. What happened? If the departure of two key leaders has that much impact, where does Ruff fall in all of this? If he's such a great coach, how did he lose those players?
  25. I pulled this link out of what Beerball linked.
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