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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I wish they had cut out the "previously on 24" scenes on the dvds.
  2. I've flipped through that station in the past when Catwoman was airing. Consider yourself lucky.
  3. How far back would you go to consider something a classic? But yeah, they show some absolute crap on AMC.
  4. I liked that ending better when it was called season 4. Eh, it wasn't horrible, but it just wasn't finale material either. It existed for the sole purpose of setting up movies. Every important character is still in play, even if Logan might actually be dumb now like he pretended to be back in season 5. The only character who actually had any major downfall in the end was President Taylor, but no one really cared about her anyway. I really enjoyed the first hour and a half last night, but the last half hour was a bit of a let down. And I don't know who is at fault on this one, but not having Aaron Pierce at any point in this season was a major disservice (don't know if it's a word, but it is now) to the hardcore fans. On another note, whatever political party Logan and Taylor are from is pretty much screwed in the 24 world. Keeler is elected and then shot down in air force one. Logan then takes over and is forced to resign. Then no one knows what really happened with Hal Gardner. Anyway, a couple years later, Taylor's elected but eventually resigns after major scandal. There's no way I'm voting for the next guy.
  5. Talk about an ugly offseason for anyone connected to USC.
  6. Come on, I'm far from being the last person to still be using one. It gets the job done. I'll hold off my thoughts until tomorrow. I really should be sleeping.
  7. I tried to word that so that it wouldn't sound like I am, but yes, I have not joined the DVR age yet. But anyway, I do get to watch the first hour and then I head out for a hockey game. I'll have to catch the 2nd hour on tape.
  8. At least Beebe got in his one shot and saved it from being the bloodiest movie of all time.
  9. Crap, I forgot to setup a recording before I left for work this morning. I hope I get back to the apartment before 8 with just enough time to set it up before I have to leave again. If I miss this one, I'm an idiot. Yes, I know it'll be online shortly, but that's not the point.
  10. Obviously this team could use a franchise QB right about now, but I think just about anyone would settle for a serviceable one instead.
  11. You know, I'm not even sure if I ever actually played Pacman at any point. I had an aunt and uncle who had a Ms. Pacman machine in their basement and I played that one all the time. And obviously they're completely different games.
  12. Insert coin never showed up anywhere on my screen, but I accidentally lucked my way into playing the game earlier. Awesome.
  13. Either they're idiots, or you're an idiot. There's no middle ground on this one.
  14. But anyone who never liked the Transformers should be shot on sight. And now I have no clue if that should be shot "on sight" or "on site". They both seem to work.
  15. And really, it was a bit of an act to trick Jack. That's how good the Logan character is. But as usually, Jack knew better.
  16. Yeah, Itzin is great in that role. I thought the tunnel ambush by Jack was a bit lame, too easy really, but Logan's "that's Jack Bauer! He's coming for me!" was great. I did like that no matter how much Jack has lost it, he's still not killing anyone who could be considered innocent, like the secret service protecting Logan. That may lead to his downfall though. I'm not sure whether or not he tried to kill that first set of Russian guards and that lead to the stab wound.
  17. I just watched it late last night, so I didn't have the chance yet. I can't believe I'm going to say it, but I actually love that they did the whole Novakovic think off screen. Somehow that managed to make Jack look even more badass. Now he gets to play presidential assassin. Can't wait.
  18. Or it's a teaser for a different, non-Iron Man movie. But hey, who's keeping track?
  19. You must leave most shows disappointed then because they don't play Crazy Mary all that often. But yeah, it's amazing and I'm glad I saw it at the 2003 Buffalo show. I get the feeling that Reign O're Me has replaced that one a bit in shows now. Both are songs where Boom gets to throw it all out there on the organ. The one thing that I can't figure out at all is that this was my 5th show and I still have never seen Daughter live. I was looking around on the website earlier and it is the 6th most played song of all time for the band (tied with Corduroy). The next closest song on that list that I've never heard came in at around 21st. I have now seen them play Bee Girl twice, but never Daughter. Figure that one out. Oh, and I think that was the first time I went to a show where they didn't play Corduroy. I kind of view that song and RVM in the same light, so at least I got one of them.
  20. There were a bunch of "I can't believe they played that" songs. I'm guessing you're talking about Crown of Thorns? The whole night seemed like it was a bit off of their usual set list. Release to open. Push Me Pull Me (yeah, never even considered that as an option). Soldier of Love instead of Last Kiss (thank god). Undone isntead of Down. I loved every second of it. In My Tree and Smile are two songs that I could gladly listen to at every show. And my seats were as good as I expected.
  21. I just picked up my tickets for tonight's show in Boston and I'm pretty pumped. I'm 12 rows up, directly behind the benches.
  22. Have there been a lot of those posts recently? The timing on this one seems incredibly strange to me.
  23. Just remember that the whole thing is just one crazy hallucination. The desert was just a sand trap, the crazy pyramid was actually the pro shop, and that talking coyote was really just a talking talk. Find your soulmate, Stl Bills.
  24. What exactly does any of that have to do with Cushing? Regardless of what you think about those other names, Cushing did in fact break a league rule and was punished for it. As far as I can tell, that fact has never been questioned.
  25. I don't care for his ramblings either, but I quickly get past it while at a show. 2.5 hours of music vs. 5 minutes or so of political talk? Yeah, it's very easy to get past that. If someone is caught completely off guard by that stuff, they are pretty clueless. Go back to their appearance on Unplugged back in the early 90s and you'll see that speaking up about his beliefs isn't exactly a new practice for Vedder.
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