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Everything posted by shrader

  1. You missed the one key moment in all of that. Dollar Bill died.
  2. I'm sure I've read far worse at some point, but this is one of those stories that I have absolutely no desire to even think about any further.
  3. How about Super Mario Brothers?
  4. Bad things man, bad things. Edit: Yeah, other people said it already, but I can't really quote the other thing that comes to mind immediately, his role in the first season of 24.
  5. How to do it and why are completely different things though.
  6. I say that if a kid can do all that stuff Fez outlined he should be rewarded with all the porn he can dream of.
  7. Good. The real time aspect was never going to carry over too well to the big screen. Keeping it to one day though is a pretty simple move. I wonder if they still work the clock into the scene changes.
  8. In a way, doesn't AC/DC cover themselves with each new song?
  9. I wonder if they'll actually try to stick to the real time format like they did with 24 Redemption. It's going to be really tough if they do.
  10. It was the term "warm up act" that you threw out there. I wasn't sure if you were implying that you think they're the same thing. I guess that can happen from time to time, but from what I've seen, I'd say that the cover bands are typically very small acts playing on their own, usually at very small venues. But if a band only covers one or two songs like Chef Jim mentioned, that can happen at pretty much any level, from a big time band like Van Halen all the way down to that group of kids next door in the garage.
  11. Are you saying that you've gotten the impression that a cover band will open up a show, going on the stage before the main act gets up there? I don't think that ever actually happens. Having the opening act, or warm up act as you put it, go out there and play nothing but songs of the band that is about to follow them up sounds like a recipe for disaster.
  12. I wish they had cut out the "previously on 24" scenes on the dvds.
  13. I've flipped through that station in the past when Catwoman was airing. Consider yourself lucky.
  14. How far back would you go to consider something a classic? But yeah, they show some absolute crap on AMC.
  15. I liked that ending better when it was called season 4. Eh, it wasn't horrible, but it just wasn't finale material either. It existed for the sole purpose of setting up movies. Every important character is still in play, even if Logan might actually be dumb now like he pretended to be back in season 5. The only character who actually had any major downfall in the end was President Taylor, but no one really cared about her anyway. I really enjoyed the first hour and a half last night, but the last half hour was a bit of a let down. And I don't know who is at fault on this one, but not having Aaron Pierce at any point in this season was a major disservice (don't know if it's a word, but it is now) to the hardcore fans. On another note, whatever political party Logan and Taylor are from is pretty much screwed in the 24 world. Keeler is elected and then shot down in air force one. Logan then takes over and is forced to resign. Then no one knows what really happened with Hal Gardner. Anyway, a couple years later, Taylor's elected but eventually resigns after major scandal. There's no way I'm voting for the next guy.
  16. Talk about an ugly offseason for anyone connected to USC.
  17. Come on, I'm far from being the last person to still be using one. It gets the job done. I'll hold off my thoughts until tomorrow. I really should be sleeping.
  18. I tried to word that so that it wouldn't sound like I am, but yes, I have not joined the DVR age yet. But anyway, I do get to watch the first hour and then I head out for a hockey game. I'll have to catch the 2nd hour on tape.
  19. At least Beebe got in his one shot and saved it from being the bloodiest movie of all time.
  20. Crap, I forgot to setup a recording before I left for work this morning. I hope I get back to the apartment before 8 with just enough time to set it up before I have to leave again. If I miss this one, I'm an idiot. Yes, I know it'll be online shortly, but that's not the point.
  21. Obviously this team could use a franchise QB right about now, but I think just about anyone would settle for a serviceable one instead.
  22. You know, I'm not even sure if I ever actually played Pacman at any point. I had an aunt and uncle who had a Ms. Pacman machine in their basement and I played that one all the time. And obviously they're completely different games.
  23. Insert coin never showed up anywhere on my screen, but I accidentally lucked my way into playing the game earlier. Awesome.
  24. Either they're idiots, or you're an idiot. There's no middle ground on this one.
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