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Everything posted by shrader

  1. There's still a major difference between one minor mistake that ended a season vs. one that didn't change the results of a game at all, a regular season game. I'll admit though that my opinion might be a little bit different if there hadn't already been two perfect games in the last month.
  2. I haven't found one in my office yet.
  3. I wouldn't blame him if he did complain a lot after the call, but the way he has handled this is going to earn him a lot of fans.
  4. And in the big picture, this kid is making one hell of a salary. Sure, he doesn't get his name in the record books, but this one game will probably net him even more money. This kid has it make and there is very little reason to feel sorry for him.
  5. I'm curious about one thing. For all the people who aren't too happy with the list (yeah, I'm one too), how do you feel about Homer being #1? I'd say they completely nailed at least that one spot.
  6. Sure, losing a perfect game is rough, but this call didn't decide the game. That's the kind of call that really fuels the instant replay fire.
  7. I was going to say the same thing about Norm Peterson. Cheers ended less than 20 years ago though.
  8. Whether or not there is any truth, there will probably be a settlement anyway.
  9. I love the list of "evidence", two emails that she wrote and a bunch of things that she said happened. Yeah, that will hold up.
  10. So that would probably explain why he took Crosby into his house.
  11. And then they fell apart again, only to suck at just the right time all over again. Lucky bastards.
  12. I guess it depends on how you define fail. He never won in St Louis. They were an expansion team at that point, but he did take them to the finals in each of their first three seasons. Then again, the NHL put all the expansion teams into one division, so one of them had to earn the right to lose to Montreal. It's a lot like the Pittsburgh situation. They sucked for a long time at just the right time to draft a lot of talent. You have to wonder though if they would have kept their big two and also added to that roster if he had still been around.
  13. You missed the one key moment in all of that. Dollar Bill died.
  14. Half your age plus 7. She's too young.
  15. I'm sure I've read far worse at some point, but this is one of those stories that I have absolutely no desire to even think about any further.
  16. How about Super Mario Brothers?
  17. Bad things man, bad things. Edit: Yeah, other people said it already, but I can't really quote the other thing that comes to mind immediately, his role in the first season of 24.
  18. How to do it and why are completely different things though.
  19. I say that if a kid can do all that stuff Fez outlined he should be rewarded with all the porn he can dream of.
  20. Good. The real time aspect was never going to carry over too well to the big screen. Keeping it to one day though is a pretty simple move. I wonder if they still work the clock into the scene changes.
  21. In a way, doesn't AC/DC cover themselves with each new song?
  22. I wonder if they'll actually try to stick to the real time format like they did with 24 Redemption. It's going to be really tough if they do.
  23. It was the term "warm up act" that you threw out there. I wasn't sure if you were implying that you think they're the same thing. I guess that can happen from time to time, but from what I've seen, I'd say that the cover bands are typically very small acts playing on their own, usually at very small venues. But if a band only covers one or two songs like Chef Jim mentioned, that can happen at pretty much any level, from a big time band like Van Halen all the way down to that group of kids next door in the garage.
  24. Are you saying that you've gotten the impression that a cover band will open up a show, going on the stage before the main act gets up there? I don't think that ever actually happens. Having the opening act, or warm up act as you put it, go out there and play nothing but songs of the band that is about to follow them up sounds like a recipe for disaster.
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