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Everything posted by shrader

  1. There are other examples of the Bills front office passing on Oher and Orakpo?
  2. It's funny that you say it hasn't been dominated by sequels, yet all the big sellers so far have been. Then you mention two more sequels coming this month. I guess it dies out after that, but it seems like there have been plenty so far.
  3. Actually, there were only 4. The "original 6" are actually the longest running teams in the league, not the founding members.
  4. This is such a strange summer season so far. I don't feel like there's anywhere near as much hype around most of these movies as there was in previous years. That had to have played a big role in the money being low in May. This month looks like more of the same. Beyond Toy Story and the A-Team, it doesn't look like there's all that much that people will "just have to see". Then again, the Twilight movie will clean up and that's just plain disappointing. Speaking of Toy Story, who voices the slinky dog now?
  5. Can we harass their families too?
  6. Who ever remembers the umps' names? We'll quickly forget this guy's name. And for all the talk of how Galarraga was robbed of his historic moment, I think people will remember this one far longer than the other two perfect games this year. He threw a perfect game and everyone knows it. I think this result may actually be better for him.
  7. But it needs to be taken to the next level. Only a Zack Kassian style head hunting human missile hit will get the message through.
  8. If a group of people are walking towards you, taking up the entire sidewalk and they refuse to break from their side-by-side formation, you are required to tackle the person directly in your path. A Rodney Harrison-style cheap shot isn't ideal, but we'll look the other way should you choose to go that path. Also, there needs to be some sort of "shiv the mofo" rule.
  9. She could be like that annoying guy in the staples ads. "That's a great apple!" Another one for my list, the sound of the horn of subway trains. I know they're like that so you notice him, but so often you get the idiot drive who feels the need to lay on the horn if someone is within 20 feet of a moving train.
  10. That would be fine, but they'll never go for it. Just look at football. It has to be the refs on the field for some reason.
  11. The annoying part is that some guy in a tv studio knows what the call should have been right away, but for some reason the league will still have the ump himself watch it 5-10 times, wasting time, before the right call is made.
  12. There's still a major difference between one minor mistake that ended a season vs. one that didn't change the results of a game at all, a regular season game. I'll admit though that my opinion might be a little bit different if there hadn't already been two perfect games in the last month.
  13. I wouldn't blame him if he did complain a lot after the call, but the way he has handled this is going to earn him a lot of fans.
  14. And in the big picture, this kid is making one hell of a salary. Sure, he doesn't get his name in the record books, but this one game will probably net him even more money. This kid has it make and there is very little reason to feel sorry for him.
  15. I'm curious about one thing. For all the people who aren't too happy with the list (yeah, I'm one too), how do you feel about Homer being #1? I'd say they completely nailed at least that one spot.
  16. Sure, losing a perfect game is rough, but this call didn't decide the game. That's the kind of call that really fuels the instant replay fire.
  17. I was going to say the same thing about Norm Peterson. Cheers ended less than 20 years ago though.
  18. Whether or not there is any truth, there will probably be a settlement anyway.
  19. I love the list of "evidence", two emails that she wrote and a bunch of things that she said happened. Yeah, that will hold up.
  20. So that would probably explain why he took Crosby into his house.
  21. And then they fell apart again, only to suck at just the right time all over again. Lucky bastards.
  22. I guess it depends on how you define fail. He never won in St Louis. They were an expansion team at that point, but he did take them to the finals in each of their first three seasons. Then again, the NHL put all the expansion teams into one division, so one of them had to earn the right to lose to Montreal. It's a lot like the Pittsburgh situation. They sucked for a long time at just the right time to draft a lot of talent. You have to wonder though if they would have kept their big two and also added to that roster if he had still been around.
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