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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Can they arrest the guy with the camera too for being an idiot? All that video does is prove that those girls are scum. His highly detailed commentary doesn't suddenly make their actions justified. And Sharpton can show up on tv all he wants, but the only racism present in that video isn't anti-black.
  2. It's kind of tough to find now thanks to this event, but if you google jaywalking and Seattle you'll find a lot of stories that mention how Seattle has been ticketing a lot of people lately. Some articles on this story even mention that stopping pedestrians for jaywalking in Seattle leads to quite a few scenes. So there probably isn't more to this jaywalking report. He stopped them for jaywalking and they responded poorly.
  3. And he definitely sent a clear message that they should not mess with him. Here's a question for everyone. Even if you thought the punch was a bit much, isn't there part of you that absolutely loved seeing it happen? I know I enjoyed it quite a bit. That girl got what she deserved.
  4. I saw all of this on the Today Show this morning. This is a fun one. Of course it was Sharpton they had on talking about it. You know it's a bad sign when any criticism of the cop's action starts with "now I don't condone the actions of these girls, but...". Yeah, the cop probably went a bit far, but those girls brought it upon themselves. When you do stupid things, bad things are far more likely to happen to you. The truth of the matter is that it didn't matter what that cop did there, he was going to wind up looking bad in someone's eyes. That one punch pretty much brought everything under control though and no serious damage happened to anyone. A big thumbs up for that. I did enjoy Sharpton looking like an idiot this morning though. He said a couple times that the cop wound back and unloaded that punch on her. Sure Al, he backed up with the sole intention of loading up a punch. Completely ignore the fact that he didn't back up on his own, but was actually pushed back. And a couple people questioned why they're making an issue out of jaywalking. I had heard a week or two ago that they have been heavily enforcing jaywalking offenses recently in the Seattle area. That would at least explain why a cop is stopping someone for jaywalking.
  5. I can't believe I actually miss the days of facing trash talk out here in Boston. I feel dirty.
  6. But isn't that how it is already? If the best two teams in the country are in one conference, the votes/polls will almost never put them both in the NC game. Yeah, the playoff system would be flawed, but what system doesn't have a single flaw? I'd much rather see a system where one bad game in september doesn't completely ruin your chances.
  7. How many teams are these conferences going to have now? I don't follow college sports at all, but that Big East/ACC thing sounds like there are a ton of teams involved.
  8. I always see comments like that one as the ultimate slap in the face to the team. People basically always hate the team that's beating them consistently. The Bills are so far off of everyone's radar now. I can't think of much that sucks more than that.
  9. Not only did they all sail around the world, but they did it barefoot while traveling directly into the wind the whole way, with a fishing net for a sail.
  10. Would it have been too difficult to have another ship shadowing her for the whole trip? If she had been successful, that wouldn't have interfered at all in the idea that she did it alone.
  11. I also wonder what impact the crazy no cap situation might have on all of this. Is that cap on money allowed to be spent on rookies still in place this year?
  12. Since when were they all human?
  13. That is one of the stranger trailers I've ever seen. I don't know what to think. Oh, and I was going to mention a video game movie that was decent, but then I realized that I can't really think of one.
  14. There are other examples of the Bills front office passing on Oher and Orakpo?
  15. It's funny that you say it hasn't been dominated by sequels, yet all the big sellers so far have been. Then you mention two more sequels coming this month. I guess it dies out after that, but it seems like there have been plenty so far.
  16. Actually, there were only 4. The "original 6" are actually the longest running teams in the league, not the founding members.
  17. This is such a strange summer season so far. I don't feel like there's anywhere near as much hype around most of these movies as there was in previous years. That had to have played a big role in the money being low in May. This month looks like more of the same. Beyond Toy Story and the A-Team, it doesn't look like there's all that much that people will "just have to see". Then again, the Twilight movie will clean up and that's just plain disappointing. Speaking of Toy Story, who voices the slinky dog now?
  18. Can we harass their families too?
  19. Who ever remembers the umps' names? We'll quickly forget this guy's name. And for all the talk of how Galarraga was robbed of his historic moment, I think people will remember this one far longer than the other two perfect games this year. He threw a perfect game and everyone knows it. I think this result may actually be better for him.
  20. But it needs to be taken to the next level. Only a Zack Kassian style head hunting human missile hit will get the message through.
  21. If a group of people are walking towards you, taking up the entire sidewalk and they refuse to break from their side-by-side formation, you are required to tackle the person directly in your path. A Rodney Harrison-style cheap shot isn't ideal, but we'll look the other way should you choose to go that path. Also, there needs to be some sort of "shiv the mofo" rule.
  22. She could be like that annoying guy in the staples ads. "That's a great apple!" Another one for my list, the sound of the horn of subway trains. I know they're like that so you notice him, but so often you get the idiot drive who feels the need to lay on the horn if someone is within 20 feet of a moving train.
  23. That would be fine, but they'll never go for it. Just look at football. It has to be the refs on the field for some reason.
  24. The annoying part is that some guy in a tv studio knows what the call should have been right away, but for some reason the league will still have the ump himself watch it 5-10 times, wasting time, before the right call is made.
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