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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Well if you can convince everyone not to move their t-shirt...
  2. Even with a pass first guy (who just happens to be 3rd in the NHL in goals right now), no team game plan is going to allow for a player to have a free lane to the low slot like that. A game plan wouldn't even allow that path to a player like Zemgus Girgensons, let alone Jack Eichel. That one was called a massive brain fart. And as for how the shot goes in, that's a player who finds that opening in that spot. We have maybe 4 of those players (Skinner, Reinhart, Olofsson).
  3. You guys act as if said poster is completely new to you and you've never read a single post in any other thread. But anyway, I missed last night's game so I'm sure I'm missing some context from the highlight. I don't understand how any team, and the defending champs no less, could let one of the league's best players walk out from behind the net with the puck like that.
  4. I'm not crazy about taking an iconic comedy and making a sequel that appears to be pretty serious in tone. Now maybe that's just the feel that they wanted for the first trailer and the actual movie will be far more comedic. I hope that's the case, but I doubt it.
  5. I was a little worried at first that Ralph was just quoting Led Zeppelin when I started reading his quote.
  6. I think at least for this season, he'll spend the vast majority of it starting in the ECHL. It's worthwhile to give Johansson a shot at developing into an NHL backup and letting him stay in the AHL is best for that. Hammond would have to agree to go to the ECHL, so he's there to stay too. So injury is the only thing that could lead to a lengthy call up this year for Luukkonen. It won't stunt his growth in any way, so it's probably the best approach for the organization as a whole. He'll get called up for a game or two at a higher level late in the season, possibly even in the NHL, but that will be all.
  7. I had a package go missing a couple days ago. I really hope it was a porch pirate because the package was a ring doorbell.
  8. I'm surprised PITA hasn't gone after them for what they did to the Bumble. I'd actually be with them on that one. What Hermie did to him was flat out criminal.
  9. Murray loved big goalies. Luukkonen. There's no way he would have let him get away.
  10. Sadly, I actually kind of like the intended recipient.
  11. My personal favorite was a couple of years ago when I had a tv delivered to my house. They left the box diagonally leaning against column on my front porch. There were a few big problems with this: 1. It was a giant box left in the most blatantly obvious view in public sight, just screaming for anyone to take it. 2. Thanks to all the surface area on that box, any good wind gusts could have blown that thing over. 3. I didn't order a tv.
  12. I won't call it a favorite, but I do like to joke with the wife that "Legs" is her theme song because she's only 5 feet tall.
  13. Did anyone even care about that song before all the uproar? Hell, it's not even a christmas song.
  14. One away from the “I suck at names” hat trick.
  15. I need to see consecutive wins. I bet we could find at least one stretch last year post-streak where they went 3-1-2.
  16. That damn 3PO clip makes me hate him even more.
  17. I randomly check this throughout the year. I'd say the numbers are right around where I'd expect them to be. It seems like they're stuck right in the heart of the "bad team or bad market" section of the listing. While not exactly surprising, the Ottawa numbers are an eye opener. The one thing I'm not sure about is if the Sweden "home game" is included in there. One game's not going to skew things too much with 14/15 games played, but I have no idea if that was a large/small arena and how many fans showed up.
  18. I’ve had one (alexa) for about a year. It’s mostly just a music thing for me, but right after the time change this year I caved and bought one smart plug. I have a light on a timer downstairs and the plug is behind a bulky piece of furniture. I got sick of having to move that thing and possibly scratch the floor a couple times a year and got the plug. I’m not going to use voice commands to turn it on, but being able to change the timer on my phone is a hell of a lot easier than dealing with the mystery time windows that come with those old crappy mechanics timers.
  19. I haven't started watching it yet but have everything DVRed. This was the one question I could not get people to answer.
  20. The angles are too tricky on that one. If by some chance that's a straight down shot from the crossbar, I'd say that puck is in line with some of the post. There's nothing there to clearly say it's over the line. Now, if you can pair this shot with the same exact moment from a side view, you can compare the two to get a better idea of where exactly the puck is.
  21. Wasn't there some talk about how communication with Maggie had dropped off right before the Whisperers show up. For whatever reason, I seem to remember Jesus mentioning it. I guess we'll find out about here soon enough, whether she shows up late in the season or for the start of the next one. I wish they would just not mention Rick at all so that this show can be free of the movie stuff for now, but I doubt that happens. As for the kids, I think they stick around because they want a Grimes connection to this show still. But hey, I guess that means only RJ has to stick around since that's the only Grimes blood remaining.
  22. People can call me whenever they want. I can't even tell you the last time I heard the ringer on my phone (and it's an awesome one). I could probably just break the button off of my phone because my may as well be permanently set to silent.
  23. The stuff with Commodore is so odd because their time spent together is such a small blip on the radar that was his entire career. It's kind of impressive how much venom he's built up during so little time.
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