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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Doesn't the phrase "shrinking AGAIN" imply that it actually stopped shrinking at one point?
  2. All I can think as I have just started to read this is that I can't wait to get to the reader comments at the end. Edit: I was wrong.
  3. I meant they're both first person shooters, but yeah, pretty different games in the big picture. Oh, and how could I forget that I also have Metal Gear Solid 4? That game is an absolute must if you were big on that series. You might want to stay away from it though if you haven't played any of the others. I'd have to image it would be ridiculously confusing.
  4. Here is what I have. -Tiger Woods, NHL, and Madden: I'm not even sure what year they are, but those are always fun to randomly break out -Modern Warfare 2: exists soley for the multiplayer, can be ridiculously fun or ridiculously tedious depending on when you play -Final Fantasy XIII: decent if you liked those games in the past -Ghostbusters: if you liked these movies, you'll enjoy this game. you can probably get it pretty cheap now too -Red Dead Redemption: haven't had the chance to start it yet -GTA4: always a safe bet -Borderlands: pretty similar to Modern Warfare, but you can do co-op stuff online instead. very fun game And if anyone wants to, my username on PS3 is shrader5. I'd rather listen to a Buffalo fan on Modern Warfare instead of those trash talking 6 year olds.
  5. Why is Alex Van Pelt even on this list? He's an 8th round pick that we added as a free agent. I can't call that a failure at all. He doesn't fit in with the rest of this list as he was never brought in to be the guy.
  6. Yeah, definitely a racist decision to start cutting back on jaywalking.
  7. The problem with that idea is that he knows he's being filmed at that point. Stuff that would help in shutting those girls down quickly could very easily end up looking like a lesser version of Rodney King. It sucks that a cop has to have something like that in the back of his head, but that's the way the world is today. But anyway, at the end of the day, the right people wound up in the back of cop cars and no one was hurt. Maybe it took too long, but he got his job done.
  8. I stick to the basic stuff, apples and oranges. I can't really think of a least favorite though.
  9. The reaction to tazer videos is always so split. I'm guessing that has a lot to do with the fact that not all that many people really have any clue what being tazed feels like. Most should have a very good idea how a punch feels. I'm with you that a tazer wouldn't have gotten half the outrage, but I think the reasoning behind those two observations is completely backwards. The punch was a far less impactful move, but thanks to everything you said (and a touch of racism), this is a story. And no, I don't fault this cop at all. If anything, the only "punishment" he should face is maybe some sort of counceling or training session, only if they feel they need to please the masses a bit.
  10. I wonder what the reaction would have been if he used the tazer instead of his fist.
  11. I never actually saw the 3rd Shrek, so I don't know what happened at the end of that one, but I kind of missed having Donkey sing a song before the end credits.
  12. And it's worth mentioning that it's two pissed off girls, not one.
  13. Can they arrest the guy with the camera too for being an idiot? All that video does is prove that those girls are scum. His highly detailed commentary doesn't suddenly make their actions justified. And Sharpton can show up on tv all he wants, but the only racism present in that video isn't anti-black.
  14. It's kind of tough to find now thanks to this event, but if you google jaywalking and Seattle you'll find a lot of stories that mention how Seattle has been ticketing a lot of people lately. Some articles on this story even mention that stopping pedestrians for jaywalking in Seattle leads to quite a few scenes. So there probably isn't more to this jaywalking report. He stopped them for jaywalking and they responded poorly.
  15. And he definitely sent a clear message that they should not mess with him. Here's a question for everyone. Even if you thought the punch was a bit much, isn't there part of you that absolutely loved seeing it happen? I know I enjoyed it quite a bit. That girl got what she deserved.
  16. I saw all of this on the Today Show this morning. This is a fun one. Of course it was Sharpton they had on talking about it. You know it's a bad sign when any criticism of the cop's action starts with "now I don't condone the actions of these girls, but...". Yeah, the cop probably went a bit far, but those girls brought it upon themselves. When you do stupid things, bad things are far more likely to happen to you. The truth of the matter is that it didn't matter what that cop did there, he was going to wind up looking bad in someone's eyes. That one punch pretty much brought everything under control though and no serious damage happened to anyone. A big thumbs up for that. I did enjoy Sharpton looking like an idiot this morning though. He said a couple times that the cop wound back and unloaded that punch on her. Sure Al, he backed up with the sole intention of loading up a punch. Completely ignore the fact that he didn't back up on his own, but was actually pushed back. And a couple people questioned why they're making an issue out of jaywalking. I had heard a week or two ago that they have been heavily enforcing jaywalking offenses recently in the Seattle area. That would at least explain why a cop is stopping someone for jaywalking.
  17. I can't believe I actually miss the days of facing trash talk out here in Boston. I feel dirty.
  18. But isn't that how it is already? If the best two teams in the country are in one conference, the votes/polls will almost never put them both in the NC game. Yeah, the playoff system would be flawed, but what system doesn't have a single flaw? I'd much rather see a system where one bad game in september doesn't completely ruin your chances.
  19. How many teams are these conferences going to have now? I don't follow college sports at all, but that Big East/ACC thing sounds like there are a ton of teams involved.
  20. I always see comments like that one as the ultimate slap in the face to the team. People basically always hate the team that's beating them consistently. The Bills are so far off of everyone's radar now. I can't think of much that sucks more than that.
  21. Not only did they all sail around the world, but they did it barefoot while traveling directly into the wind the whole way, with a fishing net for a sail.
  22. Would it have been too difficult to have another ship shadowing her for the whole trip? If she had been successful, that wouldn't have interfered at all in the idea that she did it alone.
  23. I also wonder what impact the crazy no cap situation might have on all of this. Is that cap on money allowed to be spent on rookies still in place this year?
  24. That is one of the stranger trailers I've ever seen. I don't know what to think. Oh, and I was going to mention a video game movie that was decent, but then I realized that I can't really think of one.
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