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Everything posted by shrader

  1. They're the Nickelbackiest bunch of Nickelbacks that ever Nickelbacked.
  2. Yeah, that would do it. Of course, these guys could just learn how to throw the flashlight and save some more time
  3. The 1 minute person needs to cross each time. 1 and 10 start out (10 minutes). Then 1 goes back (1 minute). 1 and 5 then cross (5 minutes). 1 again goes back (1 minute). All that's left now is for 1 and 2 to cross together (2 minutes). 10+1+5+1+2=19 minutes Your thread title has me thinking there might be more to it, but I'm not seeing it.
  4. There's a line in both directions that when crossed, the person looks like a complete nutcase. But yeah, the line on the being happy side is a much shorter distance away.
  5. His post was pure garbage, but if you can what you did, shouldn't that also apply to being sad over a guy you never met passing away? The reactions here are mostly of the "that's a shame" variety, but you know there are people out there somewhere who are incredibly saddened by it even though they didn't know Steinbrenner.
  6. So if they always come in 3s, who is next?
  7. I think you're giving him way too much credit. I think that letter was nothing more than a case where he didn't stop and think before he did something incredibly stupid.
  8. http://www.facebook.com/people/Jeremy-Shakespeare/514941780 ???
  9. Good enough for me. I've been curious about that movie and it seems like I end up liking most of what you mention in these threads. Oh, and I finally saw Toy Story 3 last week. I'm 28, but I was completely creeped out by big baby. Man, that thing was disturbing.
  10. I guess it's a good thing that I included the explanation then. I was going to skip it. Oh, and I missed the same two in the first one as you. I guess I could have cheated, but there was no way I'd ever get those two on my own.
  11. I won't bother with the name one since there are a one or two I'm not sure on. 2. The person on the down escalator moved down at a speed of 1+x (where x is measured in steps per second) for 24 seconds. The guy on the up escalator moved at a speed of 1-x for 120 seconds. They each traveled the same distance so: 24(1+x)=120(1-x) ... x=2/3 steps per second, the speed each escalator is moving in opposite directions So now solve for the original distance: 24(1+x)=24(5/3)=40 120(1-x)=120(1/3)=40 40 steps
  12. Don't canadians put the "u" in words like that too? Anyway, that little catch really doesn't mean anything. It could easily be explained away by saying it's a british guy who is working in the States.
  13. It's funny, but wow that guy is a dick.
  14. And with all the complaints about Lalime, they still managed to win the division last year with him on the team. Now I know people seem to hate that defense lately since they got bumped in the first round, but that result clearly can't be placed on his shoulders. Best case scenario with a better backup option last year, they wind up as the 2 seed instead of the 3. Then they're right back in the playoffs playing Philly in a series that he has no effect on.
  15. I'm flying at the end of the month. Unfortunately, I don't think there will be any moving sidewalks in those airports.
  16. I can't help but wonder how much of it is a sympathy vote, but either way, it's another black eye for NBC/Leno.
  17. Conklin isn't even worth mentioning. He was here for a month's worth of regular season hockey, not nearly long enough to know what, if any impact the organization had on him.
  18. I have faith in the typical drunken south Boston fool. They'll find a way.
  19. I've always pictured this kind of thing happening when some drunk gets a hold of one of those green monster seats out here in Boston. I've never actually been up there, but any time they show the seats on tv, it looks like there isn't too much up there to block people. Then again, I'm sure it's something they considered very seriously when designing those seats.
  20. I love walking really fast on those things and then having that awkward adjustment as you get back to the non-moving ground. I really want to run across one of those things just to see if I'd fall flat on my face at the end. If a some people get a few laughs, I'm fine with it.
  21. They should turn that hour special into some sort of reality show where the teams compete for his services.
  22. Has there ever been anyone of that status that has hit free agency in any sport? Arod fits that, but with the structure of baseball, there were really only 2 teams in the picture.
  23. Especially since his parents look exactly the same. They have to be brother and sister.
  24. It's clear sailing once you make it past the falls.
  25. Just wait until we find out that it was actually staged and they are going to start taking the Vince McMahon approach.
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