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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Wrong thread Mark? I saw Dinner for Schmucks today and thought it was absolutely awful. I've never wanted to walk out of a theater before. I guess I'm glad I didn't because the dinner portion of the movie was decent. The rest was pure crap.
  2. Yeah, I'd consider myself to be a crappy player, but it can be fun at times. Teenage kids with faster internet connections and much quicker reaction times don't result in good games for me. If nothing else, playing with some Buffalo people should be more entertaining than the typical whining that always goes over on the mics.
  3. If anyone's looking for PS3 players, you can add me: shrader5
  4. The Sabres didn't take him to arbitration. Kennedy elected to go that route. Kaleta was the one Buffalo took to arbitration, but he agreed on a deal before it went that far. The Sabres had no choice in the matter, once Kennedy chose to do so, they were locked in. They couldn't walk away from the deal either because the CBA doesn't allow a team to walk away from a deal that low. That said, this is a very strange move and there has to be more to it than we'll ever hear. I'm guessing that during the process, Kennedy pissed them off a bit.
  5. He's lucky that he didn't land right in the flames.
  6. Does anyone know what is typically involved in these conditioning tests?
  7. They couldn't just put a scene from the post game party with the hookers and coke instead?
  8. Frozen and shipped tacos don't sound the least bit appealing to me. I guess I'll just have to settle for stopping there tomorrow after I fly into town.
  9. You would think Kevin Everett would be all the proof they need to stop leading with their heads so much. People can debate the causes and effects of concussions all they want, but there is no debate on why he got hurt. Anyway, I don't think there is any ultimate solution to this problem. Concussions are always going to happen as long as this game is played, but they can definitely cut down on them and treat the ones that do happen far better than they do now. When that finally happens, it will go a long way to improving the longterm health of the players as a whole.
  10. I'll screw up and skip a step, but here we go: 3 different starting non-p letters 2 other non-p letters left for the end 3*2=6 possible combinations for the first/last letter That leaves 3 Ps and 1 other letter for the middle 4 spaces. It doesn't matter which P is placed where, so there are 4 possible combinations here. 6*4=24 total arrangements.
  11. I'd be playing hockey and/or golf every single day of the year. The rink would definitely be one I own and I'm sure it would be the practice facility used by the Sabres since I would have already bought them from Golisano. That golf would be completely random, which ever course I felt like playing that day.
  12. I'll keep an eye open for entertaining press conferences out there if this happens.
  13. I would hope that he'd come up with something a bit more flashy than that. Maybe he could go vampire like he did on that one guy (can't remember which season).
  14. Would anyone even know who these people are if they never held a protest? They've clearly accomplished something by doing it.
  15. I only ever go to the sports section online, but ever since the change, I have yet to click on a single story. I'm sure that has a bit to do with it being a dead period in Buffalo sports, but the whole thing looks pretty awful to me. Maybe the start of camp will change things, but I doubt it.
  16. They're protesting that no one has given them any press in a couple days.
  17. I think I mentioned it earlier in the thread that I would put Norm Peterson on any list like this. The problem is that Cheers went off the air 17 years ago, so it is pushing that 20 year thing pretty tightly. I don't remember whether or not any of their characters made it, but I have no problem if they left them off simply because they screwed up the timeline.
  18. So when do we start hearing stories about how he blew all his cash on either hookers or a gambling problem? This guy is selling out big time right now. I can't believe any so called celebrity would want to endorse that extense stuff that he's been pushing on tv lately.
  19. You have to remember that we're talking about a genre that is ruled by remakes, sequels, and movie versions of tv shows. This is incredibly original by those standards. The bar is as low as it has ever been.
  20. You've just described every single movie, song, or book out there. At this point, the well has run dry and no matter what crazy idea someone comes up with, it can be associated with something else that has been written already.
  21. I don't think it matters at all whether the top stopped or not. That ending is there so that you come to your own conclusion. To me, it works out well because ending on a major question fit the entire plot of that movie perfectly. When he was on the phone with the kids at the start, the whole conversation sounded like one where the kids think Cobb is away on business. That shouldn't make the kids too much older when he does come back. The timeline gets all screwy too since he has spent so much time in dreams, especially limbo. So it can seem like a long time to him, but in reality only be a couple months. The one thing I liked about the scenes with the kids was that every time in the dreams, they never showed their faces. He only got to finally see their faces when he came back. My memory of those dream scenes may be a bit off, but that's what it seemed like to me. edit: Oh, and the thing in that movie that I had the hardest time getting my mind around was watching the kid from Third Rock from the Sun shooting guns and kicking ass.
  22. I'm right at the same number as the rest of you, with the slightly different approach (not all that different, but one extra step to spell it out a bit more). x=# people without hats Two fifths of the people without hats are also without t-shirt, so: 200=(2/5)x x=500 people without hats That's one third of the people at the concert, so there are 1,500 people total
  23. Is it one of those movies where so many things will make sense when you watch it again? Since so many people have mentioned the Matrix, it definitely had that going. Nolan definitely nailed that kind of movie with the Prestige, so I know he's more than capable of pulling it off.
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