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Everything posted by shrader

  1. And since his being there violated his parole, he deserves to be in jail.
  2. A quick question for those of you that have seen this already. What drew you to seeing it? Were you familiar with the comic series ahead of time? I ask because I've never heard of it and the previews don't look the least bit appealing to me. I'm curious about what the draw is here.
  3. I would want to be played by a monkey. Someone really needs to make a movie with a 100% monkey cast. Is that one that tore that woman's face off last year still alive? I want him.
  4. Other than having the muscle required to putt the ball that far, I can't imagine that this is a skill a guy will ever lose no matter how old he gets (as long as he can still walk).
  5. My dad did that once. He hit a tiny tree that had just been planted and it somehow riccocheted back and hit him in the leg. Funniest thing I've ever seen. The tree was so small that there was no way that should have happened, but somehow it did. I wish I had thought to mention the 2 stroke penalty. That would have been even better. And for anyone who watched the playoff, they saw that the rules officials were quickly offering up options to Watson on where he could drop his ball after he hit it into the water. He wasn't even asking and the guy was quick to mention that he could also go to the other side or back on the line of flight, into the fairway. So if they're only there to answer questions, he overstepped his bounds a bit. They needed to clear the people out of the thing while he was hitting. With them standing there, no one had a clue how big the thing was and it definitely looked like a small patch of sand. They screwed up big time and you can be sure they'll change things up majorly in 2015 because of it.
  6. If you're in a hazard you can't touch the ground with your club at any point other than when you hit the ball. He grounded his club at least once prior to the shot.
  7. I don't know. Johnson has imploded twice now on the big stage. The Pebble Beach one was obvious, but this was a bit of an implosion too even without the club grounding. All he had to do was lay off a bit and hit a straight tee shot and that tourney is probably his. Both of his first 2 shots on 18 were completely unnecessary and put him in trouble. The putt was no gimme either, but he probably should have hit it. The one I'm most curious to see is where McIlroy goes. He seems to be right up there at most of these majors now, which is downright impressive for a 21 year old. One other thought. The push of the younger guys is obvious, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the older guys stepped up next year and took things over again.
  8. These young guys have to actually win one first though. What I see now is a bunch of guys who don't have a clue how to finish. Sure, that should happen at some point, but the tour is full of guys that we're still waiting to see their first win, whether it's a younger guy like Sergio or one of the now old timers like Montgomery.
  9. Better yet, the rules official should have said something to him right away. That would imply that the official following their group was even aware of it.
  10. I have no problem with it being called a bunker, but if that's what it is, keep the damn fans out of it for the entire week.
  11. I noticed it the second he backed off an had his caddie block the light, but never thought twice about it. Hell, I was completely shocked to see the ball in sand since it was dead center in the crowd. Someone's going to win this thing and they'll feel great about it, but they'll always have this screwjob in the back of their heads. Now imagine if he had sunk the "par" putt.
  12. Check espn.com. I'm guessing their explanation will be a bit less slanted than mine.
  13. I don't even know where to start with this one, but anyone watching the PGA Championship knows exactly what I'm talking about. Unbelievable.
  14. I saw that commercial yesterday for the first time without having seen the original version. So yeah, that was pretty strange at first, but now knowing the story, it's hilarious.
  15. They're lucky Spiller didn't hold out a bit longer. He would have had a ton of leverage right now.
  16. Not to mention the giant gap between those two where Brown could possibly land. It seems like that's the only comparison we ever hear anymore, the guy either becomes an elite superstar or he washes out.
  17. There was a little kid two rows behind him. Giving the ball to the kid wins even more points.
  18. I'm under the impression that those idiots were out there for a while kicking cars. That should be enough to call the cops. That self-defense case goes right out the window with what he did though. It was entertaining and all, but I'd imagine that he's in for some legal trouble after this one.
  19. What's a guy like that doing with a bat that he clearly has never swung once in his life?
  20. And all that tail he's not getting right now. I'm sure he can sneak around a bit still, but it can't be anywhere near as easy.
  21. Just field an entire unit of returners on kicks and punts. Sure, they can't block, but it would be incredibly funny to watch.
  22. I think most of us are beyond the target age group for that one. Next summer does look interesting though. I'm sure most of what you listed will turn out to be garbage, but fun, which is fine with me. Hopefully nothing gets pushed back.
  23. Without watching the link, I'm going to assume this is another Nickelback thread.
  24. A blah ending to a blah season. The Expendables is the only one I'd consider checking out, but I'll probably wait until it hits cable.
  25. Pretty much. I couldn't believe how weak it was while I was watching. I haven't read any of them, but I've heard it got good reviews, but I just don't get it. Maybe the dinner scenes had it ending on a high note and that's what the reviewers walked away remembering. I think I'd actually classify that portion of the movie as very good, but unfortunately it took well over an hour to get there.
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