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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Now if only they could find the person responsible for wearing hats crooked. I'd love to go back in time and have that guy killed.
  2. Would anyone care if they re-dubbed 3P0's voice and made him less gay, or would that ruin the subplot of his and R2s relationship?
  3. I'm surprised Lucas didn't remove that incestuous kiss between Luke and Leia.
  4. Like I asked earlier, they arrested this guy who was there during the shooting. What else do you expect the media to think with or without a statement of the purpose of the arrest? That immediately gets spun as a "police may have suspect in custody" report. They could have arrested the guy for jaywalking as he was running for his life and the media would still report it the same exact way.
  5. He was in the last group on the course and had sole possession of the lead, so obviously everyone is watching his every move. What he did was blatantly obvious while watching live, so anyone watching with the rules in mind was going to catch it. The replays were run over and over by the officials so that they could show it to him and put to rest any protest he might have. edit: And with what Linksfield said about signing the card, that is the one rule that needs to go. In these events anyway, that is the biggest dinosaur there is. It's about as useful as the official status that a goal judge used to have in hockey. Luckily the NHL removed their impact on the game years ago.
  6. It reminds me a bit of that hit on Anquan Boldin. One hit sent Manning's head directly at another incoming player. That and the fact that it's a QB will equal a slap on the wrist fine.
  7. And the second shot too. I'm not sure of exactly what his options were, but trying to go at the green from that spot wasn't really the brightest move either. A second unnecessary risk.
  8. Fair enough, but who isn't going to connect the dots on that one?
  9. And another act of stupidity, the spectators wonder out onto the course to get a better look of what happened... while other trucks are still racing, unaware of the accident. They're lucky it didn't get even worse.
  10. Mentioning Brolin got me thinking. I can't believe the Goonies came out 25 years ago.
  11. We're arguing over semantics here, but I think your terminology is a bit off here. His name was in the press because he was in fact arrested. Once that happened, it's not a matter of telling them who it was because it's going to get out there no matter what they do.
  12. If at some point they said every body of sand on this course is a designed bunker, then I'm completely fine with it. Either way though, they screwed up big time with this one and it's a giant black eye for the game. Had Johnson sunk the putt, this would have been right up there with the blown perfect game call earlier this year in MLB (from a pure "shocking turn of events" point of view). Linksfield, I'd love to see the whole quote because it's obvious that one source decided to run with one half and the other went with the second half. A classic case of how the media can spin comments.
  13. The gang thing was a complete no brainer right from the start. These kind of things almost never happen without gang ties. The raging lunatic who shoots up a places because he's lost his mind tend to do that during peak hours and not 2:30am or whatever it was.
  14. Now you've got me thinknig of the Burton Batman movie where they made the Joker the murderer of Bruce Wayne's parents. His motivation for being Batman was completely shot after the ending of that movie.
  15. A space needed to open up before she was accepted, so I'm guessing she framed him.
  16. Definitely corny, but at least it fit the mood. What they have in there now is completely generic and sticks out like a sore thumb. I'm guessing John Williams had absolutely nothing to do with it. And yes, I realize there were other changes in the 3 movies that aren't so welcomed by most fans. I just happened to watch Jedi on Spike TV yesterday so it's fresh in my memory.
  17. If you look at what you posted earlier it says "All areas of the course that were designed and built as sand bunkers will be played as bunkers". That does not cover every spot of sand on the course. As they were saying on the broadcast yesterday, in order to be a bunker, it needs to have a lip. With where the fans were standing, there was no way he could possibly see a lip. Was it trampled down by the fans during the course of the week? Probably. The big question which I haven't seen answered yet (haven't gone searching for it either) is if there are any waste bunkers anywhere on that course. If not, then Johnson definitely screwed up. But if there are random waste bunker areas scattered throughout that course then there was little to no way of him knowing if that was one or not.
  18. I won't buy anything until they remove Hayden Christensen from the ending of Jedi and restore the original celebration music at the end. It actually bridges into the closing theme unlike what they've switched to now.
  19. I have a friend at med school at BU who was on the waiting list for admission and his arrest just happened to occur at the same time that she was finally officially accepted. That little coincidence has been fun.
  20. They get info that a guy out on parole with a violent history is at the party and a witness IDed him... sounds to me like more than enough reason to label someone as a suspect. Now, moving from that to filing charges is another story. The one thing I can't make out from these stories is just how far things moved along with this guy.
  21. Every time I see news coverage of this, I wonder if there's more than 5 people out there who don't immediately think "idiots!". I wish they'd cover this story for what it really is, stupid people getting killed because they're doing something stupid. I'll start watching any media outlet that says that right up front.
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