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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Am I the only one who has absolutely no clue who she is?
  2. There was a portion of the interview where Phoenix said that Dr. Drew diagnosed him based completely on the original Letterman interview. I'm sure he was just doing it for the ratings, but it's still pretty pathetic.
  3. I love how Phoenix mentioned what I had pointed out in the original thread last year where Casey Affleck was mad at him for breaking character at the end of the interview. That was the key moment that signaled to me that it was all an act.
  4. A couple years back when I was in DC for the frozen four I went down to my hotel's bar one night. All four of the BU guys (BU was in the frozen four and won that year)from that team, Rizo, Craig, OC, and Silk were right up there at the bar together. That was a pretty cool moment. Unfortunately, it didn't take too long for people to start flocking to them and they left shortly after. I'm kind of shocked that they actually had to pay for a single beer while there.
  5. New England might have to take a look too.
  6. But did they bring in anyone this entire offseason that improves in any of those 3 areas? If that can't be turned around in one year, they're now suddenly stuck in a spot where that can't be turned around in two years.
  7. What did Brad Butler play last year, one game? He doesn't enter into the equation at all. The rest is fine, but I can't see how this line is any worse than last year's so far(on paper anyway). With all those injuries it was the biggest patchwork O-line anyone can possibly imagine.
  8. And here I am thinking this was a thread about Vic Carucci being in Green Bay for the game.
  9. That is terrifying. Reading this thread, I was starting to feel like one of the ridiculously young ones at 29, but your post just took care of that.
  10. If only we had some sort of forum for political matters.
  11. Here's the thread we had last year. I would have bumped it, but it has been archived. I just found this story buried a bit on CNN.com, but they've finally admitted that it was an act. Phoenix will be on Letterman next week, so that could be entertaining.
  12. He doesn't spend years behind Favre if we hadn't drafted JP. Then again, maybe Losman would have spent those years behind Favre instead...
  13. I don't know. We might have to throw Cornell Green in on that deal.
  14. To be fair, Cornell basketball players aren't the one's who wind up in the WNBA, so they don't have to worry about that pro stereotype.
  15. If it's college sports, why was he trying to interview a WNBA player? But anyway, if reporters aren't allowed in college locker rooms (I have no clue, but I'd guess they aren't), we have to remember that we're dealing with a younger group of players. There are also going to be some 17 year olds in those locker rooms. That right there can cause a whole new world of problems.
  16. It really has nothing to do with the discussion, but I'm curious. Do those off limit rooms always have a wall separating them? The showers and trainers room sound pretty obvious, but I could picture there being no natural border between a locker room and the players' lounge.
  17. One of the one's that I found the funniest was a link in here earlier that said one of the uncomfortable things they did was running plays in her general direction. So let me get this straight. They tried to get the attention of someone covering the team? Shocking! I'm sure there were things that were far worse, but the "pile on" mentality by certain sections of the media out there is ridiculous. Next we'll hear that random reporter #76 thought Sanchez shook her hand 1 second too long and that was harassment.
  18. I'm a little confused on where exactly the line is for things like this though. The reporter doesn't seem to care at all, but the players' actions offended someone else who wasn't even involved. Is it even possible for someone to do something that won't offend a single person on the face of the earth?
  19. Until the day where physical appearance doesn't factor in on the hiring of any single reporter in this country, male or female (in other words: NEVER), this issue won't go away.
  20. Exactly. Way to minimize the accomplishments of your own players, Giants.
  21. I haven't been too crazy about 2010 either, but can't really offer you much in the way of advice. But best of luck to you. I hope you get things in order soon.
  22. I'd say a Parrish punt return was the only chance they had there.
  23. Remember when everyone thought the Bills would keep Levi Brown as the 3rd QB because he'd be picked up off of waivers immediately...
  24. So does this mean that you approve of the Belichick cheating method?
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