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Everything posted by shrader

  1. That's pretty cool. The comment at the end about Tiger giving him an evil glare seems like a bit much though. I tried that when I got to work but I was getting a technical difficulties message. I really didn't expect to see much of it this morning, but it would have been nice. This is always such a fun tournament to watch, it's a shame that it had to end on a monday morning with very few viewers over here in the states.
  2. Was this on tv anywhere this morning? I looked all over the place when I woke up, but couldn't find it.
  3. If they want to fine him, that's fine, but it's a ridiculous double standard if they go after this stuff but don't do anything about the defenders who run 15 yards up field to celebrate every tackle. Hell, one Patriot did that last week to celebrate a false start. It's just plain stupid.
  4. My brother went to school in Las Cruces. Now I'm starting to understand why.
  5. It's only 20 light years. They need to create a way to get a close view of the surface of that planet. If that place is anything like earth, we're just at the right time to view their version of the Buffalo Bills as they start their superbowl run.
  6. He better win one soon or else this year will wind up right up there with Greg Norman levels of choking. He's obviously not the big time player that Norman was, but this will be one hell of a painful year in Johnson's memory if he never wins the big one. edit: But then again, the paychecks probably make that a lot easier to live with.
  7. Red looks like it could be entertaining. I'll probably check that one out. The one I'm absolutely sick of hearing about though is that Facebook movie. It feels like they've been pushing that one for about 6 months now and it needs to end. I have no intention of ever seeing that movie no matter how many more ads they show me. I'm guessing I'll wait until it hits cable, but I'll check out Jackass at some point. That mindless stupidity usually works out pretty well at 1pm on a weekend night on Comedy Central.
  8. And then he ALMOST has not doubt there's life there. Interesting stuff though. It's crazy how this stuff seems to be popping up on almost a daily basis now.
  9. I can't help but laugh at the major contradiction in that quote.
  10. I was thinking he was a vegetable for those 5 days. Can they harvest someone's organs if they suffered an overdose?
  11. So one person at ESPN writes an opinion piece and another person at ESPN says something different that that original opinion and suddenly the company as a whole has no credibility? By that criteria, does any organization on the face of the earth have any credibility?
  12. Slight correction to the thread title. He OD'ed 5 days ago, not today.
  13. That story makes me thing this guy had no intention of killing anyone. He just wanted to make a scene. So I guess that'a plus. I miss the days where suicidal fools like this actually had the balls to just off themselves and not have to take people with them. If he really had no intentions of killing anyone, I'm not sure where he ranks on that list.
  14. They only mention the police. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if anyone in change of things at that airport knew exactly who they were and that they were going to be there.
  15. They will need a roster spot for Nelson next week. Still, might as well sign someone even if it's just one week.
  16. That must have been the guys calling yesterday's game because they were booting names left and right.
  17. She got married behind your back? That's actually kind of impressive.
  18. A Patriot defensive lineman ran into the backfield to celebrate a false start call against the Bills offense. If that's not excessive, I don't know what is.
  19. I'm not sure what the free agency class looks like, but whether it's that route or the draft, a QB absolutely has to be added to this roster next year. If it winds up being the draft, I'm more curious to see if Fitzpatrick is the guy who can fill that mentor role that is so important.
  20. And that career backup is unfortunately the best QB on this roster right now. Yeah, they were painful picks, but at least it was an entertaining game this time (maybe not the 2nd half).
  21. Is he still right if the Bills finish 0-16 and the Bucs wind up at 4-12?
  22. I'd ask him why he never reports the news anymore and whether or not he ever found the rainbow connection.
  23. I would love to be a tv person interviewing a muppet. It has to beat the constant stream of celebrities trying to sell their latest movie.
  24. I have no doubt that I've heard something she's done, but there's no way that I would be able to identify it or her if she showed up on my tv. I haven't listened to very much radio in probably 10 years now and when I do have it on, it's definitely not those top 40 stations. But yeah, I have heard her name plenty of times. Oh, and at 29, I'm guessing I'm not really old like b stein suggested.
  25. I really hope they lose their last 14.
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