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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Prediction: the entire team will look bad against Baltimore.
  2. Is that sarcasm or have you never actually seen a ceremonial faceoff?
  3. Yeah, it's mostly because the team sucks, but it's also the bye week.
  4. I've been out here in Boston for a little over 10 years now (that number can't just be a coincidence). Over the last couple seasons, people stopped saying anything. They could not care any less about Bills fans around here anymore.
  5. Thanks to this one, I can't help but picture Stroud riding a bike to One Bills Drive.
  6. Why would the person making the sandwich even have to ask? S/he doesn't hand you the drink cup and they have bags of chips sitting all over the place. The sandwich maker doesn't have to give you any of that stuff. I realize that people have said it's all about selling you on that meal, but the two subways around where I work (don't ask why there are two so close together) never ask unless it's the cashier.
  7. I forgot about that one. They completely snuck that one past the audience. I got back for right in time for the "that's better". Crappy timing.
  8. Not just one first round pick. They get Toronto's 1st pick in 2011 too. And Boston had no problem trading him within the division because the return they got was absurd. How could they pass on that. Oh, and one quick note. Satan wasn't signed to replace Kessel. He was signed midseason after being available all year.
  9. I'm going to miss a lot of his old bits, but I can't wait for that show.
  10. And that whole bathroom scene was straight out of Teen Wolf. I love how they throw stuff like that in their show, but don't actually flat out state what they're referencing. If you catch it, great, but if not, you're really not missing anything.
  11. I stepped away for a second and missed that at the end. It went back to the "normal" look, but I missed the explanation. I wish I had caught that part.
  12. Thanks for answering my question before I even asked it. I haven't read everything he's ever written, but I don't remember seeing a single opinion piece. Does the AP even have any of those? Anyway, there seem to be some ridiculous expectations out there of writers lately. If they're not bringing down a presidency or singlehandedly ending a war, people are going to complain. Who am I kidding, they'll complain even if the writer does something like that. Unfortunately, in the minds of so many people lately, there's no place for a basic recap of events.
  13. It was ok, but I don't have a clue why they decided to do a live episode. I did enjoy the running gag about using flashbacks. Other than that, it was completely forgettable.
  14. And the people who complain will be the ones who never actually watch the show. At this point, the regular viewers should not be surprised by anything.
  15. It almost sounds like someone could make one of those photo blogs out of the material from threads like this. I could see there being decent interest out there for some site that would post random info and pictures of "look at this old thing I found" type stuff. Actually, there must be plenty of that stuff out there already.
  16. I know nothing's off limits for them, but wow. I can't believe they went there.
  17. Clearly it was destroyed at some point in some sort of intergalactic war.
  18. That one stood out to me on the list. That can is amazing.
  19. It's the Harp, directly across the street from the Fleet Center (still refuse to use the new name). If you're not sure of the area, it's right next to the North Station T stop.
  20. Keep him away from Kristian Huselius and Ardreas Lilja and you should be fine.
  21. Not great, but it kept me entertained.
  22. Now if only Tosh.0 wasn't gone until 2011. Those two shows would work well back-to-back.
  23. It's obviously a big if, but if Nelson and Easley become players, suddenly things look a hell of a lot better. All I see right now is a 5 year streak of failure.
  24. That's exactly what I do, so it does in fact count. And I only seem to remember one piece of eye candy, so the numbers weren't good.
  25. I was a math guy in college too, but not one girl in any of my classes looked a thing like her. I think it's some kind of shrader curse or something.
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