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Everything posted by shrader

  1. And will that be a multi-part episode or was that it? The ending seemed a bit abrupt.
  2. I'd imagine that a lot of people can easily miss a $25 charge. If you get enough of those that go uncontested, you'll be making a good amount of money from your scam. That and you know that you can probably go back to that account again in the future. This thread reminded me of an email I got last week. It was an updated version of one of those ridiculous Nigerian prince scams. This time it was some woman in europe who was dying of breast cancer. It had some of the worst english I've ever seen and then halfway through, the cancer suddenly switched from the breast to some other part of the body. Absolutely hilarious.
  3. Someone really needs to teach Die Hard how to use the ignore user feature.
  4. I'll say right up front that I didn't watch last week's game, but the timing of this seems really strange to me, right after a game where Evans put up 100+ yards and 3 TDs.
  5. I wonder what kind of jobs they're talking about with a litst like this. It can easily vary from city to city. I'd be back in a heartbeat if I could actually find a job in my field. I haven't seen it yet though.
  6. I get a ton of ads that give results to job searches I made a few months back. I realize it's coming from the cookies and all of that stuff, but it's definitely a bit creepy. I haven't done any job searching for probably about 2 months now and I wonder how much longer these ads will continue to show up.
  7. Other than being posted on their page, that has nothing to do with CNN. It's taken directly from the Buffalo News.
  8. I wonder how they would do that. If you turn your head, you're not looking at the screen anymore.
  9. I went to see it last night. I had no intention of seeing the 3D, but the online listing I saw was wrong. The normal showing they had listed didn't actually exist at the theater. Anyway, the 3D seemed a bit pointless to me, definitely not worth the extra money.
  10. I can't believe I got that wrong. My brother's son was born back in July and I did the quick math in my head to see which kid was older. I know he's definitely spent a decent amount of time on the PS3 while watching the baby. So far I've been told that any games with the sound of shooting irritate the kid a bit. And there's another thing that can easily influence this decision, the systems that and friends or family might own.
  11. I'd imagine that the free online play must be appealing with a 10 month old in the house.
  12. You're probably going to be fine no matter which decision you make. You said you didn't care about bluray, but that really is one of the big plusses to the PS3. Another thing that I think plays a role in this kind of decision is if you have a history with either system. If you've player earlier games from those exclusive series, that'll factor it. I went with a PS3 a few years back based almost completely on the fact that I've been playing Metal Gear games all the way back to the NES days.
  13. Yeah, that's what we've always called them. The thing that annoys me most other than the obvious black cloud constantly hovering around is when they land on the bottom side of the brim of my hat. I don't know why, but seeing that out of the corner of my eye is really irritating. It does wind up being a free kill, but that still leaves the other half million flying around.
  14. What can they change? We've seen it a million times where the guy who falls on the ball first doesn't every actually get possession of the ball. It was pretty clear from the replay that no one fell directly on that ball. Once you signal something like that a TD, the Steeler players in the pile are going to stop fighting for the ball, so it means nothing that a Dolphin walked away with it. The correct call was made based on the review. If people want to complain, they should complain about it originally being called a TD on the field, not about the replay.
  15. And you hear the quotes from the random idiot saying that they're willing to take the risk associated with playing that way. I wonder what Everett has to say about that.
  16. We've pretty much nailed the easy examples of pure evil in this thread with the things you mentioned. There's so many other less obvious things out there though. The first that comes to mind would be Fred Phelps and his incestuous army of wackjobs.
  17. I don't believe in this whole leather helmet thing for one second, but I'm sure they could work out a way of having the logo on there. If David Puddy can have an 8-ball leather jacket, they can put running buffalo on a leather helmet.
  18. How many teams actually have veteran backups like that though? Your examples seem borderline geriatric.
  19. I love how they randomly threw Matt Hasselbeck in there.
  20. There were these tiny little black bugs at the golf course I played at growing up. They'd take over each summer and you'd pretty much have a tiny black cloud hovering around you all day. I'd get rid of them. Now if only I knew what they were.
  21. Personally, I think that would make things even worse. It would probably make players lead with the top of the helmet even more. Those are the most dangerous hits for both the hitter and the hittee.
  22. I can't see why that is a bad thing.
  23. I'm not so sure that its about them not knowing how to tackle, but more about the whole culture of making that big hit. They can make those tackles, but there's no attention gained by doing it.
  24. Please retire. No one will miss you after this pathetic response.
  25. The mustache would be enough to earn my vote.
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