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Everything posted by shrader

  1. He's way too young at this point, 4 months right now. I think my brother just wants to build up some sort of collection for a few years down the road.
  2. I stopped watching pretty quickly after she solved it. The rest really didn't seem to matter.
  3. I like it so far. I have no idea what to unlock though.
  4. I was awful at that game, so I doubt it. I enjoyed the team based stuff though, so I'll keep coming back for more deaths.
  5. No, I get why she didn't spin a second time. I must not have explained it clearly. If she's so sure about the solution, while picking the letter on her first and only spin, why didn't she pick a letter that would get her a little more money? If she had picked "T" instead, she walks away with the trip and $2700, instead of just $900. I'll stick with the thought that taking "L" proves to her that the first word isn't "I'll" and that her guess is safe.
  6. But that's what baseball is all about. There's way too much time to not have filler like that. I say give him an equally ancient color guy and have them ramble on and on about baseball in the 20s. It would remind me of the lineup of ringers Mr. Burns originally put together in the softball episode of the Simpsons. edit: And speaking of the Simpsons and impersonations of Scully, Hank Azaria's is awesome.
  7. No, I mean when picking that first letter, go with something like "T" instead. That was in there 3 times, so she gets more money and then can immediately solve the puzzle. I'm guess that the "L" was just guess to cover her in case she was wrong. That first word was obviously either "I've" or "I'll".
  8. So if she had such a great feeling about it, why didn't she pick one of the letters that appeared more than once so she could get more money?
  9. I'm pretty sure it was mentioned earlier in the thread, but either way, anytime this question comes up people always talk about how great the Xbox controller is. I've never even touched an Xbox, so I've always wondered what is so great about those controllers? I've never had any problems with the playstation controller, but then again, I've been playing that system since its birth.
  10. He was the worst actor on the face of the earth and that somehow made him perfect. I really miss him and Kevin Nealon. I really enjoyed Nealon's subliminal man act.
  11. And they need to find a way to keep Scully alive forever because that voice should never go away.
  12. My brother's been telling me that I should look for some DVD's for christmas that he can watch with his son over the next few years. Dinosaurs might be a good one. Thanks for reminding me about that show.
  13. Soundgarden is on tonight and that alone will make me tune in. Hell, I'd probably even watch Leno if they showed up (but only the end of it).
  14. I feel like I've come across that name before at some point... or did you use it here as a username? Anyway, I pre-ordered mine from best buy last week. I might have to wait until wednesday to pick it up though. At least that way it'll be one day longer until I have no life at all. shrader5 on PS3. I might actually look to add any PS3 people from here. A few Buffalo people in the game would be a good thing.
  15. He'll always be Lonestar and that's more than enough for me.
  16. I liked it when it came out, but I was only 15. Looking back on it, Will Smith is just about the only good thing about that movie. That seemed to be the moment where his career went to the next level. Skyline may wind up having very little in common with that movie, but it definitely gives off that vibe in its previews.
  17. Me too. People can't say enough about the way he handled that whole situation.
  18. The only thing I can think of is their lack of big names over the years. There's the obvious in Brett Hull, but after that, Bernie Federko really doesn't bring that much to the table.
  19. So if you're a fan of those movies, would you even want to see this one now or would you rather wait until you can see the whole thing back to back? I get the feeling that they'll re-release it to theaters once the 2nd part comes out and it will actually sell better then. So all the previews for that Skyline movie have really been bugging me. Did someone really have to go rip off a weak movie like Independence Day?
  20. The Pirates have sucked for 20 some years now and the Penguins had at least one string of awful post-Lemieux seasons during that span. This whole subject is nothing more than the woe is me crap that has been big in Buffalo for a while now.
  21. I've seen those Bradley references online, but since I have no clue who the kid is, I kind of hope it is someone else. The only two regularly used kids that aren't already one of the superheroes are Craig and Tweak (where has he been over the last few years?). I'd rather it be one of those two, but I doubt it. Then again, I'm pretty sure they changed up Kyle's identity on the fly because last week I was 100% sure he was the Mosquito.
  22. Hadn't the statute of limitations expired by the time the first accusation was made? If that was the case, the lack of charges means absolutely nothing there.
  23. Screw Mysterion. Who is Mint Berry Crunch?
  24. Gremlins is as much a Christmas movie as Die Hard is. They shouldn't be associated with any other day of the year.
  25. I recently started going through the full run of Arrested Development again. The constant barrage of out of context Tobias quotes might just be even funnier now. They never get old. I'm not sure if aj is looking for more recent shows, but this was going to be my suggestion even before I read your post.
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