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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'm not so sure what admitting you made the wrong pick accomplishes. Does it magically right the wrong and bring that missed pick back into the fold? All it does is create a cancerous situation (unless it lights a fire under the ass of that guy who was the "wrong pick"). I can see where a guy in Polian's shoes might have to say something since his team is a perennial contender. But with the Bills, if by some chance Spiller was in fact a big mistake, what difference does that "right pick" really make here, especially less than a year after it was made? 1 win?
  2. I'm feeling the sudden urge to break out the old Intellivision and play Tron Deadly Discs.
  3. It would still have to be considered a fair matchup if both teams were trying to lose, right?
  4. I have no idea who used it first, but they're both just a color swap of the Packers' logo. So add another layer to the possibilities in a situation like that. Anyway, I don't think I have much of a problem with this at all. If they had tried to get money out of it, then it would be a completely different story.
  5. Speaking of Buffalo sports empires, that's another thing that needs to be brought back, a local sports television network. It's probably a money vacuum, but man do we need it. Yeah, but that's only because of that special rule that allows to to own in all three leagues. It's like a buy two, get one free deal.
  6. Even if they wanted to, item 3 is not possible right now. The union would put up a huge fight. They need to start small like they are now. This should be another interesting thing to watch with the new CBA.
  7. I'm trying to pro all the perks, so that gets in the way of shooting stuff down. I have everything but flak jacket pro. I need to throw back one single frag grenade, but no one ever uses them. Anyway, once that is done, I probably will be carrying the strela and going ghost full time. The secondaries are mostly useless, so there's no reason not to have a launcher. I just wish I could find the stupid spyplanes. Most of the time, I get killed as I'm searching the sky for one to shoot down. edit: Then again, when you get killed upon spawning 5 times in a row by a chopper gunner, you really have no way of shooting the damn thing down.
  8. The only major problem with the game is the serious connection issues (on the PS3 anyway). There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. The worst is when you make it all the way through a long game then it suddenly boots you in the last minute. It has also caused my machine to freeze several times, something I've never had happen even once with any other games. Other than that, I'm very happy with it. The chopper gunners and gun ships are really annoying though. It tells me with ghost pro they can't see me, but I still get killed over and over when those are in the air. Luckily, people don't get them too often. The only other thing that bugs me is when I wind up in a game against an organized group of friends. It winds up being impossible to even move. But hey, that kind of stuff happens. Nuke Town is great. I watched a teammate put up 154 kills there one match. He got a chopper gunner and then went to town. The other team was ridiculously bad because even with those 154 kills, I also managed to put up the most kills I ever had in a game, 50-something. I almost want to try to go 0-0 on that map. I've found a pretty good low traffic hiding spot.
  9. I like how that clip shows the Cleveland hits too. The scenarios are different, but the hit looks nearly identical to the one against the Browns' WR (not going to attempt to spell that name). Both times he leads with the top of his head and launches high.
  10. It's pathetic that the only thing that will ever change this guy's tune is when he eventually breaks his own neck hitting like that. Of course, this week he'll probably whine about having to retire again thanks to the latest fine. And before anyone tries to make the claim, I'm not trying to say that I want to see him break his neck.
  11. I'm pretty sure he left out the words "is a" in the thread title.
  12. No, it's not an excessive celebration. It's a uniform violation. Johnson knew he would be fined long before he showed that shirt, but he chose to do it anyway. It's no big deal.
  13. So you've never seen that one where they show off their missionary work in Africa? There's even a clip where a priest uses a rocket launcher to save a starving ethiopian kid from a charging pride of lions.
  14. Yeah, I don't remember that being all that good. I'm not sure it was cat food, but it's not a place I'll be going back to any time soon (not that I ever go to Denver).
  15. I went there with a couple friends a few years back. We pretty much had to check it out thanks to that episode. It's pretty much exactly what they showed in that episode.
  16. 200 and 201 was a two parter from last half season. Muhammed in a bear suit.
  17. Good luck with that one. Comedy Central will obviously never air it again. I wonder if it will even make the DVDs when those eventually come out. I'm sure you can find it somewhere, but it'll take some effort. And for all those who didn't like this half season, how's this for a conspiracy theory. You think it's possible that they mailed it in after the way Comedy Central handled 201? I remember thinking that it was time Parker and Stone moved on after that whole situation.
  18. Am I losing my mind or didn't this selection leak out a while ago? I could swear that I remember having the "hey, it's not another band from the 60s" reaction already... not that I'm complaining about the string of bands from the 60s.
  19. I was wondering how deeply they'd jump into the alien stuff (kind of hard not to). Looks like they go all out.
  20. Are we talking about guys who are currently in the last year of their contract or guys like Johnson who still have another year left? If it gets to the offseason, just about everything's going to have to wait for that CBA.
  21. I don't see/hear most of the stuff that many of you do, so maybe I'm way off base on this. I'll throw it out there anyway. I can't help but get the feeling from stuff like this that Johnson is the kind of character who was meant to be in a bigger market. Am I just imagining things here?
  22. Do those points figures account for points scored off of turnovers (yeah, I already know the answer), whether the defense took it to the house themselves or if they set the offense up in FG range? This current defense doesn't force any turnovers at all.
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