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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Just out of curiousity, what would you do if you found yourself looking for a decent meal but were a bit pressed for time? I'll take any chance I can get to move away from my typical meals of spaghetti or chicken on the Foreman grill.
  2. I'll second this one. That stuff is really good and about as simple as possible. I just wish I wasn't out of it when I cooked some chicken last night.
  3. Mark gave an age range and both you and the Dean aren't in it. It's that simple. Everyone's got their own iconic tv/entertainment figures and of course they're going to vary from person to person and age to age.
  4. Yeah, I know, but just imagine if they could do it that way. That would be one hell of a visual.
  5. I'm pretty sure that they're actually behind this long period of suck that is known as Buffalo Bills football.
  6. I've always heard the stories about this but never actually saw any pictures until today. That's pretty cool. I wish there was some video out there of the moment they took the dam out. Actually, it would probably be pretty boring since they couldn't just take the whole thing out in one instant.
  7. Now I'm not sure if this wall is legal or not. If that box between the sideline and the extra white line is a coaches only area, where do the inactive players fall in those rules?
  8. The take it more seriously message is to be aware when you see something that just doesn't make sense. That guy who just left his bag under the seat and walked away? Yeah, it's probably nothing, but tell him "hey, you forgot your bag". If nothing else, you probably just saved that guy from having to buy some new stuff. I see no problem in it.
  9. And if the casino quickly phases out all of their old high roller chips and replaces them with new ones, that guy sticks out like a sore thumb.
  10. Oops, missed the 3rd page before posting. Anyway, I think those posts pretty much back up what I was thinking. Most of the more recent stuff that you mentioned seemed to all be covers/re-workings of those original classics. I've heard plenty of them, but at the end of the day, pretty much everyone is still going to associate those songs with the original versions.
  11. I think I cried earlier today when I watched that clip.
  12. Is there any good christmas song that isn't at least 40-50 years old? I'm just estimating with that number, but every song coming to mind right now that I like is very old. I tend to like the religious ones a bit more, so that could easily be influencing this observation.
  13. I'd imagine that it's pretty easy to keep track of people who are legitimately getting those big chips in the casino. So this guy's only chance might be to go in with a large sum of cash to get some big chips, then sneak a few of the stolen ones in when he tries to cash out. Then again, if those stolen ones aren't marked in anyway, I bet the casino will mark the ones they do currently have. Then any unmarked ones immediately raise red flags.
  14. Even though there were only two things in there that I wanted to watch, I always enjoyed those threads.
  15. The kid at the end? I loved it. That was easily the smartest thing done in the entire video. Yeah, probably an overreaction. A suspension and a permanent ban from the basketball team should be more than enough.
  16. Not only that, but Rudolph and the Grinch aired at the same exact time. What a waste. Eh, I'm sure Michael Jackson left far worse scars for Culkin.
  17. The zoom in on the eye seems like a variation of the spinning camera. I'm sure he's got a million more variations up his sleeve.
  18. Thanks for the link. The one thing that wasn't completely clear from it was if they were indeed in an allowed spot. I'm guessing yes, but the picture doesn't show the width of the white sideline. Anyway, I have no doubt in my mind that those guys were in fact there to be an obstacle and I have absolutely no problem with it. We're talking about the world of professional sports where base runners try to steal the catchers signs, coaches have to cover their mouths when radioing in plays just in case someone can read their lips. How is this any different? Players and coaches in every sport have always done a countless number of things to potentially add a competitive advantage. A line of coaches standing in a spot where players aren't technically allowed to be is more of the same. Sticking out the knee though? That's where the line is clearly crossed.
  19. If they're allowed to stand where they were standing, who really cares? How dare they break rules by following the rules. *Obviously this point is moot if they're not allowed to stand there.
  20. Don't worry. Bay will distract you from those thoughts with a ton of explosions and crappy jokes.
  21. I wish he hadn't tried to make a full team out of it. Seeing guys like Howard and Stupar on there really don't fit in with the whole story.
  22. Don't get too attached to Terriers. It's getting the ax.
  23. Maybe a paraplegic, but definitely not a quadriplegic. You do have to feed your family.
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