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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I can think of one scenario where it would be good for Bills fans. If they wind up losing a season, the league is going to have to have some sort of weighted lottery to determine the draft order in 2012. If it's structured anywhere similar to the way the NHL structured theirs, the Bills are going to have a very good shot at landing that 1st overall pick.
  2. This whole thing makes absolutely no sense to me. Sooner or later we'll reach the point where no kind of discipline is allowed at all.
  3. It just started to snow decently out here in Boston as I started my drive to work. This place is a ghost town because of it, but it's not too bad out there at all. I hope I get the day off tomorrow though. I'd like to have some beer and help people dig their cars out. Sounds like a blast.
  4. I know they have the rule about not owning teams in two different markets, but is there anything that would prevent Jeremy Jacobs from being a minority owner of the Bills? If Pegula buddies up with the NHL owners pretty quickly, a pairing of Pegula (majority owner) and Jacobs would make a ton of sense for the Bills.
  5. I bought a car at just the right time. I'm sick of having to inch my way out into intersections in fear of the random old guy who decides to run a red light. I've seen that happen at least 3 times so far.
  6. I'm right there with you. It's a thought that won't even enter my head at this point.
  7. I'm thinking his little experiment had nothing to do with lentils, but was actually to see how long he could keep people hooked waiting for updates.
  8. I can see why they would want to mess around with 3D, especially with the visuals from the first movie, but they're probably better off going with a completely new movie all together. I don't see why they would bring back all the Matrix characters, especially since most are dead.
  9. I'd imagine that if you thought it was one of your neighbors, you'd call them out by name. Then when you get no response, what next? It's easy to say what you would do in this situation, but it's another story all together for what you would do if you actually were put in that situation.
  10. I could see not wanting to let him in, but maybe throw the guy a blanket or something after calling 911.
  11. I could have done without the Rachel character in both movies. Maggie Gyllenhaal was better, but I still didn't care for her. Obviously she's important for the Dent's transformation, but Batman doesn't need a love interest in all of these movies. His love is Gotham City. Leave it at that.
  12. I'm curious about how much, if any of the yelling can be heard on the 911 call. It seems like that would pretty much paint the full picture. Anyway, if the statement is true that the victim (not even sure if that is the right word here) had to climb a 6 foot fence to get in, I think that pretty much says it all. Wrong place at the incredibly wrong time, but completely justified.
  13. He definitely does seem to have the whole casting thing down to a science. But then again, anyone who uses actors like Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman in minor supporting roles clearly puts a lot of thought into that whole process.
  14. I'm sure they'll get it right and have him as an intellectual and physical equivalent to Bruce Wayne. There's a lot of potential right there. I can't wait to see what they do with him. All I know is that the bar for Bane was set incredibly low by Schumacher, so it can only get better from here.
  15. I hope we get to the point where we start to see birds flying around wearing miniature foil hats. That would be pretty cool.
  16. My friend always tells a story from his high school days of a kid on his roller hockey team who would always say that to people. He said it to a ref one game who just happened to be indian and was immediately tossed from the game.
  17. I thought they were bad enough as internet speak, but it's a million times worse when someone actually says them out loud.
  18. They will probably go with a similar approach to what the NHL took. They would have some sort of weighted lottery to determine the draft order. It makes the most sense and avoids most teams complaining about Carolina getting 2 #1s in a row.
  19. I think it's incredibly stupid, but at the end of the day, I think the story will still get through. Then again, I don't see this lasting very long anyway.
  20. If you're joining a gym, most probably offer a free session with a trainer to new members. You probably have a decent idea of things you can do, but if it's free and available, why not.
  21. And the vast majority of the news is full of the typical "1 inch of snow coming, hide the women and children" or "crook politician" stories. Even if it isn't very important on the grand scale, it's good to see something positive get attention.
  22. True Grit was really good. Has the little girl been getting any recognition for that one? She was really good.
  23. I love when a conversation like this takes place and then a few posts later the original idea is proven.
  24. It's not just the media though. I can't count the number of commercials I see from the ambulance chaser law firms every time even the crappiest of studies surfaces suggesting a link to any type of illness/injury.
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