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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I wonder how closely they're working to tie all these movies together for the eventual Avengers movie. The Thor trailer makes it look like it is essentially a direct sequel to this movie since that SHIELD agent is all over it. Will the rest of the movies leading into the Avengers now have that close of a tie in the rest of the way?
  2. I had to spend $30 to park my car for 4 hours today.
  3. I'm not going to suggest that saving money is or should be a big factor here, but they are free to move Enroth back and forth to Portland as much as they want this year and next. If he's not going to play on any given night, he's better served getting the time in the AHL. At the same time, they wind up paying him less while he's down there. It sucks for Enroth, but it's a part of every you NHL player's contract and he agreed to it. At the same time, they also build a little bit of a cushion in terms of the salary cap just in case they do want to make a play for someone at the deadline. As for the injury thing, planning for injuries is not a luxury that most teams can have. At some point you have to take on that low risk and ride with what you have, so I don't really see there being much of an issue with keeping Enroth on the shuttle to the AHL. Once we hit the last couple games of the season? That might be a different case (but even then, there are restrictions on how many total callups they're allowed from Portland).
  4. I'm sure it's a subject for a completely different thread, but I don't know how we can expect great advances in speech recognition when the vast majority of the people out there can't even speak in the first place.
  5. It might as well be 9 points over those 9 games too. Not that I'm complaining, but assists really aren't Stafford's thing. And on that note, he does have 1 assist over that same period.
  6. I wonder if the computer can possibly screw up in final jeopardy when it has the extra time to give its answer. I'll also be curious to see how it determines what to bet going into that round or for daily doubles (did it get any of those yesterday?).
  7. So wait, that's who they are? That whole thread was just a week long plug for jeopardy? Anyway, I might check this out if I can figure out which station actually carries jeopardy around here. If nothing else, I'd like to see how they're actually setting up this whole thing.
  8. Damn you. Ok, how is it receiving the answers? Does it read them off the screen? Does it listen to Trebek's voice? Or is there some other kind of input.
  9. How is the computer receiving the questions?
  10. Look at the stats over Ruff's time here. There's only one single occasion that wasn't brought on by injury where a backup goalie got significant playing time. Even if a 30 year old Hasek was Miller's backup today, he wouldn't be playing.
  11. There are only 2 things that will cause some quality playing time for another goalie: 1. a new head coach 2. an injury to Miller
  12. At first, the title made me think of 4 or 5 giant wolves. But still, that's some crazy stuff. It could make for an entertaining tv show.
  13. It's definitely a money grab, but sometimes those are a good thing.
  14. There has to be a trophy wife or two living in Orchard Park.
  15. I figured it was a Rex Ryan joke or something. There was a weight management center on the 2nd floor of the building I used to work in. It was the perfect example of how people could let themselves get that size: 20 something year olds going there and always taking the elevator.
  16. I bet I'd kill at Triangle Hero.
  17. The more I think about this, the more I think it has a lot to do with keeping the team name out there and getting some cash flow during the lockout. Yes, they needed a change, but the timing seems all to convenient. Not that I'm complaining.
  18. I don't think this one is even worth thinking up some one-liner for. It's funny enough already.
  19. I don't think I ever paid much attention to NFL socks, but why not put a couple red stripes in those ones?
  20. I wish they'd just go with the throwbacks fulltime, but I get that there's no money in that. As long as the royal blue makes its return, I'll be happy.
  21. The problem there is that the truly iconic villain of each series needs to show up eventually. So are you suggesting they bring in someone else and then go with Luthor for the second one? The proble with Superman always ends up being that there is really no even match, unless they start bringing some random alien to the table. It doesn't match completely with your suggestion, but I think a decent option might be to start out with General Zod. Yeah, it's been done before, but I don't think most will think of him right away.
  22. I agree with this 100%. I used to go for the challenge of eating the hottest stuff out there, but it's just not worth it anymore. Give me that balance of spice and flavor and I'm happy. I will never understand watching shows like Man vs. Food where you see the challenges that require the person to wear rubber gloves. If the stuff is so hot that it can burn your hands, why in the hell would you ingest it? Ok, maybe if you want to go on some spiritual journey where a talking space coyote tells you to find your soulmate, but that's it.
  23. I've loved reading the recaps of the testimony. There's a Law & Order episode in there.
  24. It's tough settling on a brand, but I'll go with a lot of people in here who mentioned kettle cooked salt and vinegar chips. I noticed a new kind I haven't seen before a couple days back, so I'm going to grab those with my lunch later today.
  25. I'm surprised there was nothing for the Green Lantern.
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