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Everything posted by shrader

  1. This happened with me too. I got a postcard in the mail back in November or December that said I was getting a gift subscription to both Rolling Stone and ESPN the Magazine, but I don't have a clue where it came from.
  2. Does the NFL have any say at all on what kind of endorsement deals a player can sign?
  3. One problem, the players collectively agreed to play under this set of rules. So if those rules do in fact suck, maybe they need to start questioning that "union" that they blindly support and not just the owners.
  4. This is exactly what I was thinking. ESPN's already in bed with the NFL so that's not going to happen. Fox, NBC, and CBS have contracts with the NFL so they wouldn't dare (they've probably got some NASCAR or golf scheduled to air those days anyway). ABC's out too with their connection to ESPN. But hey, they might get some crappy regional sports network to show up. Way to go "NFLPA"!
  5. Are these draft picks still holding their meetings with teams? If they do that and then go on to boycott the draft, it seems a bit two-faced, doesn't it?
  6. I'm not trying to make any suggestions about Schefter here, but if an NFL Network employee started getting critical about an owner, would s/he have a job very long?
  7. D-bags who try to make a moral stand and refuse to show a receipt for 20 minutes.
  8. So can Walmart eliminate this problem by putting some fine print in their receipts that a purchase is not considered official until the product leaves the store?
  9. The one in fall always bugs me more. There's something so depressing about that first day of work where it's pitch black outside when you leave.
  10. It's already happening. I can't imagine what this is going to spiral towards in the next 20 or so years. It should be very interesting to watch.
  11. I've never come across a 5 guys at any point, but this thread has made me hungry over the last couple days. It sounds a bit like a decent local place around here that I now need to head to later today.
  12. Is that 4 people swept out to see today? I really don't want to make fun of the situation, but really, how does that happen? If only there were some warnings issued about the conditions headed towards the coast. Anyway, all of the video I've seen from Japan today is unreal. It's amazing how powerful one tiny little event can be.
  13. Is there any legal way that they can prevent that guy from ever stepping foot in that store again? It would be great if they could, you know, just for the principle of the matter. I'd call it the "don't be an ass" law.
  14. I don't like the way the undrafted free agents are included into that analysis. Comparing each of the rounds is fine since there are roughly an equal amount of picks in each round. There are far more undrafted free agent signings though, so that's going to inflate the number of starters out of that group a bit. That needs to be weighted in some fashion.
  15. They want attention and they know how to get it. If the media would actually smarten up and ignore these stories, I'm sure they'd find a whole new way of getting that attention.
  16. But was the location given on the map the actual home of the reporter?
  17. It's probably slightly off topic, but I have never understood the obsession with the zamboni. To me, it was always that thing that needed to get off the ice faster so the hockey could start back up again or I could get out there on the ice myself.
  18. Why's it called "Sucker Punch" if there are a bunch of planes, robots and sword fights?
  19. The half stripes on the arms kind of annoy me, but I would take that in a heartbeat.
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