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Everything posted by shrader

  1. That's all fair, but I can't shake the feeling from reading this that he's trying to cut out her family completely. In an ideal world, they'd be a great source to turn to in those struggles of raising 3 kids. Now, in reality, he may be a POS, her family may be POSes, or some combination of both, but either way, there's something more in play here. It doesn't go to court if it's just a simple case of him moving on.
  2. Is there a coaching staff?
  3. Yeah, it sucks either way, but divorcing someone while they're in a vegetative state seems pretty low to me. I'd like to think I wouldn't do something like that, but obviously you never know until it happens.
  4. I can't help but think that is the reason though. I'm sure the writer wanted to paint it that way, but you really have to wonder about a guy who bails like that a year into her condition. And on a side note: does anyone know the origin of the names of those three kids? They're very different from every other family member named in the story.
  5. If I remember correctly, there are studies out there that have texting while driving as being worse than being drunk. It's pretty much common sense since texting involves looking away from the road while the drunk can still actually see. I'm not sure how many have banned it so far, but I know a lot of places are at least looking into it if they haven't already. Those no cell phone laws have to be much easier to enforce than drunk driving. A drunk can at least disguise it but I don't know how you hide the fact that you have a phone in your hand.
  6. I think that if a drunk can actually take the time to look up one of these checkpoints on his phone and avoid it, he's probably not all that impaired anyway. Then again, I don't have too much experience here, so I could be way off base.
  7. I've never been able to get a good handle on most critic's thoughts when it comes to comedies. It seems like most of the time, I come out with the exact opposite opinion of the critic.
  8. But hey, at least for that $5.75, you get about 5 gallons. There's nothing better than some diabetes in a cup.
  9. Maybe I'm always on the wrong planes, but I've never seen reclining as a problem. The seats only seem to rotate about a quarter of a centimeter, so that really doesn't take any space away.
  10. There has to be a few heart attacks in there too
  11. How long ago did you buy the tickets? I get random live nation emails but I never actually bought anything from them. The last time I bought tickets of any kind online was right around this time last year for a Red Wings game at Joe Louis Arena.
  12. I'm more curious about who actually picked him out in all those clips. That's either someone with a lot of time on their hands or someone who knows the guy (or actually is that guy).
  13. This happened with me too. I got a postcard in the mail back in November or December that said I was getting a gift subscription to both Rolling Stone and ESPN the Magazine, but I don't have a clue where it came from.
  14. Does the NFL have any say at all on what kind of endorsement deals a player can sign?
  15. One problem, the players collectively agreed to play under this set of rules. So if those rules do in fact suck, maybe they need to start questioning that "union" that they blindly support and not just the owners.
  16. Where can I sign up for this modern day slavery?
  17. This is exactly what I was thinking. ESPN's already in bed with the NFL so that's not going to happen. Fox, NBC, and CBS have contracts with the NFL so they wouldn't dare (they've probably got some NASCAR or golf scheduled to air those days anyway). ABC's out too with their connection to ESPN. But hey, they might get some crappy regional sports network to show up. Way to go "NFLPA"!
  18. Are these draft picks still holding their meetings with teams? If they do that and then go on to boycott the draft, it seems a bit two-faced, doesn't it?
  19. I'm not trying to make any suggestions about Schefter here, but if an NFL Network employee started getting critical about an owner, would s/he have a job very long?
  20. D-bags who try to make a moral stand and refuse to show a receipt for 20 minutes.
  21. So can Walmart eliminate this problem by putting some fine print in their receipts that a purchase is not considered official until the product leaves the store?
  22. The one in fall always bugs me more. There's something so depressing about that first day of work where it's pitch black outside when you leave.
  23. It's already happening. I can't imagine what this is going to spiral towards in the next 20 or so years. It should be very interesting to watch.
  24. I've never come across a 5 guys at any point, but this thread has made me hungry over the last couple days. It sounds a bit like a decent local place around here that I now need to head to later today.
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