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Everything posted by shrader

  1. But who are they paying, Mark Pike or his son?
  2. I was wondering why the name sounded so familiar. That explains it.
  3. Didn't the fire extinguisher take care of that possibility?
  4. That's exactly what I had in mind when reading this thread.
  5. Stay away from college games (not that it's an option for you). A lot of the time they get students to sing it, which brings it right back to the crappy versions where they have to stylize every single word. I've always wondered if anyone would care if I sat down in the middle of one of those versions that takes about 10 minutes to sing. At that point, it's not really the national anthem anymore so I'm not the one disrespecting it.
  6. Some arrogant British officer shot and killed Mel Gibson's son.
  7. It was entirely Myers. I'm still not sure if JVR didn't put that shot entirely too high on his own and it was going to miss the net anyway.
  8. Not smart? You're ignoring the possibility that the sign is in fact 100% true.
  9. Here's the best part of this article to me:
  10. Miller isn't scoring the timely goals. He needs to go.
  11. Is that the Keanu Reeves movie that was filmed in Buffalo?
  12. Did they ever actually stop doing those at all during the Golisano ownership?
  13. I usually end that exchange with "go Sabres".
  14. I'll never complain about Theisman and Millen losing work, but I thought Mayock was absolutely horrible in the playoff game he called.
  15. I just like being in the position to have bandwagon fans. Maybe someday the Bills will return to that level.
  16. I learned to never get involved in a land war in Asia and never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
  17. I think that idea would be best for just about every city out there. It's a shame there's no money for it.
  18. Should I ruin the joke for everyone?
  19. I clicked on this thinking it was going to be the most tasteless thread I've ever seen. Thank god it wasn't.
  20. The 21st century thing seems to be the whole "I'm going to take as many people with me as possible" mentality. Luckily that wasn't the case with this girl.
  21. I've always wondered how Manning can be in on this suit since he doesn't currently have a contract. So he's not currently being locked out.
  22. You haven't watched in years yet you can say they currently look exactly the same as they did before? Yeah, that one makes a ton of sense.
  23. I probably should have added a to that post because it was a joke. Still, I do think it's kind of strange that a country with a 100 different kit kat flavors is mostly underweight.
  24. After reading through that list, I have to wonder how we're the country with the obesity problem and Japan isn't.
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