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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I don't know. If his career were to end today, I think ultimately the two would be viewed on pretty much an equal standing. A difference of 4 majors doesn't seem like all that much to me, considering the fact that they're both in the teens. There are two major differences that I see, one in favor of each man. Jack has the 86 Masters and Tiger has the unrivaled dominance of his early career.
  2. Those people are really dedicated to those movies. The comments are probably the best part.
  3. Why do they always have to blow up suspicious packages?
  4. I saw this one while driving last night. 3 stations all within a mile of each other. The first was priced at $4.25 and then the next two were both $3.99. I'd love to know what idiots are actually dumb enough to stop at that first place. That first place looked to be some kind of local owned place with no recognizable name on it. The other two were BP and Shell (not sure on the second, but it was definitely one of the big chains). Oh, and a couple hours later when I drove past again, that first place was up to $4.29.
  5. The Bruins and that arena are a cash cow. He will never sell them. That and Jacobs essentially runs the NHL. He'll never walk away from that.
  6. Or they could have skipped the little kid stuff completely and gone with Neeson as Obi Wan and Ewan as Anakin. Granted, McGregor was one of the few positives from those movies. Anyway, I'm in the same boat as most of you seem to be with Thor. I wasn't all that interested but then the reviews roped me in. Hopefully I see it this weekend.
  7. Try living among these neanderthals. Now that they're about to make the conference finals, people are going to start with the whole "I'm a lifelong, diehard Bruins fan" act.
  8. So instead, you go with such fine alternatives as Philly (ok, they're done) and Boston? No thank you.
  9. Did he ever apologize for the Jagr trade?
  10. It only makes sense if they have him in some secret prison where they're drawing every last bit of information out of him. I wouldn't mind at all if that was the case, but yeah, he's dead.
  11. I'm about to start working on a project that involves something with BPA. In our introductory meeting the woman in charge was talking about how the plastic jugs at the water cooler had traces of BPA, but now they have newer ones that have been cleared. I think I'm going to start paying a little closer attention now to make sure I get these details right.
  12. How many of the picks did they coach at the Senior Bowl? I don't think I've actually seen those numbers.
  13. I can think of one loser who is currently sitting at the bottom of the ocean with a hole in his head.
  14. The guy who shot him knows exactly who he is. But since these guys are a part of an elite military unit, that's not an issue to them. They did it as a team. There's plenty of value to the american public if they were to find out the individual, but that's not going to happen.
  15. No, I mean after it was done. All I can picture is the classic post-superbowl Disney world commercial. "Navy Seal X, you've just shot and killed the most hated man in the world. What are you going to do next?"
  16. I realize their the seals, the best of the best, but I'd love to know what's going through the mind of the guy that fired that bullet. It's not every day that you get to kill the most hated man in America.
  17. If they really want the freedom to work where ever they please, they're more than free to work in MLB, McDonalds, or the local accounting firm. It might not be playing football, but there's plenty of competition out there for their services.
  18. I knew that response was coming. Has DC done much in recent years other than Batman and the Superman reboot? I can't really think of anything. The Green Lantern will be the obvious big test for them (especially if they finally do want to move forward with a Justice League project). I'm very interested in that one, but I have a hard time seeing it catching on in the mainstream. So far it seems a bit too sci-fi from the trailers I've seen. All the great ones you mentioned are still somewhat based in reality, there's something you can relate to. I can't shake the feeling that all the Oa stuff and the alien green lanterns is going to be a bit much.
  19. Maybe it would be the exact reverse of that old horror story where a someone is possessed because their transplant came from a killer. This time the scumbag becomes a decent person... only to be murdered in jail.
  20. I eventually wind up seeing most of their movies, mostly when they air on free tv, but that one never interested me at all. I'm sure it's a good movie, but the whole concept of a movie full of talking cars just seems stupid to me.
  21. Nice, I won't have to buy anything new to replace the throwbacks I currently wear.
  22. Yeah, I'll still see it even though the only thing I'm going to enjoy is the random iconic line Prime randomly says.
  23. Leonard Nimoy in transformers? Does that mean Galvatron? Great thread as usual Mark. So much to digest here.
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