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Everything posted by shrader

  1. That's interesting. I don't know why, but I just assumed it all happened at night making it harder for both parties to see what was going on.
  2. There's a good number of owners who put out stuff like that. The most recent one that comes to mind is Leonsis in DC after the craps got bounced in the playoffs. Still, it's a very good thing to have an interactive owner like this in Buffalo. Hopefully it continues.
  3. I'd suggest looking to something other than an opinion piece to find information on what happened. About 3 lines in it was apparent that that link's sole purpose was to attack the police. Now, it's entirely possible that this link did get it right, but I had a tough time reading through its obvious bias.
  4. All I can think of while I read all of this is "Lebron James".
  5. Or he could just give the money to me. He'd never notice it was missing anyway.
  6. He never owned the Amerks. Anyway, he's as local as Pegula. They don't live here but do have emotional ties to the area.
  7. The absurd markup in price goes to Americans though (ridiculously wealthy americans).
  8. Would the county/city/whoever officially owns the building ever consider selling the arena to Pegula or do they get more out of leasing it?
  9. Where are you wearing these things if you're buying 4 or 5 a year and are worried about them not lasting very long?
  10. A lot of those "Yankees suck" shirts that they sell out here usually have something like "Jeter Swallows" on the back. I wonder if he had one of those shirts.
  11. That chanting is pathetic and I give the Rays a lot of credit for trying to cut back on it. Anyway, like albany said, it's not like they tossed the guy immediately. They gave him the chance to cover it up and he instead left. There's no story here other than an idiot trying to grab attention (and probably cash) for himself.
  12. This guy's a lawyer and he actually wrote that in his letter to the team? Hey idiot, you just proved the point you were attempting to argue against.
  13. Is there anything to stop him from watching some of these workouts the players have organized on their own?
  14. I like the timing, right when there's no one who can actually fine him for saying it (something completely missed in that short article).
  15. The October 21st thing isn't anything new though. He was saying that the world would end that day all along (well, after his 1994 miss anyway). I'll give him credit for sticking to his whack job guns. If people are dumb enough to give him money after he already failed on one of these predictions, they pretty much deserve to lose everything because they're idiots.
  16. There's a common misconception when it comes to elbows. It is perfectly legal to hit with the elbow, as long as the arm stays down. The penalty comes when the player leads with the elbow. If McNabb had left his arm down, it would have been fine, but his arm clearly comes up prior to the hit.
  17. Intentional or not, it's a clear elbow to the head. The suspension's warranted, especially since the CHL has been going after contact to the head (rightfully so). Owen Sound just lost one of the best players in the AHL there, so they're really going to feel that loss.
  18. He was 58. A heart attack at that age really isn't all that rare.
  19. I don't know. It seems like just about every Dylan song is better the second someone else gets their hands on it.
  20. I think that opinion is about as close to universal as possible.
  21. I missed this one the first time around when I read it. I assume you're talking about Little Fockers here? That one was pretty awful. Meet the Fockers was nowhere near as good as the first one, but your description doesn't seem to fit that movie too well.
  22. Was horse face in that movie? I don't expect there to be anything good involving her.
  23. He's down to about $2.895 billion in cash now. That well's going to run dry soon.
  24. We're looking at such a short window though. Obviously the Sabres are the best fit, but you'd have to wonder how many people would show up if they actually had some other competent parent organization, like, say, Detroit.
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