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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I love the picture on the bag, a cup full of salt.
  2. Maybe to move it away from the people who had just jumped?
  3. I'd say it has the most easily identifiable story among the superheros movies. Yeah, they have their crazy superpowers, but the message behind the movie is an easy sell (one that apparently Brett Ratner couldn't sell). I didn't comment on it for a reason.
  4. I saw the Hangover and X-Men this weekend (a very rainy weekend, had to do something). I really enjoyed X-Men. Like many of the reviews have said, the guy who played Magneto is going to be making a name for himself shortly. He was really good. I wasn't too crazy about the whole Mystique subplot, but it worked out well enough, so I can't complain. Oh, and the cameo was hilarious.
  5. Off the deep end? Like legally changing his name to Warrior? Yeah, I'm not sure exactly when he went off the deep end, but there needs to be an even more extreme version of that phrase because that's where he went.
  6. Chapelle still had a contract, didn't he? If they're really done (and what other message could that episode have possibly sent?), they'll find a way out of it. Personally, I would have been fine if they had walked away after the whole fiasco over episodes 200 and 201.
  7. The urban areas are the real problem though. Whether it's the red light runners or the ones riding in the middle of the road against traffic, there are too many people out there who don't realize that bikes have to obey traffic laws too. Mix that with a large number of drivers who are also clueless and you have a recipe for disaster.
  8. That was just a popular internet rumor. The only thing that happened years ago was that he lost his mind.
  9. Big Cat, just because you act a certain way on your bike doesn't mean that every other biker acts the same way. I see far too many who fly through red lights and stop signs. A lot of them never even bother to look before doing it either. It's pure stupidity and I wish the cops would start going after it out here in Boston. I like this one. Whether I'm walking/riding a bike/whatever, even if I'm totally in the right with what I'm doing, I'm going to err on the side of caution. Any collision with a car? Yeah, I'm not winning that one.
  10. You push the button to record and then when you're done, push it again. Once you do that, it will give you a link and a little play triangle button to the left.
  11. For anyone who saw last night's episode, was that it? Were Parker and Stone just sending out the message that they want to walk away or will they actually do it?
  12. Do they actually walk it across in front of you during the movie like the guy in one of the PSAs at that link does? That seems like it could be a distraction.
  13. That description didn't seem too clear to me. Did he just lean over or did he climb up a bit and actually stick his whole head out the window. If he climbed up and the cop saw it, I don't see too much of a problem with stopping them. His screw up was not giving the ticket to the driver though.
  14. I'd love to know how many people in the city were freaked out that day. That's some crazy stuff.
  15. What's the deal with the kid having to ride the bus past his house every day? They're not just picking him up/dropping him off at the house then driving off? That part seemed strange to me. The rest is pretty funny though. So much effort for about 30 seconds of waving each day.
  16. A suspension where you get to sit at home vs. a suspension where you still have to go into school? I guess it depends on what the parents are like, but I'd rather stay home.
  17. This is going to be a busy month for me. I think I'm most interested in the Green Lantern right now. And yes, looking at who is all over the trailers, there's going to be a franchise there.
  18. I was nowhere near any of that, but I'm assuming the storm I got last night at around 9 was the same cell. It put on quite a show. The lightning might as well have been landing right across the street. There was something strange about it, the lightning seemed to be a different color than I'm used to.
  19. And if that's any indicator, the Avengers is really going to suck.
  20. I saw it saturday and enjoyed it too. I wasn't too crazy for the beginning on the ice planet, but as soon as they got to earth it was far more entertaining. I liked the line at the end of the credits right before that scene that said "Thor will be back in the Avengers". I don't remember seeing something like that in movie credits since one of the Superman movies did it.
  21. Those movies needed to focus more on Obi Wan instead. How was the audience ever going to get behind the main character when they already knew he was going to become Vader? I always wonder which order parents would present those movies to their kids today. The big reveal from each series ruins the big reveal from the other. I guess if you could cut out the birth of the twins, you could view the prequels first, then the originals.
  22. I can't see them ever breaking Montreal away from the other Canadian teams like that. Of course, Columbus moving east is probably the least likely of the scenarios. You're probably well aware of this by now Taro, but I absolutely love the look of that setup where Detroit moves east.
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