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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I love when they use quotes with really poor english like they did in that link. I picture the stereotypical hick like Cletus from the Simpsons while reading those. But anyway, even with a report like that, it has to be the ultimate long shot for something like that to happen. We probably take on even worse odds in our every day life. edit: And after watching that video, I bet that thing is really amazing at night.
  2. Either way, he's still an idiot. Driving at those speeds, you're putting yourself at risk (I guess the speeding thing is another assumption though). But I will give him credit for one thing, at least he didn't take out a second car while doing it. A minor victory, but hey, it's something.
  3. I love how every death thread on this board quickly turns into a WBC event. I'm impressed by the consistency around here.
  4. He always came across as a decent guy on those shows, as opposed to Margera. It does figure though that he died most likely while doing something stupid.
  5. A couple weeks ago, my GPS told me to turn while I was in the middle of a bridge. I didn't listen.
  6. As usual, the truth lies somewhere in between. There were some people who were there looking to cause trouble and there were those where the rioting was far more spontaneous. Either way, it seems to me like this was going to happen no matter who won, which does say a bit about that area.
  7. Will she settle for OJ finally finding the real killers and revealing their identity in an interview?
  8. Because all good kids would put up a long fight over being able to wear their pants around their knees.
  9. Every commissioner gets booed.
  10. How about this one. I've been here for 11 years now. Prior to that, their last one was the Celtics, which was what, mid-80s? Once I show up, they get 4 hockey national chamionships, 3 superbowls, 2 world series, an NBA title and now this Cup. That's a championship per year since I came out here. Why couldn't I use this power when I was in Buffalo?
  11. That invitation is so obvious now that you point that out.
  12. I wonder if there might be a bit of a reading comprehension thing in this one too. I wonder how many kids are going to bother to read through all of those questions that were a bit longer. But either way, there's definitely a lack of teaching involved here. I realized while reading the first line in that article that I was never taught a single thing about the Korean War at any point when I was in school. I guess that means there's a decent change I might have gotten the Korean War too (well, if not for a bit of common sense).
  13. I'd love to see how the ratings spiked at the masters this year when he inched his way towards the top of that leader board. But that was the perfect example of what is wrong with Tiger today. That relatively short eagle putt that would have put him alone in the lead? The real Tiger Woods never misses that putt.
  14. If he remembers how to putt, he'll still win.
  15. I love the picture on the bag, a cup full of salt.
  16. Maybe to move it away from the people who had just jumped?
  17. I'd say it has the most easily identifiable story among the superheros movies. Yeah, they have their crazy superpowers, but the message behind the movie is an easy sell (one that apparently Brett Ratner couldn't sell). I didn't comment on it for a reason.
  18. I saw the Hangover and X-Men this weekend (a very rainy weekend, had to do something). I really enjoyed X-Men. Like many of the reviews have said, the guy who played Magneto is going to be making a name for himself shortly. He was really good. I wasn't too crazy about the whole Mystique subplot, but it worked out well enough, so I can't complain. Oh, and the cameo was hilarious.
  19. Off the deep end? Like legally changing his name to Warrior? Yeah, I'm not sure exactly when he went off the deep end, but there needs to be an even more extreme version of that phrase because that's where he went.
  20. Chapelle still had a contract, didn't he? If they're really done (and what other message could that episode have possibly sent?), they'll find a way out of it. Personally, I would have been fine if they had walked away after the whole fiasco over episodes 200 and 201.
  21. The urban areas are the real problem though. Whether it's the red light runners or the ones riding in the middle of the road against traffic, there are too many people out there who don't realize that bikes have to obey traffic laws too. Mix that with a large number of drivers who are also clueless and you have a recipe for disaster.
  22. That was just a popular internet rumor. The only thing that happened years ago was that he lost his mind.
  23. Big Cat, just because you act a certain way on your bike doesn't mean that every other biker acts the same way. I see far too many who fly through red lights and stop signs. A lot of them never even bother to look before doing it either. It's pure stupidity and I wish the cops would start going after it out here in Boston. I like this one. Whether I'm walking/riding a bike/whatever, even if I'm totally in the right with what I'm doing, I'm going to err on the side of caution. Any collision with a car? Yeah, I'm not winning that one.
  24. You push the button to record and then when you're done, push it again. Once you do that, it will give you a link and a little play triangle button to the left.
  25. For anyone who saw last night's episode, was that it? Were Parker and Stone just sending out the message that they want to walk away or will they actually do it?
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