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Everything posted by shrader

  1. That's some strange timing. I drove by there while I was in town last week and immediately thought "wow, I can't believe they're still around".
  2. He may be untouchable now thanks to the lockout, but he's making that giant bullseye on his chest even bigger. It can't be too long now before he gets himself black listed by the entire league.
  3. Not that it has any impact on anything (other than maybe being the reason he needed the 2nd gun), but when he chased the kid outside, did he fire some shots out there too?
  4. I think you pretty much nailed it there. This was an execution. He may have had a defense if he instead beat the crap out of the guy while he was on the ground, an emotional response. This one just looks so calm and calculated to me.
  5. Especially since they currently have lawyers calling them every second of the day.
  6. I loved the Spock references. They were really timely seeing as how I watched Wrath of Khan last night. That and the final battle were just about all I enjoyed.
  7. I have no idea if she's single, but I wish my dentist would sexually harass me.
  8. And I'm not so sure a bunch of individual accomplishments really factor in to the discussion here. If we're talking winning games/championships, those 3 Grey Cups are the only ones that should enter this discussion.
  9. And for the record, I was talking about Drury.
  10. Is the horseradish strong enough where you can get that sinus clearing moment where it hits you in just the right spot?
  11. But he does know how to win, lucking his way into a situation where he's a young guy surrounded by elite talent.
  12. I still wonder what really counts as an original idea at this point. So much has been done over the years now that someone will always be able to find a past project that has similarities to this so called original idea.
  13. Yeah, the folks at One Bills Drive are saying "please buy us! please buy us!" Ralph on the other hand could not care less. I can't picture a guy his age caring what the public thinks about him anymore.
  14. Hugo Weaving adds another sci-fi/comic book movie (sorry, can't think of the right label here) to his resume? He's quickly becoming a king to all the nerds. -Red Skull -Megatron -Agent Smith -V -Lord of the Rings (sorry, not familiar with those character names)
  15. So Mark, will you be seeing anything this week?
  16. I always think Princess Bride when his name comes up.
  17. You'd probably be looking at around 4 games against each team. I think that leaves plenty of room for rivalries. And as for the concern about teams being eliminated too early, how would that be any different than it is now? The top 8 get in right now and it's a pretty rare case where one division is so crappy that the title winner wouldn't already qualify for a playoff slot.
  18. If they want to realign, just eliminate the divisions all together. They're unnecessary. I'm sure they could work out a balanced schedule with the divisions.
  19. And none of that beer's domestic to them since there were maybe 4 americans at the party. edit: And apparently the Bruins have a thing for bottles of champagne like that. My roommate works at a restaurant out here and the team came in at one point during the season. They wound up drinking 3 of those giant bottles (not sure on the exact size) and then the entire team autographed each one.
  20. In my mind, he's just as stupid. Unless he passed out and was place in the car, he was there willingly.
  21. But what's more predictable, the WBC announcing a protest or the media reporting it?
  22. I thought PR stunt immediately, but then I saw who the actor was. Wouldn't you want to actually marry someone people have heard of if you're trying to jumpstart a career?
  23. Legally, does a marriage cancel out the laws for statutory rape?
  24. That has to be the creepiest wedding picture I've ever seen.
  25. At least that guy isn't doing his stupid dance anymore.
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