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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Was he hooked up to a catheter or something? You'd think he'd have to take a few bathroom breaks over a 12 hour period.
  2. So then Peters and Poz left because of the fans and not because of the much larger salary they were trying to get? Sounds about right.
  3. But how many other board games actually have a built in story like that which they could actually work with for a movie?
  4. Do those things actually sell well because I couldn't imagine they would want their game/whatever it is associated with a story like that. I bet they turn it into some romantic comedy instead, something along the lines of Ghost.
  5. It's sad that I don't have the slightest clue whether you're being serious or not.
  6. Now that he's subject to their rules again, he's trying to cover his tracks. Convenient.
  7. We've only been given 3,846 reasons so far?
  8. Does this mean that we'll start seeing new versions of the game where one fleet in the Navy and the other is all alien ships? Wait, why am I asking this? Of course that will happen.
  9. Read a couple of them. Yeah he was a bit strange, but those posts definitely look like a troll pretending to be him.
  10. The 3D stuff is really starting to annoy me. I'll always go to a standard showing unless the scheduling doesn't work out. The scenes where it is so blatantly obvious that they were designed for 3D really bug me. The couple times that Cap through his shield directly at the camera? Really, is that necessary? If they're going to use 3D, please come up with better ways of utilizing it instead of just going for that wow factor. And since you mentioned the spiderman trailer, I assume those 3D sequences you mentioned are the ones where they show his point of view while swinging through the buildings. I hope that's a 3D thing, because it looks really cheesey if it's not. I'm going to get turned off by that movie really quickly if there's a ton of those shots, especially since I'll avoid a 3D showing like it's the plague.
  11. No it was clear. But just because we don't remember it, does that mean it didn't happen? I think a sci-fi style mega-conspiracy could be fun.
  12. People would actually have to be conscious (or alive) for it to be a bigger story.
  13. I agree with everything that's been said about Captain America.
  14. Of course, back when these comments were made, no one knew for sure whether Poz would be restricted or not.
  15. So it's one giant straw? I'd suggest one of those crazy ones with all the fun loops, but we probably don't have the money for that. I'd settle for a giant bendy straw.
  16. That's a good point. I can't tell you the last time I heard her name before today.
  17. I saw Horrible Bosses last night. It was easily the best comedy I've seen this summer. A good effort by just about everyone involved.
  18. I'd guess Gordon protege for Gordon-Levitt's character.
  19. I only saw bits and pieces of it, but that wasn't really a reboot, was it? I thought they were continuing on from the first one, but with an entirely different cast and crew.
  20. It's definitely way too early for a reboot. It's so soon that it looks like they phased any Osborns completely out of it. I'm not a big Spiderman guy, but that doesn't seem right to me at all.
  21. Does he have any movie work under his belt other than Serenity? They're even billing it that way in the teaser. It really makes you wonder how off the script they could go because of it. I'm not so sure anyone is guaranteed to make it out alive in that one. Based on the teaser alone, things don't look too promising for one core Batman character.
  22. I'm a bit biased, but I have much higher hopes for TDKR. Still, I hope both movies deliver. They definitely have casts/crew that can make good things happen.
  23. If you're going to be concerned about too many characters, the Avengers has to jump to the top of that list by default. There's going to be a long list of star power in that one. If they can balance out all those characters, more power to them. Nolan's already put together some good balance in the first two movies. Ra's, Scarecrow, Falcone, Batman, Gordon, Alfred, Fox in Begins and then Joker, Dent, Maroni, brief Scarecrow appearance, other mob members, Batman, Gordon, Fox in The Dark Knight. That's a pretty long list there, pretty similar in length to what you listed for the new one. I also don't think they wind up going with the rumored Talia Al Ghul character like you mentioned.
  24. Look at some of the acts mentioned in that story. My guess is the event is sponsored by Labatt.
  25. And the Dark Knight Rises trailer made its way onto the internet officially yesterday. It should be interesting to see these two movies battle it out next summer. Can't wait.
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