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Everything posted by shrader

  1. It's Jim Carrey. I don't know how anyone could think it wasn't a joke.
  2. I'm really not sure what to expect out here in Boston. One thing's for sure, I'm bringing in all my hockey gear from the balcony.
  3. I thought you were the guy who loves canadians.
  4. Come on, let's not over dramatize this. They put in a new carpet and a plaque on the wall. Both of these will wind up in the new one.
  5. But if they got rid of the extra point, how would little kids ever learn their multiplication tables for the number 7 (the 2 point conversion has killed that a bit though). I flew through #7 thanks to football.
  6. If they were going to consider that, why not just make all touchdowns equal and eliminate any point after attempt? I guess you lose the late game drama of an attempted 2 point conversion to tie it up, but I could live with that.
  7. I'd have a problem with any place like Home Depot giving him a job though. Yeah, he may be out of money, there are a lot of other people out there who are as well. Those other people didn't squander years worth of million dollar salaries (ok, some may have). That million dollar job is going to eventually return to him. Those other people don't have that option. But yeah, if it was actually an honest effort then I would have no problem with that.
  8. They'll fall back on the fact that their franchise is worth $800 million and they're still making money. Yeah, the Bills would be really embarrassed.
  9. I think the most telling thing on that hit is where Moore's arms were when he made the hit. I really need to watch more than the first drive of the game. Hopefully later today. I'm curious about this roughing the passer call now.
  10. Any of these shows are absolute gold when someone like Bruce Willis or Tom Hanks are on.
  11. I've started DVRing Letterman, Ferguson and Conan this week (finally got a DVR). I'll watch them when I can't find anything on. And I'm not so sure how much the age thing factors into these things. I'm home most of the time when these show are on, but I don't feel like staying up to watch any of them.
  12. I love his initial message to Merriman. It almost looks restraining order worthy.
  13. Looking for a good way to justify making a claim that your story is circulating around messageboards? Head there and post it yourself.
  14. Did anything change with this in the new CBA? It seemed like it was one of the issues in the talks, but I never heard anything about it once things were settled.
  15. He's so bad that he couldn't even cut it in one day of 1st team reps.
  16. I must be in the wrong part of Massachusetts because any pizza I've had around here is awful.
  17. He tried to claim it was the head of a CPR dummy? Did he really expect them to fall for that one?
  18. There's no good comparison out there. Duval peaked for such a short time in his 20s and only won 13 tournaments his entire career. The only comparison for Tiger will always be Jack. And let's not forget that Nicklaus hit a bit of a lull right around this same age. If Tiger can bounce back, the similarities between the two will continue to grow.
  19. I found this on their website. Unfortunately there's no course map, but it's a start. http://atlantaathleticclub.memberstatements.com/tour/tours.cfm?tourid=53921
  20. I hope he can hold on and win this one. He's been near the top of the game for the last couple years but never seems to be in contention at the majors. This is a great start towards fixing that. And he probably wins the masters this year if he could putt. I'm not exactly sure how PEDs impact his putting stroke.
  21. What if it's flying around his living room?
  22. I saw a truck this morning with a bumper sticker that said "Navy Seals 1, Bin Laden 0". I couldn't help but cringe a bit.
  23. My only expectation will be that I will be annoyed by James Franco. He really bugs me for some reason.
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