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Everything posted by shrader

  1. And more importantly, how does one get this job where you get to post on a message board... oh wait, never mind. That's what I do at work already.
  2. I want to say he's throwing away money by not doing it, but I think it's the exact opposite. He'll eventually release the originals, but unfortunately, by then he will have already released 17 more updated versions and the movies' core fan base will be pushing 90. Then again, maybe it'll be a lot like what many people say about the Bills, nothing will change until Lucas is out of the picture.
  3. Just wait until Khan starts quoting Twilight instead of Moby Dick.
  4. Warrior seems so poorly timed. It's way too close on the heels of the Fighter. The Batman connection between the two films is kind of funny though, now that I think about it.
  5. I was wondering if this new bluray set would return to the original versions of the films. I guess that answers that question. Time to spend my money on something else. On top of all those other changes already mentioned, the other one that always bugged me was all the music changes they made in Jedi. The celebration music at the end flowed seamlessly, but now that modernized crap completely ruined it. When your movie is scored by John Williams, don't touch anything.
  6. You also get that list if you hold the left mouse button while clicking on the arrow.
  7. Really, I can't fault him for having that opinion. I'm sure most players feel the same way. His huge mistake here is actually saying it out loud.
  8. I immediately know the exact guy she's talking about.
  9. Well I guess I can give him credit for not pulling the usual "I have to feed my family" line. That's about all I can say though.
  10. I like how the family blamed his ADD. Yeah, that's the problem.
  11. Is anyone going to PJ20 this weekend? I had a place to stay all lined up, but had to pass. It would have been a great way to spend the birthday though. They pretty much have to pull out all the stops for these shows.
  12. It must make you very proud about what you've done during your career when you're getting all of those unspecified visitors that Bucky mentioned. A big to Del Rio and to each of those other visitors and best wishes to Wilson.
  13. They change from show to show because he's drinking the entire way through and they always play it last.
  14. Am I the only one who reads this and thinks it is the father that is the real "brains" behind this whole joke of a lawsuit? It's basically one big slap in the face to his ex-wife.
  15. You've got the shows mixed up a bit. They opened with Wash at a Mansfield show. Crown of Thorns was played at the arena. It was definitely the highlight of that show for me though too... and strangely enough, that was also my 5th PJ show. Oh, and I think it's kind of funny that the song that won over Pooj is now 20 years old.
  16. That was easily their most unique show that I've been to. Two nights earlier (same venue), they pretty much went with a "best of" set list, so for this one they went with quite a bit of their more obscure songs. Opening with Wash was the perfect example of that.
  17. That father is a real piece of work. How is he even allowed to have any connection to suit like that one? If by some remote chance it was a legit complaint, that has to be the biggest conflict of interest imaginable.
  18. It really makes you wonder though when the guy couldn't stick with 3 different teams last year.
  19. Misheard lyrics? Ledbetter has no real lyrics. I can't count the number of different versions I've heard.
  20. I don't know if I ever commented on Apes in here. I liked a lot of the little things they did to distinguish Ceasar from the rest of the crowd. It's such a minor detail but I really enjoyed how he was always standing upright. I was expecting a little bit more from the evil looking ape who they used the newer formula on, but I suppose that will be for a sequel.
  21. So you round up? I always just assumed you should round down so that you can cheat the system a bit.
  22. Or "bottled water". He's got a pretty inclusive label going right now for what Merriman had on him.
  23. I guess my only concern is that my parking spot is right under some very large trees. I just moved to a new apartment but still have access to my old marking spot. I'm tempted to park at that one since it's on higher ground and there are no trees.
  24. If there was ever a time to allow the cut and pasting of an entire article, this would be it. This guy doesn't deserve the extra visits he's going to get to his webpage. Regardless of what he says, he got exactly what he wanted here.
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