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Everything posted by shrader

  1. it's not just a Buffalo thing. It exists at every level from pro football all the way down to college water polo. People are over defensive about their teams. Any negative comment will be magnified a million times and suddenly the writer has started world war 3 with that market. It's hilarious to watch. We may not have been able to predict this final score, but we could definitely predict exactly which posters would be starting these threads and continuing the rant.
  2. It's even funnier when you know who that dead guy beat out in that election.
  3. I know we get our fair share of bad posts/posters around here, but I'd just like to thank the mods from not letting this place look like that. The transforming into a plane post had to have been the most despicable thing I've read on a message board in a while.
  4. Moving up from #30 into the 20s in a power ranking is the equivalent of earning $20 extra per year. Well, actually, it's the equivalent of no change in salary.
  5. They want to level the playing field. If the Bills are completely healthy, but Kansas City has 4 injured players, Buffalo would have 53 bodies for a game, while KC would only have 49. Instead, they place the limit so that both teams will have the same number of players dressed.
  6. We can expand this to cover just about every single topic out there. To be honest, it sounds a lot like what is being done here in this thread in regards to the local media (Sullivan and WGR). The easiest thing of all would be to just walk away, but some things are easier to walk away from than others.
  7. I just get sick of all the whining about the media. This is exactly the response they're looking for and you (not you specifically) continue to give it to them over and over. edit: And by the way, this one from Sullivan seemed ridiculously tame. This whole thread comes across to me as a "hey look, someone mentioned Sullivan, let's complain" event.
  8. I was really hoping for the fairy guy link this time around.
  9. You mean the same people that launch off into hour long diatribes each time someone says something that's even remotely anti-Buffalo? The inferiority/persecution complex among the people of this town has no limits.
  10. You tend to be far more level headed in these kind of threads, so I'll ask you specifically. Do you even read his stuff anymore? If so, why? I will never understand why people complain about him and the radio guys so much yet continue to read/listen. Then there are the others who clearly don't read/listen but complain anyway.
  11. This is all just a matter of semantics. The point Sullivan made with the rebuilding statement was that the previous regimes were supposed to rebuild the team, but they failed miserably. Now Nix is left to rebuild with no foundation at all. A bit of an exaggeration? Sure, but I really can't see any fault in that idea.
  12. And Kyle Williams is a much more proven commodity at this point. He deserved it long before Johnson did. And just for fun: If Overdorf negotiates the contracts, why does Buddy have a number in mind?
  13. I'm guessing by the date stamp, but it does look like it's pretty early in the process for this one. The woman driving the pickup is probably going to pay for this one. The rest will be fine.
  14. Do people even read these anymore before going off on their latest crusade against Sullivan? Yeah, he's pretty much not worth reading most of the time, but this one was incredibly tame. It's an indictment of the previous regimes that have left this team in a bad spot. I don't see how anyone can question that thought. With that said, I will say that the last line of the column was definitely an attempt to stir people up a bit (something Sullivan and Schopp are PAID to do). The rest seemed pretty fair. This thread is right up there with any of the one's where people rant about being ranked 30th in a power ranking.
  15. The thread title here is misleading. The whole thing needs to be read as one line, including the subscript "This roster is a crumbling monument to neglect and bad personnel moves". Yeah, it's not exactly a new idea, but that line sounds pretty accurate to me.
  16. You might want to call that the law of small numbers because if you really wanted to calculate the chance of that, you'll be adding a whole bunch of zeros after the decimal point.
  17. So does that mean #1 in the power poll has absolutely nothing to prove? Which power poll is the official one?
  18. That doesn't really say anything about how they would have done if they still had Evans this year. Obviously that comparison can never be made.
  19. So he's either constantly lying or always telling it like it is? No, the real truth, as usual, lies somewhere in the middle. You show me a GM who is completely up front and 100% honest and I'll show you a guy on the unemployment line. There are some things that Nix is never going to say because it undermines the job he is trying to complete. I have absolutely no problem with that.
  20. I just wonder how much it has to suck to be that guy that makes the roster but then gets cut immediately. I wonder how much they say to these guys, like if they might give them a head up that "hey, we might be looking at someone else".
  21. Hedging his bets a bit after the backlash he got from Tampa fans last year?
  22. You're right, they should be in the 20s. I also think I should earn about $20 more per year.
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