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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Divers don't look up (or down I suppose) because that would create a bigger splash. It has absolutely nothing to do with any potential injury. And as for the latest addition to this thread, I really have to ask. Are you a troll or are you really this dense?
  2. Was it just me or were there a lot of people slipping on that field on sunday?
  3. I kind of want to dive into a brick wall while leading with the top of my head right now.
  4. And it's a natural reaction to test out a hot surface with the palm of your hand or finger tips. That doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. If you educate people on the right ways to approach a scenario, they are far more likely to ignore those impulses and actually do what is far more safe. At one point, just like you, I assumed it would be safer to take a collision with the top of my head. Luckily that misconception was taught out of me in my early teens.
  5. One woman was from Gray's Anatomy. Who knows why they'd go that route. The other was a young comedian. Comedy Central always uses these roasts to try and jump start the career of a young comedian. In their previous roast, they had that Whitney girl with that new sitcom that NBC has been pushing relentlessly in the past month or so. So now you can probably expect the one from yesterday to be getting some pilot deal from one of the networks.
  6. 90 year olds are pretty likely to be spending time in hospitals.
  7. And googling something like "preventing spinal injuries", the same exact message comes up first in just about every single result. But clearly they're all wrong.
  8. And I'd swear it saved me at least once. I walked away with a shoulder injury, but the key phrase there is "walked away". Long story short, keeping your head up spreads the impact of the collision across more of the neck and into the shoulders. With the head down, vertebrae compress and nothing good comes from that. Opinions are great and all, but that doesn't stop them from being blatantly wrong.
  9. Maybe she's gone way downhill over the past 6 years.
  10. If he can figure it out, that will be one hell of a lethal combination at RB.
  11. That's how they always are. The comedians are usually the same people each time, but they've had to mix it up a bit recently. Jeff Ross (Ghadafi) was really the only one who is there for all of the roasts and there's no reason to know who he is either unless you watch all of these roasts. I only watched the second half, but thank god I got to see Shatner (because Comedy Central won't re-air this 75 times this week).
  12. Even his picture looks ridiculously sleazy (yes, I know they intentionally picked that one).
  13. A push? It looked like a full on hit to me.
  14. An entire army or raptors to attack the rest of Easley's family?
  15. Is that anything like a Bills fan in Baltimore?
  16. Because this issue only exists with the fans. The teams have long since moved on.
  17. A friend (originally from Milwaukee) was there. He absolutely loved it, especially the short block of Temple of the Dog stuff.
  18. I'm kind of surprised that it wasn't McGee who wound up on IR. I really think that ship has sailed at this point.
  19. I was thinking the same thing about that guy in the suit. He was hard to miss on that video. There's at least one woman helping to lift that car and yet he's just standing there watching.
  20. No helmet, I get the feeling that guy is facing one hell of an uphill battle.
  21. It always seems like the second I claim that something is my lucky jersey or hat, it immediately loses its power. So yeah, I did absolutely nothing to help the Bills win. Yeah, that's it, nothing at all. edit: But since it's a one time thing that I can't repeat on my own power, I'll mention it. I parked in a lot out here in Boston yesterday before the game and the number on the parking pass was 716. I knew we were set.
  22. First of all, we'll never look like that one because we aren't allowed to post pictures all over the place. Second, there's some very crude language over there that most around here wouldn't even attempt to type out. That's the stuff I'm talking about. We may also only have the average mental ability of a 12 year old over here, but this board is moderated much better than that one. And please don't bring up censorship in this discussion. These are privately owned messageboards that we're talking about. Those owners can restrict whatever they want.
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