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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I enjoyed it, but they could just as easily make the same exact movie and give the characters completely different names. I don't think it would really impact profits one bit.
  2. I get the feeling that they're holding something back.
  3. I don't think that most people seem to get this. Their message couldn't be any more clear with these last two episodes.
  4. I just saw something that said the WBC is going to protest his funeral (no shocker there), spinning their typical garbage. The funny part is that the whack job daughter that announced it posted it on twitter via iPhone.
  5. Is Alderaan the one that they destroyed?
  6. Han all the way. Will Hope Solo even be relevant anymore the next time people care about women's soccer again?
  7. Maybe he could be a really good holder for field goals/PATs.
  8. I saw a kid a week or two ago who was doing the ridiculously low pants thing while wearing tighty whiteys. I'm guessing that didn't work out too well for him.
  9. I hope they get as many people as possible for all of this. Barry, Kitty, Gene Parmesan, Bob Lablaw, Lucile 2, the Sitwells, Carl Weathers... get them all! Oh, and Franklin.
  10. To be fair, getting hit really hard by a car isn't healthy either. As for the big complaint of this thread, I'd be willing to guess that an event like this raises the awareness for other cancers as well. From this thread, it's clear that people are more than aware of those other forms. Just because you're seeing all this pink doesn't mean you have to turn around and donate time/money specifically to breast cancer research. Donate to pancreatic, to testicular, to whatever you want. If the pink just happened to be the reminder for making that cancer donation, success.
  11. Bateman and Cera seem to be constantly spitting out movies, so I'm glad they could find the time for this.
  12. I was going to ask about that. I know he's out there, but I'm not the least bit familiar with any of his work.
  13. Arrogance, and endless budget, and constant complaints about the other side. Which fanbase am I describing?
  14. And the funny part in all of that? Red Sox and Yankees fans have now become the same exact person.
  15. I don't know why any team would want the Red Sox to miss the playoffs after the way this September has gone. If anything, that should be the one team they're dying to play against.
  16. What if the team that kicks that first field goal then intercepts the ball, but somehow runs it back into their own endzone for a safety?
  17. I wish he played for the Penguins so we could get Antarctica involved in this one too.
  18. I doubt it would be a serious option, but did anyone ever pick up Youboty after he was cut by Tampa?
  19. You might want to rephrase that. I'm sure he'll be trying to rupture someone's achilles soon.
  20. So I take it that you haven't read today's story where he says they are the best story in the NFL so far.
  21. I don't want to call it a moment, but it was just the way that we beat them in the way that they always seemed to beat us in those first matchups of the season.
  22. The moves in the preseason with Levitre. Fred Jackson's questioning his status with the team. Maybe a certain head coach knows how to motivate.
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