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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I think a lot of the drivers around here in Boston would actually be safer backing up on the freeway as opposed to that normal "driving" that they do.
  2. I saw a woman turn down a one-way street this morning. When she got halfway down the road, she realized it wasn't where she wanted to go, so she figured she could just back up out of the street. Of course, at this point more cars had turned down the street and it was completely bottled up all the way to the intersection. Does she just cut her losses and decide to keep driving down the one-way street and then make the two right turns necessary to get back to the main road? Of course not. She sits there in reverse waiting for every single car behind her to get out of her way. Needless to say, I'm slightly delayed in starting my work day. If only the cop 100 yards or so in front of her directing traffic had been able to leave his spot for a few seconds and give her one hell of a yelling.
  3. Ah, so it's the idea to stir up some chatter and then pick up on that chatter. Didn't think about it that way. I can't imagine there being too wide of a window for that, but who knows. I have no problem with the idea that the announcement was made for selfish reasons though, but at the same time, it was something the country really needed to hear.
  4. Al Qaeda had to have known pretty quickly that the building was hit. Whether it's people in the area or any potential sources within the Pakastani government/army, they had to know within a matter of hours that the US got to Bin Laden. I forget the exact timeline. How quickly after the strike was the announcement made? I'd have to imagine that they already knew at that point.
  5. Did crayonz ever get that update he was looking for with that sunken UFO in the Atlantic? My guess is they're back.
  6. I'll be picking up mw3 for the PS3 right after work tomorrow. There really is nothing better than the early days of the game where most people don't know the map and no one is aware of any of the little bugs.
  7. And if you want to stay home and watch the classics, perhaps you shouldn't click on a thread titled "November Movies".
  8. I think Beavis' line from the commercial for yesterday's show was the best part of the whole thing. Something along the lines of "wait, this is real? Well then that means she's not a bad actress, she's a bad person".
  9. Cartman never fails to be completely messed up. I'm going to miss clyde frog though.
  10. That line and all the stuff about the jersey shore last week were great. I love those brief moments where the two actually come off as intelligent.
  11. I'd definitely get it. If you plan on getting the second one it's a nice warmup. They set the whole playing style for the game in place there and then took it all out with the second one.
  12. Zoolander is now ruined for me forever.
  13. It's obviously not up to the standards of GTA since you're always on foot (or in the air), but it's definitely a huge map for those purposes. And Mark Hamill voicing the Joker is always worth the price of admission all by itself. There was always something hilarious about riding your horse through the woods in RDR and then suddenly being pulled off of it by a cougar or bear. I enjoyed RDR quite a bit, but at the same time, I haven't yet found myself going back to play it a second time.
  14. Why did it ever go away? They're off to such a great start.
  15. I'm curious about Tower Heist for no reason other than seeing Eddie Murphy go back to his roots. And then there's the Muppets. I'll have to check that out at some point. Thanks to that one, I'll probably be bombarding my brother with youtube links to Kermit's Rainbow Connection.
  16. If you like free roam and Batman, I'd highly recommend Batman Arkham City (the first game was great too). There's something incredibly entertaining about sneaking around as Batman and then taking out and entire gang of 15+ thugs.
  17. And you know that receipt check is coming so why even put it away in the first place?
  18. I wonder if any place has created a system yet where any purchased goods are immediately brought to the door either by an employee or some sort of machine. You can't claim your goods until you show your receipt. That would essentially end this issue. It's probably not practical from a money point of view and of course someone would complain about something, so obviously it will never happen.
  19. Amen to that. Just keep the damn receipt in your hand the second the cashier hands it to you. You end up being delayed by about 5 seconds at the door. Guess what, you would wind up spending those same 5 seconds waiting to turn out of the parking lot anyway.
  20. I had a guy lay on his horn a couple weeks ago when I pulled over because a cop was coming the other direction with his siren on. Even better, about 20 yards in front of me was a red light.
  21. I used to call a lunch lady at my school Beaker. She had to have been a member of that family too. The funniest part is that she had no clue why I called her that.
  22. Jenner was before my time, so I guess that's why the lawyer thing was all I'd ever pick up on. I am kind of surprised I picked up on that one immediately though since only Cochran ever got any attention from that trial.
  23. I could vote for any of Animal, the Swedish Chef, or Statler&Waldorf. But since they're a combo deal and not a singular muppet, I might just have to stick with either of the first two.
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